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Darts On Tele.

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I don't mind the coverage on the TV regarding the Queens passing.

But, it does go on a bit, so I've been searching other Channels for summat to watch...

I've noticed a lot of Darts is being shown on some ITV freeview channels.


You settle down with your mates for a bit of a chat and a few drinks, and then one of them suggests a game of Darts........

Why? Why do I want to spend my time in the pub, standing up, and doing maths ?

Darts is a game for people who can't make conversation, or who are so bored by seeing the same faces night after interminable night that they have to do something apart from talk.

I'm told that Henry VIII was a keen darts player and I can understand that, because he didn't have a Playstation and he needed something to take his mind of an alarming collection of sores that were multiplying in his underpants.

I can believe that throwing some shortened spears at the bottom of a beer barrel might in some way be deemed entertaining.

But now, anyone who can't think of what to say to their friends while in the pub can spend their time texting other friends who aren't there.. Even that is better than bloody Darts...


Of course, it doesn't help that I'm not very good at it... My ability to hit the treble 20 is governed not by Hand-Eye co-ordination, but by the law of averages and probability. mostly, I fail to hit the board at all, or the Dart bounces back and pierces my shoe.

And then I'm expected to stand there, with my foot nailed to the floor, trying through a fog of pain to deduct 17 from 263...

Some people call this a sport, Rubbish, a sport is something that requires specialist clothing, whereas all you need to play darts is a loud shirt that you don't tuck into your trousers, a stomach the size of a Staffordshire, and an idiotic nickname.

I used to like Eric Bristow, Bobby George, Andy Fordham, etc. now they're all called "The Viking" "The Viper" or the "Assassin" when actually they should all be called Fat B's.

Show me someone who likes playing Darts and I will show you a social misfit.

"Padders Bar" doesn't have a dartboard, some people sneer at what they call a "Gastropub" I don't see why!

In "Padders Bar" you can drink safely with your own Tankard and in the Knowledge that nobody will throw a dart into your side, and we have a Chef (Eileen) who, sometimes at least, has a clue what to do with food..

So what am watching on tomorrows TV.  "All day coverage of her Majesty's funeral" or "DARTS"

Neither, I'm painting the ruddy shed!!!






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ITV4 often show darts. Sometimes it gets shunted to ITV3 because 4 is showing other sport. May have escaped your attention that ITV4 shows other sport too.


If you are desperate to watch Minder or The Avengers, put the ITV Hub on. Oh, the darts isnt on tomorrow btw.

Edited by HeHasRisen
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16 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Wow.....Nick Ferrari looking young in that video 😄

He kept his shirt on though and didn’t throw anything.


Bit of a rip off, if you ask me.

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