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Putin Threatens The West

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1 hour ago, melthebell said:

think the people in Moldova might care


There's a decent size breakaway state in that country that would be more than happy for the Russians to take over

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40 minutes ago, geared said:


There's a decent size breakaway state in that country that would be more than happy for the Russians to take over


Depends how you define decent size. It's not much bigger than, but has a smaller population than, Cornwall. It's also very long and thin - at many bits it's less than 4km wide. It's entirely land locked, with the rest of Moldova on one side and Ukraine on the other.

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5 hours ago, Padders said:

There's a lot happening Daddy.

Germany now reintroducing conscription.

There's a lot going on behind the scenes.

The West have now invested that much money in Ukraine they can't let Putin win..

Putin will not back off either, so we have the perfect scenario for WW3.


Germany is thinking about bringing back conscription. 



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2 hours ago, altus said:


Depends how you define decent size. It's not much bigger than, but has a smaller population than, Cornwall. It's also very long and thin - at many bits it's less than 4km wide. It's entirely land locked, with the rest of Moldova on one side and Ukraine on the other.


There's also another autonomous region in the south, who would very much like to join Russia.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally some sanity returning to the Russia/Ukraine war!


The obvious, but ignored questions, about NATO's ostensibly "defensive" push Eastward are finally being asked.


And the West's stated mission of bringing Russia economically to its knees, and it's "For God's sake, this man can not remain in power!" Foreign Policy commitment to their "New Rules Based Liberal World Order", also known as "Regime Change".


The Guardian

Admitting Ukraine to NATO would be a mistake for both Ukraine and NATO




A rare alignment with the conservative view and a little history.


The American Conservative

A Vision for a New NATO

Expansion was a misstep, but the situation is not unsalvageable—history offers clues to a better way.




Let's all hope sanity prevails, as the world lurches towards WW3!

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Considering us, the Americans and the French all have new administrations coming in, it's a perfect time to try and engage with Putin afresh.


of course there's nothing to say he'd be remotely interested, he threatened South Korea today so that's not particularly great.

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Russia gas what is called Dead man’s hand trigger for its nuclear weapons.

Maybe the west should stop trying to get military bases on Russias doorstep by getting Ukraine to join NATO.

Russia can not be beat as it is a nuclear power.,,

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26 minutes ago, mafya said:

Russia gas what is called Dead man’s hand trigger for its nuclear weapons.

Maybe the west should stop trying to get military bases on Russias doorstep by getting Ukraine to join NATO.

Russia can not be beat as it is a nuclear power.,,

I've read about this. Its also called the Perimeter. Its alleged that the system is still activated. Chilling stuff.

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1 hour ago, mafya said:

Russia gas what is called Dead man’s hand trigger for its nuclear weapons.

Maybe the west should stop trying to get military bases on Russias doorstep by getting Ukraine to join NATO.

Russia can not be beat as it is a nuclear power.,,


Putin is on record as saying he wants to "reclaim historically Russian lands"



Presumably he'd include the Baltic states, Georgia etc.  


Last thing he wants is a thriving democracy on his borders - might give the Russian people ideas.....................

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17 minutes ago, Longcol said:


Putin is on record as saying he wants to "reclaim historically Russian lands"



Presumably he'd include the Baltic states, Georgia etc.  


Last thing he wants is a thriving democracy on his borders - might give the Russian people ideas.....................

I watched an interview by an Americanmilitary professor who said that it was the west who  have been pushing and backed Russia into a corner.

Putin doesn’t want NATO bases right on his doorstep  and has been saying this for a while.

He probably does want to take control of surrounding countries to stop them joining nato and becoming NATO bases.

Western style democracy does not work in the East  and I think it’s laughable how the west thinks it can try and enforce it around the world when we have all seen western democracy in action in the Israeli/palestinian conflict.

Western countries including England are supplying weapons used in the Israeli genocide against the Palestinians and then they expect us to believe Putin is the bad one in the Ukraine conflict! 😂

Putin was right about the neo Nazis in Ukraine and I remember how they were not letting black people get on buses and trains before white Ukrainians=



Heres what some of the Ukrainian refugees in the UK say=



The Ukrainian issue is a proxy war between the USA and Russia and after the wests double standards it’s surprising there are people who actually believe western propaganda..

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