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Putin Threatens The West

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3 hours ago, harvey19 said:

I wonder if our military involvement over the last decade in Middle East countries has changed anything .

If you mean "changed for us" harvey   -    Just a quick answer    -    most definitely.

That's what brought about the problems of Islamist terrorism for our country.

The Middle East is also a bigger mess now since our involvement with Afghanistan back to what it was with allied lives lost for no purpose.


Edited by Organgrinder
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Just now, Organgrinder said:

The Middle East is also a bigger mess now since out involvement with Afghanistan back to what it was with allied lives lost for no purpose.


The Americans were going into Afghanistan no matter what, I don't think any country would sit idly  by after an attack like 9/11.  Why anyone else had to get involved is another question entirely, few see it as worth our while.


I think the great pity is the people there saw a level of freedom most didn't know existed, especially women.  That's now all gone, clearly the 'will of the people' was for Taliban rule and nothing else.


They have to live with that decision now.



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Did anyone see the lightning in the clouds on Saturday, but there were no lightening strikes from the clouds to the ground.


All lightening strikes, clouds were flashing, but no lightening from the clouds to the ground.


And the rain, it wasn't normal rain it was way faster than normal, could this be down to Putin?


There are all these clever weapons these days, but the flashing clouds freaked me out on Saturday night

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Just now, rogets said:

Did anyone see the lightning in the clouds on Saturday, but there were no lightening strikes from the clouds to the ground.


All lightening strikes, clouds were flashing, but no lightening from the clouds to the ground.


And the rain, it wasn't normal rain it was way faster than normal, could this be down to Putin?


There are all these clever weapons these days, but the flashing clouds freaked me out on Saturday night

You'll be OK - trolls don't get hit by lightening if they stay under their bridges.

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On 11/09/2023 at 05:09, Organgrinder said:

I have told you numerous times that by "pacifist",  I mean that I would not attack another nation unless they attacked us or our allies.

Ah, your own definition of Pacifist.  Thank you!


On 11/09/2023 at 05:09, Organgrinder said:

The Iraq war could not have happened and our conquest in Afghanistan could not have happened under my policy.

Even if they were breeding grounds and marshalling yards for terrorism and sneak 9/11 attacks on Washington and New York.


On 11/09/2023 at 05:09, Organgrinder said:

If we were attacked by another nation,  we then have the right to defend ourselves with any means at our disposal.

In this age of Nuclear Weapons, hopefully, after the attack, you'd have something left of your "means of disposal" to fight with!


On 11/09/2023 at 05:09, Organgrinder said:

You may see a pacifist policy as a "surrender" policy but I most certainly do not.  despite my preferring not to kill anyone at all.

Just realise that,  choices are sometimes made for you. whether you like it or not   -   as Ukraine discovered.

Indeed, the Ukrainian people had a choice made for them.  By  the  West inspired anti-democratic "Regime Change" coup**, to join the Nuclear Military Alliance with the West as they continue to surround the Russian Totalitarian State, rather than stay neutral.


Now they are living (and dying) with their choices.


**"Yuliya Tymoshenko, who had served as prime minister in 2005 and from 2007 to 2010, challenged Yushchenko for the presidency in 2010. She advanced to the second round of balloting but lost to Yanukovych in an election that was deemed free and fair by observers. As president, Yanukovych immediately moved to strengthen ties with Russia, extending Russia’s lease on port facilities in the Crimean city of Sevastopol and signing legislation that indefinitely halted Ukraine’s progress toward NATO membership. - Britannica

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3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

 1 - Ah, your own definition of Pacifist.  Thank you!


 2 - Even if they were breeding grounds and marshalling yards for terrorism and sneak 9/11 attacks on Washington and New York.


 3 - In this age of Nuclear Weapons, hopefully, after the attack, you'd have something left of your "means of disposal" to fight with!


 4 - Indeed, the Ukrainian people had a choice made for them.  By  the  West inspired anti-democratic "Regime Change" coup**, to join the Nuclear Military Alliance with the West as they continue to surround the Russian Totalitarian State, rather than stay neutral.


 5 - Now they are living (and dying) with their choices.



1 - I call it what I like.   You can call it what you like and  I have no objections.     I simply would not have an aggressive defence policy.  If you wish to argue with that then do so.

2 - Everywhere on this planet is now a breeding ground for terrorism.  A result of the West strutting about and trying to rule the world.  Try leaving other countries alone.

3 - This age of Nuclear Weapons applies to both sides and whatever we have left,  or don't have left,  will be the same for both sides.

4 - The people of Ukraine have chosen to follow and fight for the democratic leader of the country.  That is their right and, if they  change their minds,  They are brave enough to say it out loud.

5 - Now they are choosing to put their lives on the line as we did in 1939    -    their choice  -  not yours.


Do you never give up trying to decide other peoples choices for them ?


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53 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Do you never give up trying to decide other peoples choices for them ?

I would never try that impossible task!   :)


I leave that to the authoritarian self appointed "elites". and their clapping seals.


"For God's sake, this man has to go!" - Joe Biden


I just offer my opinion on the consequences of choice, that affects the World at large.


The good, the bad, and the ugly!


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