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Ron Desantis Has 'Beaten The Left' At Their 'Own Game'

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2 minutes ago, Leo Tomlinson said:

Mind you you are right , any one who has been resettled in our Our City should be spread  in all areas not just the ones already  suffering from poverty , Perhaps the blame is else where as social housing is only built in areas deemed working class,  If any is being built at all that is .

Absolutely correct.

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11 hours ago, HumbleNarrator said:

It's hardly fare for the southern states and Florida to absorb all the migrants through Mexico just because of geography is it? it's a bit like Italy's legitimate and understandable request that other EU states take more of their fare share of migrants from Africa.

I've lost count of the number of times people on here claim migrants should legally seek sanctuary in the first safe port of call and not move on...


...a core component of Brexit!


It is good to know that you would support the French if they decided to do the same with migrants wanting to come to the UK! :thumbsup:




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14 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

The “tables have turned” as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis “beat the left” at their own game, Sky News host James Morrow says. Mr DeSantis sent two planes full of illegal immigrants without warning to the island of Martha’s Vineyard.

Hmmm, yeah, but does that translate into votes when one of the core voting demographics in your state are members of this community and the families these people are trying to reach?


There's a reason Republican candidates are desperately scrubbing any mention of their previous support for repealing Roe:


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1 hour ago, Leo Tomlinson said:


I was in the Northern General for over 8 hours yesterday waiting with hundreds of others for treatment , Thank god for the immigrants who were manning the various stations , they along with the other Sheffielders are at breaking point .

And without them the whole thing would collapse .

Did they arrive illegally by boat?


Or did they apply for a visa which was accepted because they have skills that we require?

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1 hour ago, Leo Tomlinson said:

Mind you you are right , any one who has been resettled in our Our City should be spread  in all areas not just the ones already  suffering from poverty , Perhaps the blame is else where as social housing is only built in areas deemed working class,  If any is being built at all that is .

We know full well that those people complaining that migrants are only housed in poorer areas would be up in arms at them getting the best housing in the best areas if they were placed there.

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28 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Hmmmm, I see your point, but I for one would LOVE to see the HORROR of the beautiful people of Dore/Totley/Ecclesall/Fullwood/Crosspool have these migrants land on THEM for a change. They'd change their tunes on migrants REAL QUICK, yep yep yep.

Well from starting out on the Manor estate, working hard and ending up living alongside the ‘beautiful people’ for the last 43 years I offer the following. The areas of a Sheffield that you appear to hate so much are situated within S17 and S10 which are contained within the Labour ward of Hallam, I’m sure that Olivia Blake will thank you and your like for attempting to alienate the constituency that she worked so hard to win from the Labour Party.





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1 hour ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Hmmmm, I see your point, but I for one would LOVE to see the HORROR of the beautiful people of Dore/Totley/Ecclesall/Fullwood/Crosspool have these migrants land on THEM for a change. They'd change their tunes on migrants REAL QUICK, yep yep yep.

A lot of folks are  always in favour of bleeding heart political theory, until they are themselves affected.


All the gun banning politicians have their own gun totin' security details around them and their family.


Gummint welfare housing, but not in THEIR neighborhoods.


Wind Farms, but not where THEY can see them.


Wars in Europe, but not if they have to go.


And, of course immigrants, but not in the "exclusive" neighborhoods they brag about in Real Estate ads.


They don't like some walls, unless it's around their property to keep out riff raff.


Today it's called NIMBY (not in MY backyard) but older Sheffield residents may recall the old terms, "I'm alright, Jack! and "Let George do it".


Human Nature!





Edited by trastrick
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2 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Given that the area has turned Labour I expect it will become a place of sanctuary for migrants (yeah right! 😁)


I'm stannington BTW, not quite in your league but oh well. 🤣

You have a huge chip in your shoulder don’t you? 

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11 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

No not really. For what it's worth I admire those areas and aspire to live there but the naked hypocrisy of many that do live there is maddening. 

You are imagining a Hallam that hasn’t existed for many a year. It is a Labour ward purely and simply because it has a very high incidence of very well paid Public Sector, Labour voting employees/retirees resident within it’s borders.

Edited by crookesey
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