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Putin Threatens The West

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4 hours ago, Longcol said:

And now Putin wants all Wagner fighters to sign an oath of loyalty to him. Bit of a surprise.............not.

My bold. 


Or else! 


You can't fault Putin's timing.  EXACTLY 2 months to the day since Prigozhin decided to march on Moscow. 


What I want to know is who was the owner of the mobile phone who shot the footage of the plane falling out of the sky?  They seemed to be just in the right place at the right time & very quick to hand catching the whole thing, just has it happened?   Hmmm? 


Good job they had their mobile out at that particular time, pointing at that particular bit of the sky to capture the plane falling. 


It's a bit like the rumours that the plane crash was announced on Russian tv at around 15:00, when the plane fell out the sky at around 15:30.





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On 24/08/2023 at 05:34, melthebell said:

sigh, talking about the clintons yet again....for no reason



After you brought up your own conspiracy theory above!


But any comments on conspiracy theories closer to home, are summarily dismissed if they concern your own side.


Any comments on the "Russian Collusion" conspiracy theories? the Biden Family's International Enrichment Schemes?  :)


They affect your life, in ways that foreign shenanigans don't.


And after all, the West is one of the belligerents in this War. 


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On 27/08/2023 at 07:20, trastrick said:

But any comments on conspiracy theories closer to home, are summarily dismissed if they concern your own side.


Any comments on the "Russian Collusion" conspiracy theories? the Biden Family's International Enrichment Schemes?  :)



After 2 years of non-stop shredding and several documented cases of obstruction, Trump was not exonerated. :?

Trump escaped those obstruction charges because the Trump DOJ lied to Congress and the public about the investigation.

The decision to not prosecute Trump for obstruction was a forgone conclusion even before the investigation was complete.


The fact that he would not be prosecuted was a given


...turns out, conservatives love the "deep state" when it works in their favour. 🙄



According to Republicans, there is no evidence whatsoever to show the other exists. :thumbsup:

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The New York Times/via DNYUZ


As Ukraine’s Fight Falters, It Gets Even Harder to Talk About Negotiations


"Stian Jenssen, the chief of staff to the secretary general of NATO, recently had his knuckles rapped when he commented on possible options for an end to the war in Ukraine that did not envision a complete Russian defeat.


“I’m not saying it has to be like this, but I think that a solution could be for Ukraine to give up territory and get NATO membership in return,” he said during a panel discussion in Norway, according to the country’s VG newspaper".


Putin puppet, or realist?  :)


We know what's best for Biden and Zelensky, but what's best for the poor sods dying everyday, the Ukrainian people?



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19 hours ago, trastrick said:

Putin puppet, or realist?  :)

Putin snubbed China's so called peace deal:



...and that was way better for Vlad than this proposal.


Given Vlads stated reasons for the war in the first place, how would this proposal not be a massive own goal/slap in the face? 🙄


19 hours ago, trastrick said:

We know what's best for Biden and Zelensky, but what's best for the poor sods dying everyday, the Ukrainian people?

Said without any concept of the views and wishes of the Ukrainian people... the irony isn't lost. 🙄 :thumbsup:


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The Americans seem pretty happy with progress over the last few days, and they've not said much positive about the summer offensive so far.


Russian forces are massing in the East of Ukraine, looking to push back towards Kharkiv.  Starting to look like that will be the Winter theatre.

I guess the Russians are happy with the strength of their defences in the South, so have shifted some units around to push forward in the East.

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37 minutes ago, geared said:

The Americans seem pretty happy with progress over the last few days, and they've not said much positive about the summer offensive so far.


Russian forces are massing in the East of Ukraine, looking to push back towards Kharkiv.  Starting to look like that will be the Winter theatre.

I guess the Russians are happy with the strength of their defences in the South, so have shifted some units around to push forward in the East.

Like all wars, people tire and get sickened by the death and destruction.


They were misled by the jingoism that Putin (see the thread title) was a threat to the West.


He was a threat to the Ukraine areas with strong historic ties to Russia, but not to all the Ukraine.


A mad Despot would have carpet bombed Kiev into submission, but Putin is happy with his "special operation" that sees him occupying the contested territory.


He has no intentions of attacking the West,  Crimea is now considered Russian territory ceded by a weak Obama/Biden without serious opposition, so that is definitely off the table.


Donetsk and Luhansk which voted for Russian control is the only issue in play here.


And Putin is bound and determined to hold on to it's occupied lands.


The only folks who are not so determined are the voices being raised in the West about how long we should support a failing counter insurgency, and at what cost in destruction and lives.


This will one day be the issue, and questions to the Ukraine people, if they are willing to compromise some land for peace!


Until then, the West's "strategy" will continue to take it's toll on blood and treasure.


A "strategy" described here by some posters as stay on the present course and continue indefinitely.


Other territorial disputes have been settled, sometimes forcefully by compromise, partition (see Israel/Palestine, Korea, Ireland, Cyprus and assorted trouble spots) to stop senseless killing and potential threats to World Peace!


More and more voices are being heard on this subject.  :)


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14 minutes ago, trastrick said:

A mad Despot would have carpet bombed Kiev into submission, but Putin is happy with his "special operation" that sees him occupying the contested territory.

He might be happy to settle for that now but it certainly wasn't his intention when Russia invaded. The Russians absolutely tried to take Kiev at the start of the invasion - mounting an attack from Belarus. Then there's all his questioning Ukraine's right to exist as a state and his weirdly distorted interpretation of history in an attempt to justify his claims to the whole of Ukraine.


Your revisionism will be quite rightly exposed and ridiculed.

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