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Vegans Doing Their Thing.

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That video was hilarious!

"They literally just hit two of us"
"If they got killed.... you would be responsible"

Er... no, you jumped in front of a moving vehicle, there's a big difference, it would probably get noted as a suicide 🤣

Edited by Pyrotequila
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29 minutes ago, Pyrotequila said:

That video was hilarious!

"They literally just hit two of us"
"If they got killed.... you would be responsible"

Er... no, you jumped in front of a moving vehicle, there's a big difference, it would probably get noted as a suicide 🤣

Its why i call them "Cry Bullies"


They love to give it out but as soon as people fight back they scream victim.


Its time to fight back against these hard left narcissists......im sick of them  

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8 hours ago, sibon said:

But it really wouldn’t.  Feeding animals in order to feed people is very wasteful in resource terms.

Veganism is not just about eating animals though as there is much more to it than that. Cows, Sheep and Goats etc are grazers that eat grasses which we cannot digest and Pigs will eat almost anything so it make perfect economic sense to use them to do just that. 


8 hours ago, sibon said:

Although I do like eating meat.

I do as well although I don't consume a great deal of it and have a healthy diet.

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Industrial crop production creates a landscape devoid of habitats friendly to plants and animals. 

Industrial crop production is only possible in a minority of the rural Britain.

You cannot grow crops successfully on the hills, moors and mountains, the woodlands and forests, the coast, the wetland and the estuaries,  the urban areas, the suburbs, parks and gardens

But you can grow grass and grass makes cows.

Grass is as efficient as solar panels and is free, never needs connecting to a grid, and is far less polluting or environmentally damaging than solar panels. It never needs replacing and cows don't need paying to build, maintain and dispose of it.


Millions of tons of potential animal feed is wasted every year and generates huge quantities of greenhouse gases and at vast expense.

We pay £millions to buy things to cut grass. We pay £millions to people to cut it. We pay £millions to buy things to dispose of the grass.

Sheep produce excellent turf, they provide free fertilizer, they remove industrial pollutants and they even replace themselves.


Thousands of square miles of woodland, forests, embankments, cuttings and roadsides could be managed for free by goats and pigs. Why not tether a goat or two to a pole in the middle of every grassy round about.


Food for thought.

"If I ruled the world..."


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