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Life After Death

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9 hours ago, m williamson said:

In my opinion the best advice ever given about religion was provided by Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor and philosopher, 121 AD to 180 AD.

He was approached by high ranking members of Roman society to ask his advice as to what religion they should follow.

There were a few to choose from at the time,  Greek Gods, Roman Gods,the  Jewish God and the recent Christian God.


His advice was "  Live a good life, that way if the God(s) are just they will not mind that you didn't devote all your time to worshipping them. If the God(s) are not just you shouldn't have been worshipping them in the first place. If there are no God(s) you will be gone, but you will live on in the memory of those that loved you."


Best advice ever in my opinion , so much so that any day now I intend to start living a good life.

Wise words indeed, that everyone of all creeds should take note of and live by.  And as Cressida says we can learn a lot if we did but listen.

In my mind 'Living a good life' is about helping others wherever you can, and trying to leave the Earth better place than you found it. But let's not pretend that's always easy...

Edited by Anna B
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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

Wise words indeed, that everyone of all creeds should take note of and live by.  And as Cressida says we can learn a lot if we did but listen.

In my mind 'Living a good life' is about helping others wherever you can, and trying to leave the Earth better place than you found it. But let's not pretend that's always easy...

Yes, a righteous atheist or agnostic is equal to anyone who's devoutly religious.


Whatever disbelief I might have on the 'miraculous element' of the Bible, I do prefer to live in and amongst a Christian (Anglican) cultural community, probably that's because I was raised in such a community.  So, you could say I am a "cultural" Christian.

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I am an atheist. I believe religion was devised by men who wanted power over others lives. promising a perfect life after death to make up for their  miserable lives in this world caused by these same men. So no, I don't believe in life after death. My 'religion' is to do to others as I would have them do to me and mine, or as near as I can get to that ideal.

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On 18/09/2022 at 21:57, Padders said:

When I die, I plan to be that Spirit who mediums contact,

Then I can really mess with them :hihi:

I know lot of people on here have said that they're agnostic, and to be honest I am skeptical about the existence of an afterlife.

However, some mediums and spiritualists are uncannily accurate, in what they know that cannot be explained by prior knowledge, or trickery. Yes, some people's emotional intelligence is such that they are incredibly perceptive at reading people, nevertheless to be so accurate in reading the specifics of someone's life goes far beyond well honed emotional intelligence.

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15 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I know lot of people on here have said that they're agnostic, and to be honest I am skeptical about the existence of an afterlife.

However, some mediums and spiritualists are uncannily accurate, in what they know that cannot be explained by prior knowledge, or trickery. Yes, some people's emotional intelligence is such that they are incredibly perceptive at reading people, nevertheless to be so accurate in reading the specifics of someone's life goes far beyond well honed emotional intelligence.

There's a million dollar prize for any psychic who can demonstrate they are able.

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51 minutes ago, Mister M said:

The one I went to see, as described in post 5, was really good.

There are lots of charlatans out there, I agree. But not all of them are

A friend (a believer) took me to a reading. it was in some Sheffield club room . The lights were low, the two readers, a man and a woman, were sat at a table with candles flickering. There were about a dozen 'subjects' to go at. I see hands! The man exclaimed. The woman then progressed around the tables and when she came to me she quizzed about my family and what I told her were all fibs but she nodded along. Afterwards my friend admitted she wasn't very good!


But, I do remember once at close friend's house when her elderly cousin was there on a visit. she said "Tom can read palms so will he read mine?" He really didn't want to but she browbeat him into it. He said "have you had a traumatic experience when you were 14/16?" I had, and my friend wouldn't know about that as I didn't know her then and had never mentioned it. So, whether a mark is left on a hand when we experience injuries or the like, I'm not sure.

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