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Putin Threatens The West

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5 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

You need to read more carefully before you criticise

As do you.


My post mentioning Ireland was in response to trastrick accusing the west of colonialism over Ukraine when, as I pointed out, it's actually Putin who's guilty of colonialism in this case. You complained about my using the UK and Ireland as an example and I replied explaining why. I'm sorry if you took that explanation as a dig at you, it wasn't meant as one.

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11 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

You need to read more carefully before you criticise because I had already said that.

I have always believed that all countries should  agree to give back every bit of territory which they took in the past, usually by force,

and I would not have defended the Falklands, nor sent troops to Northern Ireland as we have been one of the worst culprits in this respect.



Yes, just go back a few years earlier and it was the norm for the U.K. to invade god knows where for god knows what, killing god knows how many. The news then came from biased newspapers and brief radio coverage, always making the folk we were killing the villains of the piece. I’m no Putin fan but I don’t recall us or the USA getting involved when messers Lenin and Stalin were strutting their respective stuff against folk that wouldn’t bow down to them.

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14 minutes ago, crookesey said:

Yes, just go back a few years earlier and it was the norm for the U.K. to invade god knows where for god knows what, killing god knows how many. The news then came from biased newspapers and brief radio coverage, always making the folk we were killing the villains of the piece. I’m no Putin fan but I don’t recall us or the USA getting involved when messers Lenin and Stalin were strutting their respective stuff against folk that wouldn’t bow down to them.

No recall of the Korean War, then?

The Berlin airlift?

The CIA shipping Stinger missiles by the container to the Mujahideen in the 80s?

Proxy wars in Africa throughout the same period?


The US, the UK and a whole host of others had been at Russia and reciprocally over geopolitical influence since the end WW2 non-stop.

Edited by L00b
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8 minutes ago, L00b said:

No recall of the Korean War, then?

The Berlin airlift?

The CIA shipping Stinger missiles by the container to the Mujahideen in the 80s?

Proxy wars in Africa throughout the same period?


The US, the UK and a whole host of others had been at Russia and reciprocally over geopolitical influence since the end WW2 non-stop.

Please correct me if I am wrong but, weren’t Lenin and Stalin long dead by the 80’s? And as for the ankle biting of Russia by NATO, was this for show or effect, I’ve never worked that one out?

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14 minutes ago, crookesey said:

Please correct me if I am wrong but, weren’t Lenin and Stalin long dead by the 80’s? And as for the ankle biting of Russia by NATO, was this for show or effect, I’ve never worked that one out?

Lenin died in 1924, long before the USSR gained enough geopolitical weight to ‘matter’.


Stalin died in 1953 and was certainly in power at the time of the Berlin airlift, the Korean War and many others: 




Stalin even sided with the US against the UK in Indonesia 😆

The USSR abandoned its invasion of Afghanistan in 1989, after 10 years and 14k to 26k military deaths and 56k wounded (0.5m to 2m civilian deaths, 3m wounded). NATO never got involved there in that time. Only the US, with advisors and manpads. How much of a part that ‘ankle-biting’ played at the time, is still being debated today. 

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7 minutes ago, L00b said:

The USSR abandoned its invasion of Afghanistan in 1989, after 10 years and 14k to 26k military deaths


Numbers are notoriously difficult to get in this conflict, but this one is eye-watering.



The Ukrainian military claims 137,780 Russian military deaths since the full-scale invasion began.

Even if they've only taken half those losses, it's obscenely high.



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15 hours ago, Delayed said:

So that would be everyone? Because everyone believes their position is the correct one?



The bullcrap about "the World" supporting our involvement in the Ukraine War, and embracing the colonial Eurocentric New Liberal World Order,  is just another Big Lie.


The World, includes Russia, China, All of Africa, India, South America, the Middle East, Latin America and that's a majority.

They have no love for either Putin, or Biden and his DAVOS self styled elite cronies!

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14 minutes ago, trastrick said:

The World, includes Russia, China, All of Africa, India, South America, the Middle East, Latin America and that's a majority.


They have no love for either Putin, or Biden and his DAVOS self styled elite cronies!

Not true, they love Jared:



Apparently, "in his pocket"! :roll:


So much for your claims of "full disclosure" from your public servants.


Edited by Magilla
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