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Supermarket Petrol Prices

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4 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Well you say that but there is NO WAY all those cars using the fuel station are actual members. People who are members lend their cards out to family, friends and neighbours etc.

Unlike the main building, cards are not checked at the fuel station so a blind eye is turned to that.

My memory is you just have to scan them so aye, cards could be getting passed around. Maybe even a photocopy of the barcode would work. Something to ponder.


Personally I wouldnt queue up for an hour to save a fiver, time is money.

Edited by HeHasRisen
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58 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Would imagine the Euro is performing better against the dollar than the Pound is, which also helps.


Its nearer £1.30 on the current conversion rate, btw.

I got 1 euro to 80p on my last cash withdrawal. I’ve just looked up the exchange rate and I’ve no idea how😁


Petrol was more expensive in France  than the UK, when I was last here in the early summer. Not by much, but the gulf is huge now.


Time to ask why.

Edited by sibon
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I think you may find that the new owners of Asda saw an opportunity to increase their profits by ceasing to compete with their existing petrol station outlets and lo and behold the other supermarkets were not slow to recognise an opportunity for a quick buck

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