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Putin Threatens The West

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1 minute ago, trastrick said:



It's the degree of tolerance for opposing viewpoints.


I give you the entire SF record here of the outright venom directed to opposing views. Mirrored in the present Western culture!


"Putin puppets" et al, ,remember?


But what's the use?  You are incapable of seeing it!


Enjoy your wars!





And yet you show no degree of tolerance by accusing me of being incapable of seeing other viewpoints (when I rarely contribute) and then give up "what's the use" by failing to see other viewpoints. 


"Enjoy your wars"


Be careful, if this triggers World War 3 which some are predicting, you'll be enjoying it with us. 



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1 minute ago, Delayed said:

And yet you show no degree of tolerance by accusing me of being incapable of seeing other viewpoints (when I rarely contribute) and then give up "what's the use" by failing to see other viewpoints. 


"Enjoy your wars"


Be careful, if this triggers World War 3 which some are predicting, you'll be enjoying it with us. 



I think we probably all agree that is a terrifying thought.

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12 minutes ago, L00b said:

<Where to start?> Every Russian trope in there, bar none.


'It's western governments and big money firms in new york who want this war with Russia' (having infiltrated agents to kickstart a civil war in the Donbass (just like they did in Georgia and elsewhere) Russia started that war in 2014 after the Maidan revolution deposed their Russian puppet Yanukovich, Russia upped the ante in 2022)


'they [western governments/big money] want regime change in Russia and to fragment it' (nonsense on a stick, the disaggregation of the Russia Federation is possibly the *most dangerous* potential outcome of regime change in Russia/this conflict, which western governments are only too aware of, and none would be pushing for that very reason)


'NATO encroaching East' (done to death in here already - whole load of  paranoid b***** from Russia)


'Eastern european countries bordering Russia installed by western money' (fall of iron curtain and sovereignty restored to them by the ex-USSR governements did that, these countries joined the EU for their socio-economic development, and NATO for some of them, off their own sovereign volition)


'Maidan revolution was a coup that installed an unelected governement' (Yanukovich was lawfully deposed by the elected Ukrainian Parliament, a government of unity (cross-party) was set up to manage the aftermath, a full GE was held the following October)


'Ukraine is falling apart' (it isn't), 'Ukraine is taking the heaviest casualties from artillery systems' (it isn't), 'Ukraine don't have air defenses (they routinely shoot down Russian helicopters, jets, and 90+% of cruise missiles and drones lobbed at them; and that's without the Patriot missile batteries promised to them; there 's a reason Russian helos and jets don;t visit the front any more (and in fact, rather less) than Ukrainian helos and jets: there's too much air defense on both sides!)


It's a whole list of Kremlin-inspired wishful thinking, that does not reflect the reality on the ground reported (independently) by the OSINT community.


Ukraine is hurting, sure. They've taken, and are still taking, a lot of casualties, sure. They were -and still are- a David, to Russia's Goliath. Even with stacks of western-supplied MANPADS and some rusty seconds.


But in strategic and tactical terms, so far, the maps speak for themselves: Ukraine has wiped just about all of Russia's gains of last year, and fought it to a winter standstill, whilst taking out 75+% of Russia's professionalised troops (paras/VDVs over and above the rest) and 50% of their front line armored capacity. I don't buy the "T34 coming back from the east" propaganda...but there's a lot less T80s and T90s with 'Z' about, than 6 or even 3 months ago. And since then, under the sanctions, Russia can't buy the machine tools and parts for the CNCs, nor the embedded electronics for the planes/missiles/<...>. Why else do you think they're grabbing drones from Iran and parts from North Korea?


Ukrainains have proven proving particularly adept at lateral thinking and repurposing whatever they're given to maximum effect, and Russia has proven comparably  inept at combining different arms (artillery, troops, armor, air support) to attack objectives. Russians are fighting for money, or a Lada/fur coat for the Mrs. Ukrainians are fighting for their lives, and necessity is the mother of invention.


For instance: how is Ukraine so effective against Russian positions and armor with their own (non-HIMARs) artillery? By massively using GPS-equipped drones for target spotting, and grabbing and repurposing the Uber algorithm for target list prioritisation. It's highly asymmetrical, with 'results' just as asymmetrical, in Ukraine's favour. Thankfully for them.

Thanks for the comprehensive reply. I’m not going to defend the good colonel but I was a bit suspicious of his Wikipedia page. I’ve found that when a Wiki page is not available for public editing it’s often a sign that a hatchet job has been done on its subject. 
I’ll be keeping the Ukraine flags on my sig for now.

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59 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

You should not bring Ireland into it too unless you want to start another thread.

People have extremely strong feelings about that too because it's not our Ireland.

It's not Russia's Ukraine either. That's the only reason I made the comparision.

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13 minutes ago, Delayed said:

And yet you show no degree of tolerance by accusing me of being incapable of seeing other viewpoints (when I rarely contribute) and then give up "what's the use" by failing to see other viewpoints. 


"Enjoy your wars"


Be careful, if this triggers World War 3 which some are predicting, you'll be enjoying it with us. 





That's my problem exactly! You screw up the World not only for yourselves, but for everybody else!


I'm called all the names under the sun for pointing out that feeding the Bear (with Crimea) doesn't satisfy him.


He'll be back for more!


And your so-called "Western values" you seek to bestow on the World, involves major crises in ever aspect of you government, spiral National Debt because you can't, and won't pay for your massive spending on the bribes your elected politicians have to give in order to get elected!


It's stopped raining here, so I'm off to talk to real people who have commonsense! (formerly European Colonials)  :)




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3 minutes ago, trastrick said:



That's my problem exactly! You screw up the World not only for yourselves, but for everybody else!


I'm called all the names under the sun for pointing out that feeding the Bear (with Crimea) doesn't satisfy him.


He'll be back for more!


And your so-called "Western values" you seek to bestow on the World, involves major crises in ever aspect of you government, spiral National Debt because you can't, and won't pay for your massive spending on the bribes your elected politicians have to give in order to get elected!


It's stopped raining here, so I'm off to talk to real people who have commonsense! (formerly European Colonials)  :)




Anyone would think that you live in the middle East with your apparent hatred of the west. 


Off you pop to display your tolerance and only speak to the people that agree with you

Edited by Delayed
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15 minutes ago, Jim Hardie said:

Thanks for the comprehensive reply. I’m not going to defend the good colonel but I was a bit suspicious of his Wikipedia page. I’ve found that when a Wiki page is not available for public editing it’s often a sign that a hatchet job has been done on its subject. 
I’ll be keeping the Ukraine flags on my sig for now.

You're welcome.


I hear what you say about Wiki pages. But it's accurate enough, I had some familiarity with his earlier materials about Ukraine (esp. last year) and 'choice of past associates' (RT, Fox, Trump...it reads like the CV of your standard western Kremlin shiller ; loads more like him in and out of the US).

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9 minutes ago, Delayed said:

Anyone would think that you live in the middle East with your apparent hatred of the west. 


Off you pop to display your tolerance and only speak to the people that agree with you

I'm speaking to people who have generations of experience with the Western elitist morality. :)


There's a huge majority out in the World that don't share Western liberal World Orders!  :)


You won't find them so easy to dismiss these days!


Thank god!


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59 minutes ago, altus said:

It's not Russia's Ukraine either. That's the only reason I made the comparision.

You need to read more carefully before you criticise because I had already said that.

I have always believed that all countries should  agree to give back every bit of territory which they took in the past, usually by force,

and I would not have defended the Falklands, nor sent troops to Northern Ireland as we have been one of the worst culprits in this respect.



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