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Use Hario's if you like poor and incompetant service


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I thought I'd share with you all a particularly irritating experience that me and our lass have had this evening:


My better half works late of a Tuesday evening meaning that her work are obliged to pay for her tea seeing as she gets in at an unreasonable hour. Tonight she went to Hario's on Middlewood road in Hillsborough for her tea, natrually she asked for a reciept for her tea so she could claim it back but was met by the following:


Two incompetant members of staff struggling with the till for 5 mins while the food sat there cooling down


Being offered a post it note with the food order written on it in lieu of a reciept as the dimwits could not work the till


The two members of staff arguing in a foreign language and being quite rude and abrupt with her even saying that they couldn't sort it out now as they had other customers to serve so she should come back another day.


What kind of sh*te service is that?!? I've been in there before and found that the staff are on the cusp of being rude or abrupt and very seldom go in there for that very fact but after tonights performance I can give you all a cast iron guarantee that I'll never set foot in there again.


Needless to say that a fairly shirty letter will be going to the owners, I felt it fair to warn you all of the shonky service that we had the misfortune to recieve. It's not as if the food is all that nice! IMO Hario's suck ass and if you have any common sense you'll heed my warning and avoid the place like you would a fly blown corpse. :rant: :rant: :rant:

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Well, bad service and rudeness is one thing, but in fairness I wouldn't have thought that they get many (if any) requests for a receipt in a pizza shop. It might have been the first time they'd been asked.


Anyways, sorry your partner had a bad experience. :)

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