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Putin Threatens The West

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8 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

When they say"maybe considering " just ignore.

I don't agree mate.

For a man in his position to  even suggest that, could cause no end of problems so, he's sure he's right and China will let it go.


I make no apologies to all the war mongers on here who seem to be looking forward to getting roasted.


Edited by Organgrinder
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Guest makapaka
14 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I don't agree mate.

For a man in his position to  even suggest that, could cause no end of problems so, he's sure he's right and China will let it go.


I make no apologies to all the war mongers on here who seem to be looking forward to getting roasted.


Turkeys voting for Xmas. 

Like Finding a spider in the loft and burning the house down. 

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22 minutes ago, makapaka said:

Turkeys voting for Xmas. 

Like Finding a spider in the loft and burning the house down. 

We are talking about wars.  Not turkeys, Christmas, spiders and fires.

I can see why your views are different to mine.

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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

This bears out exactly what I think.

The solution won't be quick or easy but efforts must be made to ensure one is reached.

There are too many like Magilla, who think that stopping Russia is easy and, that a nuclear war will never happen.

If people took the trouble to find out what was discussed at the conference and also world reaction to what was said, there would be more effort made to find the solution,

I am encouraged that China is taking a real active interest and making proposals and hope we get back to more Jaw Jaw.


Zelensky has no intention of either "accommodating" Russia, or respecting "Russia’s ‘legitimate security interests’"


To believe that China's proposal is something, that "is, and always has been, more than acceptable to Zelensky and NATO, but less so for Putin", as pulled out of the air by a poster above, is a crock.


Zelensky's has made his position  eminently clear to all!


Sovereign freedom to join NATO, and the return to Ukraine of all territory seized since 2014, including Crimea! One united Ukraine.


But it does signal finally, a recognition that Zelensky, and those who support his demands 100% , are now facing the reality that to achieve peace, he may be forced to "accommodate" Russia and "respect Russia's legitimate security interests", in a belated move to jump on the right side of history!  :)


Such supporters like to run with the crowd and the latest MSM narrative. They'll dump Zelensky and his ultimatums in a New York minute in order to do so,


All they need is the Word from editorial boards of The Guardian, and the New York Times.


Bye, bye Sovereign Independent Ukraine, NATO Member? Maybe even a U.N. supervised referendum vote on the wishes of the Russian speaking Self declared Republics of the Donetsk Region




2 hours ago, Kidorry said:

Thank you, Captain Obvious!  :)


When did they ever not?



Edited by trastrick
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15 minutes ago, RJRB said:

What they all need is an international consultant


Right now they need competent Leadership and the pragmatic common sense to recognize the reality of the World as it is, and not as they would envisage it to be with their Grand New Liberal World Orders!  :)


Or they can continue their endless Wars!


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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Right now they need competent Leadership and the pragmatic common sense to recognize the reality of the World as it is, and not as they would envisage it to be with their Grand New Liberal World Orders!  :)


Or they can continue their endless Wars!


That’s good advice.

I can see how you earned your corn.

Next step is to headhunt those competent leaders and to get the present incumbents to move aside.

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Thanks for that!  It was earned the hard way, by not subscribing to the “conventional wisdom” that just perpetuates the same old problems.


 But if we can follow your premise for a moment, the next step is to give the principle protagonists (and their supporters) a way to both claim a win.


As I’ve repeated here, what is considered impossible, is relatively easy to achieve if one doesn’t mind who gets the credit!


Solutions are achievable if the outcome is  such, that the opposition can claim they were for it all along, because human nature prevents most people from ever admitting they were wrong!


That’s how the COVID mandates debate has now evolved, or is evolving, as a questionable government policy.


The problem is that the those who lost jobs, businesses, and a host of other negative consequences, including health issues, wiil be with us for a long time, as “collateral damage” , the consequences of “good intentions”!


It’s a shame to see the Ukrainian people suffer the same fate!


As to your last question the outlook is cloudy. It depends on the population’s aptitude to understand and evaluate the information and education they are getting.




My bet, at this stage of history, That is a long way off!


Current woke education will just provide more flawed status quo, conventional wisdom, crowd  source herd candidates!

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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

Zelensky has no intention of either "accommodating" Russia, or respecting "Russia’s ‘legitimate security interests’"


To believe that China's proposal is something, that "is, and always has been, more than acceptable to Zelensky and NATO, but less so for Putin", as pulled out of the air by a poster above, is a crock.


Zelensky's has made his position  eminently clear to all!


Sovereign freedom to join NATO, and the return to Ukraine of all territory seized since 2014, including Crimea! One united Ukraine.


But it does signal finally, a recognition that Zelensky, and those who support his demands 100% , are now facing the reality that to achieve peace, he may be forced to "accommodate" Russia and "respect Russia's legitimate security interests", in a belated move to jump on the right side of history!  :)


Such supporters like to run with the crowd and the latest MSM narrative. They'll dump Zelensky and his ultimatums in a New York minute in order to do so,


All they need is the Word from editorial boards of The Guardian, and the New York Times.


Bye, bye Sovereign Independent Ukraine, NATO Member? Maybe even a U.N. supervised referendum vote on the wishes of the Russian speaking Self declared Republics of the Donetsk Region




Thank you, Captain Obvious!  :)


When did they ever not?



Why do you like to insult people.

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51 minutes ago, Kidorry said:

Why do you like to insult people.

Because you call my non profane honest opinions, "rubbish:?


Don't be so sensitive !


I mean, Captain Obvious is so offensive to you ,when I am happy to be called all the names from the usual suspects, that I wouldn't repeat here?  :)


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