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Life After Death

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4 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Well, when I started this thread I didn't really think it would end up like this. ...

I have to admit I find that hard to believe especially as you first sentence in your post Life After Death was a question inviting a response!


"Well, is there?"


So I will leave it at that.;)


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1 minute ago, Dromedary said:

I have to admit I find that hard to believe especially as you first sentence in your post Life After Death was a question inviting a response!


"Well, is there?"


So I will leave it at that.;)


Yeah, you do that.

2 minutes ago, sibon said:

I’d forgotten how this thread started. 

Looking back, it is a shame that it has ended up like this.


I hope the funeral goes ok. I don’t believe in life after death, so I hope that your friend’s loved ones find some peace and closure via the funeral. That’s the point of them, as far as I’m concerned.

As for your friend, it just makes me terribly sad that people end up in such a way.

Yup, I have to agree especially with your last bit.🙏

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4 hours ago, Dromedary said:

I am also open to possibilities as well but so far the evidence suggests that although it may be possible there is an afterlife or indeed ghosts the evidence suggests that it is not very probable. 


I didn't say you were brainwashed I said it was because some were brainwashed at an early age. 


How did you come to learn about God then?

I'm glad to hear you are more open minded than I thought.

You seemed to be inferring that everyone who believes in God was brainwashed. I don't believe they are.

If I said God came to visit would you believe me?

4 hours ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

It's interesting then that we seem to 'need' psychics to act as intermediaries... :suspect:

We don't, anyone can do what they do, but it takes inner quiet and practise.  It's like meditation, but you don't always hit the sweet spot. They've trained, so they can hit it more often than most, and still not always.

Edited by Anna B
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42 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Well, when I started this thread I didn't really think it would end up like this. I should have known really. To be honest I started it for selfish reasons, I won't go into them but after a few great/intresting posts the rot set in and that's a shame.

Anyhow, tomorrow is the day of the funeral so I hope my friend finds the peace in death that they couldn't find in life.



Hope it goes well DADDY and you at least get some comfort from being with other people who will be grieving with you.


It wasn't selfish to start the thread at all, and it's lead to an interesting exchange of views, that's all. On this subject people  will never agree. After all, we've been arguing about it for at least 2,000 years, and probably still be at it for the next 2,000.


God Bless.

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3 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Hope it goes well DADDY and you at least get some comfort from being with other people who will be grieving with you.


It wasn't selfish to start the thread at all, and it's lead to an interesting exchange of views, that's all. On this subject people  will never agree. After all, we've been arguing about it for at least 2,000 years, and probably still be at it for the next 2,000.


God Bless.

That's a fine post Anna.

Thank you 🙏

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1 hour ago, Dromedary said:

Sorry but now you have said that I will carry on replying to the posts, it is a forum after all....:hihi:



It is.


But you are also allowed to use a bit of discretion. 

Don’t hide behind cultural norms. If you fancy being offensive, go for it.  But please also own your actions.

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29 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I'm glad to hear you are more open minded than I thought.

You seemed to be inferring that everyone who believes in God was brainwashed. I don't believe they are.

If I said Good came toe visit would you believe me?

I take it you mean God..... if so then no, only that you believe it happened. Whatever you do just don't tell a doctor that God visited you or you may get sectioned. But that does go someway in explaining why you believe the way you do. I don't think God have ever visited the Pope and yet he is meant to be God's representative on Earth so something is amiss.


In the late 60s and early 70s LSD was very popular with some and it was found that many of those who actually believed in some God had a religious experience and those that didn't, didn't. I took lots and never had any Godly experience ever and yet a Catholic friend at the time said she danced with him! 


But for me I believe that God, the afterlife, ghosts etc are just manifestations created by the human brain which are not real but perceived as such. If you are happy to believe in them then that is fine by me, trying to say they are real is not.

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