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Life After Death

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6 hours ago, Anna B said:

... And if you don't like the word 'Faith,' try substituting the word 'hope.' It's only a little word but it is essential for our wellbeing. Humans need hope. We cannot live a satisfactory life without it. 

It's decidedly less than comforting to acknowledge that we're all tiny blips hurtling through the void for a picosecond or two in the overall scheme of things.  If people need to believe a delusion that we're not, essentially, food for worms, especially if they haven't embraced Mr Keating's advice to embrace the carpe diem, then faith and/or hope it is.



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9 hours ago, Dromedary said:

Yes, unless you can prove otherwise and give us some factual concrete evidence that they are not. Don't forget there is a one million dollar prize at stake so people should be queuing up for that as it should easily be proven by at least one person.


Not really a generalisation at all as there is no proven evidence that any of it is real, just as there is no evidence that God is real. It's not necessary to meet them all as I'm sure if the evidence and proof exists it will be in all the papers for all to read, but strangely for some reason it's not.


Yes as just like science our understanding is time limited and subject to change. Just like Galileo discovering hundreds of years ago that we were not the center of the universe and the planets revolved around the sun, much to the annoyance of the Catholic church. 


At the moment they can and until other evidence is put forward it is a certainty.


Now, possibilities are an entirely different matter. It is possible that a teapot is in orbit around Mars but its is highly improbable and unlikely that it is the case but it does not stop people believing that.


It's not that I don't like the word just that I also understand what that word means = belief without proof. Is the World flat or a globe as the actual proof states its a globe and yet some seem to believe it is flat. That is also a possibility but shown to be false. 


No they don't and yes we can as its a modern construct. Only the weak and frail believe that as it goes full circle with faith, hope and also charity which again is a religious construct.


I have absolutely no problems with people believing in a faith, the problems come with people believing it is true and then complaining when people question that.



There are many things in the world that have no proof. 'Love' cannot be scientifically proven, but the results of it are manifest and powerful. The very fact that the Earth is here against all the odds supporting life and we are alive , thriving and conscious enough to even contemplate these things is a highly unlikely miracle in itself.


Faith and hope are far from modern constructs. They go back almost to the beginning of mankind's ability to reason. Gods have played an integral part in mankind's development; Stonehenge, symbolic burials, cave paintings, etc, and the story of Pandora's box go back into antiquity. They are a necessary part of man's development and still IMO necessary components of the human experience. We are the first generation arrogant enough to believe we know it all and can do without it. 


As for knowing it all, Quantum Physics is turning up all sorts of strange surprises that are overturning our understanding of the Universe. We have yet to see what conclusions it will yield.

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16 hours ago, Dromedary said:

No, they all are its just you don't want to accept you were fooled by one that's all, as always faith needs no proof though.


Now we are out of the EU we should bring back the Fraudulent Mediums Act and lets see how long the charlatans last then when they have no income to rely on.

I wasn't fooled by one, I know what I heard, and I know that it accorded with my experience. If you can't explain it then admit to it, rather than accusing others. 

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9 minutes ago, trastrick said:

A wise man once said, "Everybody is entitled to their beliefs. As long as they don't seek to impose them on others".

Yes that would be wrong, but if open friendly debates where one party wants to make their argument and  vice versa- then that's all good IMO.


Plenty of those type of discussions go on- some can switch their precious held views.

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26 minutes ago, Anna B said:

There are many things in the world that have no proof. 'Love' cannot be scientifically proven, but the results of it are manifest and powerful.

Love is not a thing though as it's just a feeling that people have in a way that lust is.


26 minutes ago, Anna B said:

The very fact that the Earth is here against all the odds supporting life and we are alive , thriving and conscious enough to even contemplate these things is a highly unlikely miracle in itself.

It's not though as it happened, and miracles do not exist unless you believe in a religion that also supports them.


26 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Faith and hope are far from modern constructs. They go back almost to the beginning of mankind's ability to reason. Gods have played an integral part in mankind's development; Stonehenge, symbolic burials, cave paintings, etc, and the story of Pandora's box go back into antiquity.

That was before people were educated enough to understand how we came about.


26 minutes ago, Anna B said:

They are a necessary part of man's development and still IMO necessary components of the human experience. We are the first generation arrogant enough to believe we know it all and can do without it. 

No we are the first generation educated enough to understand and make our own minds up without having to have a religion to do it for us. Religion after all was just the precursor to politics and a way of using control over the uneducated masses so they could then accumulate wealth and brainwash people from birth.


26 minutes ago, Anna B said:

As for knowing it all, Quantum Physics is turning up all sorts of strange surprises that are overturning our understanding of the Universe. We have yet to see what conclusions it will yield.

One of the reasons I said :"just like science our understanding is time limited and subject to change."

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42 minutes ago, Anna B said:

There are many things in the world that have no proof. 'Love' cannot be scientifically proven, but the results of it are manifest and powerful. The very fact that the Earth is here against all the odds supporting life and we are alive , thriving and conscious enough to even contemplate these things is a highly unlikely miracle in itself.

That's a huge and nebulous concept, isn't it?  If you break it down into its constituent components you can ask specific questions and examine each from a variety of perspectives. Attraction, lust, attachment, platonic love, love for a hobby or a sportball team, all can be examined variously psychologically, sociologically, biologically, biochemically, etc.  No miracles required.



Faith and hope are far from modern constructs. They go back almost to the beginning of mankind's ability to reason. Gods have played an integral part in mankind's development; Stonehenge, symbolic burials, cave paintings, etc, and the story of Pandora's box go back into antiquity. They are a necessary part of man's development and still IMO necessary components of the human experience. We are the first generation arrogant enough to believe we know it all and can do without it

Oh no we absolutely are not.  Arrogance is a defining characteristic of humanity, and one which is never more clearly defined than when examining the closed mindedness of those who maintain that God or gods are the unquestionable and final source of 'truth'.


Curiosity is the very basis of science.  If we 'know it all', science ceases to exist.  You ask a question, you provide the evidence, the evidence is questioned and examined and either supported or rejected, and the cycle begins again.  Rejecting religious 'evidence' and doctrine tends not to go down too well...



As for knowing it all, Quantum Physics is turning up all sorts of strange surprises that are overturning our understanding of the Universe. We have yet to see what conclusions it will yield.

That's the opposite of what you suggested in the previous paragraph!  But I agree: we have lots to learn.  Science marches on.

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37 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I wasn't fooled by one, I know what I heard, and I know that it accorded with my experience. If you can't explain it then admit to it, rather than accusing others. 

But many have tried to explain how the psychics and mediums operate already by cold reading and trickery with many other things coming into play so I really don't need to explain further. It's simple... you were fooled, and probably out of pocket as well or was it all done for free?

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4 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

But many have tried to explain how the psychics and mediums operate already by cold reading and trickery with many other things coming into play so I really don't need to explain further. 

The mind can play tricks on a person. Some folks are more prone to suggestiblity than others.


How many times did we see the tent , with the sign the "Original"

Gypsie Rose Lee" at fairgrounds all around the country?


They make a good living, still.


An expert at mind reading, a hypnotist, a "medium" or a market stall operator, can exploit this human condition for gain.


It'so common that every kid in school can draw an alien, or a Loch Ness monster, and they all look the same.






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1 hour ago, Dromedary said:

But many have tried to explain how the psychics and mediums operate already by cold reading and trickery with many other things coming into play so I really don't need to explain further. It's simple... you were fooled, and probably out of pocket as well or was it all done for free?

The medium explained to me things to me about myself that were only on the edges of my awareness, such as habits and the way I was dealing with difficulties at the time.

I have no idea how any cold reading could glean that information, if you know then perhaps you could explain it further.

Yes I was out of pocket - not because she demanded money for herself, but because people made a donation to the hospice she collected for.

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