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Putin Threatens The West

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29 minutes ago, trastrick said:


More and more voices are being heard on this subject.  :)


More and more are laughing at your stupid tirade

You know nothing about war and very little about anything else.

Ukraine will decide for itself,  when and how to end the war,  without the help of a little nobody with a big ego.


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15 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

More and more are laughing at your stupid tirade

You know nothing about war and very little about anything else.

Ukraine will decide for itself,  when and how to end the war,  without the help of a little nobody with a big ego.



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14 minutes ago, altus said:

He might be happy to settle for that now but it certainly wasn't his intention when Russia invaded. The Russians absolutely tried to take Kiev at the start of the invasion - mounting an attack from Belarus. Then there's all his questioning Ukraine's right to exist as a state and his weirdly distorted interpretation of history in an attempt to justify his claims to the whole of Ukraine.


Your revisionism will be quite rightly exposed and ridiculed.

Your knowledge of Russian strategy, and what is going on in Putin's brain, is best left on SF!  :)


A good place to start would be with Putin's uncensored address to his nation, February 2022, In which he lays out al hIs manifesto. Like Hitler's Mein Kampf it was largely ignored and butchered by the Western Media to suit their narrative of the day.


When the political mood is right, maybe around election time, you may see the end of this war come to pass, in much the way, I've been describing.


Time will tell, not you, amigo!


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54 minutes ago, trastrick said:

A good place to start would be with Putin's uncensored address to his nation, February 2022, In which he lays out al hIs manifesto. Like Hitler's Mein Kampf it was largely ignored and butchered by the Western Media to suit their narrative of the day

Do you have a cite for that?

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Like all wars, people tire and get sickened by the death and destruction.


They were misled by the jingoism that Putin (see the thread title) was a threat to the West.


He was a threat to the Ukraine areas with strong historic ties to Russia, but not to all the Ukraine.


A mad Despot would have carpet bombed Kiev into submission, but Putin is happy with his "special operation" that sees him occupying the contested territory.


He has no intentions of attacking the West,  Crimea is now considered Russian territory ceded by a weak Obama/Biden without serious opposition, so that is definitely off the table.


Donetsk and Luhansk which voted for Russian control is the only issue in play here.


And Putin is bound and determined to hold on to it's occupied lands.


The only folks who are not so determined are the voices being raised in the West about how long we should support a failing counter insurgency, and at what cost in destruction and lives.


This will one day be the issue, and questions to the Ukraine people, if they are willing to compromise some land for peace!


Until then, the West's "strategy" will continue to take it's toll on blood and treasure.


A "strategy" described here by some posters as stay on the present course and continue indefinitely.


Other territorial disputes have been settled, sometimes forcefully by compromise, partition (see Israel/Palestine, Korea, Ireland, Cyprus and assorted trouble spots) to stop senseless killing and potential threats to World Peace!


More and more voices are being heard on this subject.  :)


Trasty , The only Country that recognises. Northern Cyprus. Is Turkey , Strange how they got away with that invasion while others like the one in Ukraine. Bring mass condemnation. We invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. No one turned a hair it seems as though its a case of some invasions are OK .

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22 hours ago, geared said:

The full text version of it is available here:  https://www.miragenews.com/full-text-of-putin-state-of-nation-speech-21-951701/


If anyone is stupid enough to believe it ad verbatin, you can easily ignore any claptrap they try to claim.

Fair enough.


But your problem is that most of the World looks at both sides of the issue. They wisely listen to major policy announcements from BOTH sides! :)


There's the New Liberal World Order crowd, that promotes Regime Change, and Issues statements from on high, like, "For God's Sake This Man Has to Go!".


They are the  ones that supported the coup against the duly elected government of the pro Russian government in Ukraine.


"he Ukrainian Revolution,[2] took place in Ukraine in February 2014[2][1] at the end of the Euromaidan protests,[1] when deadly clashes between protesters and state forces in the capital Kyiv culminated in the ousting of elected President Viktor Yanukovych" - WIKI


And the other side who believes that believes a country has the right to use military force if they feel their National Security is threatened. The first duty of any National Government is to safeguard their own people. They see NATO (a defensive body, originally) becoming a military extension of the Regime Change West.


The U.S. and its allies have a million or so military personnel dispersed around the world,  along with civilian cohorts, in hundreds of bases all over the globe.


That force, together with the Regime Change history of the West, together with the New Liberal World Order rhetoric from their Leader 'this guy has to go' will garner action from any self respecting totalitarian.  :)


The only options are either a brokered co-existence, or war.


The world lived under a brokered co-existence for the latter half of the 20th Century, and the first decade of this one.


The question is who broke these co-existing protocols that kept the world at relative peace for 60 years?


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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Fair enough.


But your problem is that most of the World looks at both sides of the issue. They wisely listen to major policy announcements from BOTH sides! :)


There's the New Liberal World Order crowd, that promotes Regime Change, and Issues statements from on high, like, "For God's Sake This Man Has to Go!".


They are the  ones that supported the coup against the duly elected government of the pro Russian government in Ukraine.


"he Ukrainian Revolution,[2] took place in Ukraine in February 2014[2][1] at the end of the Euromaidan protests,[1] when deadly clashes between protesters and state forces in the capital Kyiv culminated in the ousting of elected President Viktor Yanukovych" - WIKI


And the other side who believes that believes a country has the right to use military force if they feel their National Security is threatened. The first duty of any National Government is to safeguard their own people. They see NATO (a defensive body, originally) becoming a military extension of the Regime Change West.


The U.S. and its allies have a million or so military personnel dispersed around the world,  along with civilian cohorts, in hundreds of bases all over the globe.


That force, together with the Regime Change history of the West, together with the New Liberal World Order rhetoric from their Leader 'this guy has to go' will garner action from any self respecting totalitarian.  :)


The only options are either a brokered co-existence, or war.


The world lived under a brokered co-existence for the latter half of the 20th Century, and the first decade of this one.


The question is who broke these co-existing protocols that kept the world at relative peace for 60 years?


Most of our lives have been lived with wars raging all around the World , Some big ones Inc Korea and Vietnam  , lots of off shoots still going on , usually involving Russia , America , France , Saudi's and us .

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20 minutes ago, geared said:

Let's be honest, anyone that freely uses the phrase "New Liberal World Order" is a total moron to begin with.



Glad that you confirmed my diagnosis of rusty rasty.

  I have long thought this when seeing his never ending monologues on here.  He does like using all the "in" words to show off.

Most of his  "work"?    is simply copy & paste,  although he can name a lot of ex US presidents and usually does.


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