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Putin Threatens The West

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(Bears cross posting:)


From no less than Orban, Prime Minister of NATO Member Hungary!


He's a little closer to the action, than the Media, and our erstwhile armchair warriors watching it all transpire on t' telly!  :)



Viktor Orbán tells Tucker Carlson: Trump’s the man to save the West


"Hoping Ukraine will beat Russia ‘is not just a misunderstanding. It is a lie. It’s impossible," Hungarian leader says in interview.


"Ukraine has no chance of winning the war against Russia — and Donald Trump is the West’s only hope", Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told controversial American TV host Tucker Carlson.


"In an interview Tuesday, Orbán said that Kyiv’s victory against Moscow “is not just a misunderstanding. It is a lie. It’s impossible … [Ukrainians] will run out earlier … of soldiers than the Russians. What finally will count is boots on the ground and the Russians are far stronger.”


“We missed the historic opportunity” to admit Ukraine to NATO, Orbán told Carlson in the interview, saying that Russia is getting “stronger and stronger.” Ukraine’s admission to NATO “is not a realistic proposal at this moment, so forget about it,” he added.


"He also does not believe that Russians will get sick of President Vladimir Putin, and he sees little chance for Crimea to be returned to Ukraine.


"Asked what he would do if he were U.S. President Joe Biden, Orbán said: “Call back Trump! Because you know, you can criticize him for many reasons … but … the best foreign policy of the recent several decades belongs to him. He did not initiate any new war, he treated nicely the North Koreans, and Russia and even the Chinese … and if he would have been the president at the moment of the Russian invasion [of Ukraine], it would be not possible to do that by the Russians.”


“Trump is the man who can save the Western world” and all of humanity, he said.



(My apologies to the usual mob, for posting "foreign" news about Trump.  :)


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3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

(Bears cross posting:)


From no less than Orban, Prime Minister of NATO Member Hungary!


He's a little closer to the action, than the Media, and our erstwhile armchair warriors watching it all transpire on t' telly!  :)








In your opinion...

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British Challenger 2 tank hit in Ukraine


A video shared on social media and analysed by BBC Verify shows a badly-damaged British-made tank.

A Western defence source told the BBC that the British-made and supplied Challenger 2 tank in Ukraine was initially immobilised by a mine.

That mine explosion caused a fire in the rear fuel tank, at which point the Ukrainian crew of four evacuated the tank to safety.

The Western defence source said that while the empty tank was immobilised, it was then targeted by a Russian Lancet loitering drone, which destroyed it.

It is the first verified sighting of a Challenger 2 on the frontline since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022.

The footage - which shows smoke pouring from the vehicle - follows claims from Ukrainian officials that its forces have breached the first Russian defensive lines in southern Ukraine.


So, here we are. 1st Challenger 2 to be lost in combat. Most of the German Leopards have already been destroyed and what with the Challengers depleted uranium ammo storage facility being recently blown up by the Russians was it a mistake for the West to send in tanks? 



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On 03/09/2023 at 14:42, geared said:

Let's be honest, anyone that freely uses the phrase "New Liberal World Order" is a total moron to begin with.





New World Order is a common concept in politics. Colonial Britain and Europe had their version, Stalin had his. Hitler had his, Putin has his, Mad Mullahs have theirs, and so does Communist China!. Biden has his.


The cause of wars.


It's in all t' papers!




"As one of — as one of the top military people said to me in a secure meeting the other day, 60 — 60 million people died between 1900 and 1946.  And since then, we’ve established a liberal world order, and that hadn’t happened in a long while.  A lot of people dying, but nowhere near the chaos.


"And now is a time when things are shifting. There's going to be a new world order out there, and we've got to lead it. And we've got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it." - Joe Biden


Here's the problem:


The Atlantic

Xi Jinping Is Done With the Established World Order

"The world’s most powerful leaders gathered in New Delhi for the year’s premier diplomatic event—the G20 summit—but China’s Xi Jinping deemed it not worth his time. His absence sends a stark signal: China is done with the established world order".


(and we know what Putin and the Mad Mullahs think!)



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On 04/09/2023 at 19:21, trastrick said:


From no less than Orban, Prime Minister of NATO Member Hungary!


He's a little closer to the action, than the Media, and our erstwhile armchair warriors watching it all transpire on t' telly!  :)



(My apologies to the usual mob, for posting "foreign" news about Trump.  :)


Do you mean armchair warriors like yourself who has never, ever,   seen a battlefield  ( except on TV News )  and never even served in the armed forces but still like to pontificate.

We have more than enough,  much travelled clowns already,   who know nothing except a load of conspiracy theory semi-politics claptrap.


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3 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Do you mean armchair warriors like yourself who has never, ever,   seen a battlefield  ( except on TV News )  and never even served in the armed forces but still like to pontificate.

We have more than enough,  much travelled clowns already,   who know nothing except a load of conspiracy theory semi-politics claptrap.


You are a very silly person, and a complete waste of space, with your fantastical delusions  :)


In the early 2000's spent 4 summers in Eastern Europe managing an ESL School with my partner, and recruited a couple dozen student teachers to take over each time. We were hosted by the Polish Education Ministry. and Cultural Exchange groups.


We would leave early, and stay later, and drive from the UK and back, while our student teachers were bussed. It's hard to drive through France, Holland, Belgium without seeing the historic battlefields.


Had to visit Oswiecim (Auschwitz) with the group each time, as well as visit sites like the Warsaw Ghetto, and the Jewish Memorials.


As for my own wartime experience, I grew up in a time, where every generation of my male family members served. It was expected.


I, along with pals, Pete Scholey, and Harry Carnell decided to get a jump start and be ready for the NEXT ONE, by joining the Army Cadets at 15. where we learned to drill, and get familiar with our best friend, the Lee Enfield 303.  At 18 Registered for National Service and passed the Medical. (They ended the National Service draft, just before I was eligible to go.)


And you?


You say you are a Pacifist, but you talk about cowards like a John Wayne wannabe! :)


More delusions by an telly bound anonymous troll with s secret alter ego?


What's that all about?






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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

You are a very silly person, and a complete waste of space, with your fantastical delusions  :)

What's that all about?

Better with all your Walter Mitty rubbish  out of the way..


It's about referring to other people as armchair warriors when  that is exactly the description which fits you.

A little man with a big mouth who has never been a warrior in his life.

Who idolises Trump  ( another armchair warrior like you ),  and cant wait for him to take power and surrender to Putin.


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