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Putin Threatens The West

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10 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Why do you folks insist on going around in circles?

Well in your case it's usually a poor attempt at trying to avoid admitting you made claims you can't back up or justify, based on wishful thinking, bad information, willful-ignorance, or a complete lack of any genuine understanding...


...couldn't say for Harvey, sounds similar though. :thumbsup:

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5 minutes ago, Magilla said:


Well in your case it's usually a poor attempt at trying to avoid admitting you made claims you can't back up or justify, based on wishful thinking, bad information, willful-ignorance, or a complete lack of any genuine understanding...


...couldn't say for Harvey, sounds similar though. :thumbsup:

Same to you!  :)


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On 25/10/2022 at 13:47, L00b said:

I do. What about it?


Or did you mean Sinn Féinn?


The general concept, as implemented by the UK (amongst others, incl. the US), is “no negotiation with terrorists”. That’s government policy and has been for a long time, it’s pointless taking issue about it with me.

It’s a war between Ukraine and Russia.

How about you let them decide if they’ve had enough?




"No negotiations with terrorists"


That is. of course, until we actually negiotiate with them.


See Obama/Biden negotiations with Iran (a Certified Terrorist State) on removing sanctions, returning War Criminals to Iran, and $billions (including pallets of cash in the dead of night) in frozen assets in exchange for a "promise" of a nuclear free Iran. :)


Obama/Biden negotiations with Putin to take NASA's U.S. Astronauts to the ISS on their Soyuz Rockets and bring them back to Earth (Prior to Elon Musk's Space X doing the job for them) while Putin was invading the Ukraine, Crimea, the first time around. :)


Biden fist bumping with what he called a "pariah state" Saudi, who "tortured, murdered and dismembered" Jamal Kashogi, a Wahington Post reporter, in a failed bid to get them to increase oil production just before his Mid Term elections  :)


Biden is negotiating with Putin (who he calls a "War Criminal" who is responsible for "appalling devastation" and "atrocities" in Ukraine) for the release of a basketball player convicted of drug offenses in Russia.  :)


Not that I am against negotiation with our enemies. It's the hypocracy and inconsistent political rhetoric that's the main route to what Biden tells us we are close to, "Armageddon"!





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17 hours ago, L00b said:

At the last GE, ‘you’ were asked who you wanted to be governed by.


The democratic answer was, the Conservative party led by Boris Johnson.


Boris Johnson, leader of the government by constitutional convention at the time of Russia’s invasion, decided to support Ukraine. Successive leaders Truss and now Sunak have decided to maintain this policy.


That’s your democratic system fully followed and respected.

‘You’ live in a representative democracy, wherein you elect representatives to make these decisions for you whilever they remain elected. Not a direct democracy, wherein every Tom, Dick and Harry gets their 2 penneth in.

Same goes for every representative democracy, whether they’ve decided to help Ukraine (vast majority of them) or not (Hungary, basically).


If you don’t like it, do something to change the system?

@makapaka, you’re back on my ignore sunshine, so not looking at your post and, whatever your next bit of misrepresentation, bad faith or outright lie is: not interested, thanks.

As I've said many times before, ticking a box once every 5 years for a manifesto which isn't even legally binding or kept, and for a bunch of people who lie without consequence, is not my idea of democracy... It's theatre. 


These people then make life changing decisions which have nothing to do with what they were elected for and haven't even been mentioned beforehand. They don't listen when the people roundly object and protest. Their answer then is to  muffle the discontent.


One day these people are going to take us into a war we cannot stop and may well see the end of the human race. Who would vote for that?


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3 minutes ago, Anna B said:

As I've said many times before, ticking a box once every 5 years for a manifesto which isn't even legally binding or kept, and for a bunch of people who lie without consequence, is not my idea of democracy... It's theatre. 


These people then make life changing decisions which have nothing to do with what they were elected for and haven't even been mentioned beforehand. They don't listen when the people roundly object and protest. Their answer then is to  muffle the discontent.


One day these people are going to take us into a war we cannot stop and may well see the end of the human race. Who would vote for that?


You're aware that our politicians can't see into the future? 


Or would you expect Putin to say he's planning on invading Ukraine on x date and give us all a heads up to decide whether to get involved or not? 

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7 minutes ago, Delayed said:

You're aware that our politicians can't see into the future? 


Or would you expect Putin to say he's planning on invading Ukraine on x date and give us all a heads up to decide whether to get involved or not? 

IIRC According to the US they said he would invade on a Tuesday!

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4 minutes ago, Delayed said:

You're aware that our politicians can't see into the future? 


Or would you expect Putin to say he's planning on invading Ukraine on x date and give us all a heads up to decide whether to get involved or not? 

Tony Blair took us into a major war against the wishes of millions of UK citizens. We are still feeling the consequences of that today, though TB is long gone.

Boris Johnson lied through his teeth to persuade people to leave the EU. The problems it's caused are still with us.

The Tories blamed the Labour for a world wide financial crash and deliberately imposed Austerity on the strength of that lie, as an excuse to reduce the state. Leaving us all more vulnerable in every area (especially to the pandemic.)


You don't need a crystal ball when you create the problems yourself. 

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2 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Tony Blair took us into a major war against the wishes of millions of UK citizens. We are still feeling the consequences of that today, though TB is long gone.

Boris Johnson lied through his teeth to persuade people to leave the EU. The problems it's caused are still with us.

The Tories blamed the Labour for a world wide financial crash and deliberately imposed Austerity on the strength of that lie, as an excuse to reduce the state. Leaving us all more vulnerable in every area (especially to the pandemic.)


You don't need a crystal ball when you create the problems yourself. 

Ukraine wasn't a problem we've caused......and yet you sound like you are taking issue with us getting involved. 

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31 minutes ago, Delayed said:

Ukraine wasn't a problem we've caused......and yet you sound like you are taking issue with us getting involved. 

Well we're either selling or giving weapons to the Ukraine. We don't know which because we aren't told, which in itself is undemocratic. The first is immoral, the second is costing us millions we don't have, or are told we don't have. The magic money tree it seems is only available for wars.


Are we helping Ukraine or prolonging the war?


America is always keen to wage war by proxy, but never on their home turf, we seem to have joined in. We have no moral high ground to stand on, we should always always sue for negotiation rather than war. We have entered this war as a show of UK's strength (which considering our financial position we don't have.) We need to stop posturing and sort out our own affairs and leave Russia / Ukraine to sort out theirs.


It will end round a table, so why not start there without the huge loss of life to ordinary people who never asked for it?

War is barbaric, it's no longer confined to the battle field and now affects whole nations and enormous loss of life, damage and destruction. It should be consigned to history.  

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