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Putin Threatens The West

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32 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

lets hope so Anna although according to the opinion polls 80% of Russians are behind Putin , over 90 % voted for him in so called elections . , We do not know who to believe when these so called facts appear in the press .

We all know elections can be gamed (influenced) by partisan lackies in the so called free press.


Both sides have been questioning the fairness of elections, since Al Gore took it all the way up to the Supreme Court, back in 2000.


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11 minutes ago, trastrick said:

And you never fail to entertain me!


So we're both happy!  :)

When a society hates each other as much, and more than they hate their external enemies, it's basically over!


Who could possibly  benefit from such division?  :)


Hmmm... :huh:

This is so true!

And yet there are supposedly 'educated' people who are too dim to see it... :(

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3 minutes ago, Magilla said:

He said, desperately trying to forget that 2018 comes between 2017-2021, precisely the period Trump was aligning US policy with Russian goals. :?


"Alleged" aligning. Alleged aligning by his poloitical enemies, and their pals in the Media.


In those days, 2018, they were running around with "Russian Dossiers", "alleged" pee tapes, and a huge "Russian Collusion" conspiracy hoax!


How did THAT work out?



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Just now, trastrick said:

"Alleged" aligning. Alleged aligning by his poloitical enemies, and their pals in the Media.

Nope, clear for anyone with eyes and ears, and the reports of Trumps own cabinet picks...


...he was on the verge of weakening the very institutions setup to handle the current scenario.


Trump gave Putin everything he wanted, and more.


Just now, trastrick said:

In those days, 2018

Putin was, not so secretly, planning his current course of action, while Trump was praising him to the skies and undermining Ukraine! :roll:


Just now, trastrick said:

they were running around with "Russian Dossiers", "alleged" pee tapes and a huge "Russian Collusion" conspiracy hoax!

2 years shredding and obstructing, and still wasn't exonerated :?


Just now, trastrick said:

How did THAT work out?

Well, Trump lost the election, so better than birtherism...


...but about the same as "Lock her up" :hihi:


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1 hour ago, trastrick said:


You claimed the war was "Imperialistic blackmail by a nuclear power. Think about it."


I did think about it, and was curious as to how Putin was "blackmailing the West".


He is still selling the West his Oil and Gas, and they are buying it volutarily, so it can't be that.


That's just a business transaction. He's not forcing them to buy it.

He’s not forced to continue supplying it either (and won’t be supplying any when the EU ban on Russian POL imports of June 2022  finishes scaling up at end December), and there your false equivalence falls: it’s not about the gas (ah…none of that anymore) nor the oil (ah…not much of that anymore), it’s about Russia’s thinly-veiled threats of nuclear escalation.


Putin is attempting to blackmail the West over giving his territorial ambitions a pass, lest atomic mushrooms start sprouting up. That has been crystal clear to anyone who follows the Russian war of agression against Ukraine, from the very moment Lavrov started flying the ‘dirty bomb’ kite.

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54 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Nope, clear for anyone with eyes and ears, and the reports of Trumps own cabinet picks...


...he was on the verge of weakening the very institutions setup to handle the current scenario.


Trump gave Putin everything he wanted, and more.


Putin was, not so secretly, planning his current course of action, while Trump was praising him to the skies and undermining Ukraine! :roll:


2 years shredding and obstructing, and still wasn't exonerated :?


Well, Trump lost the election, so better than birtherism...


...but about the same as "Lock her up" :hihi:




What Trump was not so secretly planning:
U.S. Energy Independence

No new wars

No new Invasions. Keeping China, Russia, North Korea and Iran at bay

Strongest military on Earth (at the time)

Lowering tensions between North and South Korea.

Peace Agreement and diplomatic recognition between UAE, Bahrain and Israel
Peace Agreement between Serbia and Kosovo
Peace Agreement between U.S. and the Taliban

Getting NATO and the Socialist Paradises in Europe, who hate America, to pay what they agreed to for their own defense.


Economic prosperity

Low inflation

Average familiy incomes rising above the inflation rate.

Low heating and gasoline prices.

Record Jobs
Lowest unemployment on record, for whites, blacks and asians

Strong borders


Permanently funding Black Colleges, at their highest ever level.
Establishing Commercial Investment Zones for inner cities.

Banning abortions except for cases of rape, incest or danger to the mother's life
School choice
Repeal of the Death Tax
Repeal of the Obamacare Mandate
Improved Trade Deals with China, S.Korea, Japan, Mexico and Canada
Made In the U.S.A Manufacturing - Steel plants reopened and expanding.
Import duties for International Corporations that move manufacturing off shore.

"Right to try" legislation for new drugs
Veteran's Choice Legislation, reduced wait times.
Killing Soleimani
Killing Baghdadi
U.S, Embassy built in Jerusalem
Eliminationg the ISIS Caliphate
Bringing the U.S. Service Men and Women home.

No more "Death to America" chants and threats from Korea and Mad Mullahs in Iran
No more sending billions of dollars to Iran to finance terrorism
No more $billions in fees, salaries, "donations" and investment portfolios, from Ukraine, Russia and China for the Biden and Clinton families, while in office!


Was it really only 2 years ago?


Now, feel free to credit Obama for all that, and Blame Trump for all Biden's incompetency.


But it waint wesh!  :)


You, did however, like the proverbial stopped clock, managed to get one thing right.


They, the Leftist Establishment Swamp, and their fellow travellers in the MSM DID mangae to kick him out of office.


That's a powerful movement they have going there, no denial!






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40 minutes ago, L00b said:

He’s not forced to continue supplying it either (and won’t be supplying any when the EU ban on Russian POL imports of June 2022  finishes scaling up at end December), and there your false equivalence falls: it’s not about the gas (ah…none of that anymore) nor the oil (ah…not much of that anymore), it’s about Russia’s thinly-veiled threats of nuclear escalation.


Putin is attempting to blackmail the West over giving his territorial ambitions a pass, lest atomic mushrooms start sprouting up. That has been crystal clear to anyone who follows the Russian war of agression against Ukraine, from the very moment Lavrov started flying the ‘dirty bomb’ kite.

Arguably the West has more nuclear weapon destruction capabilty than Russia, so that doesn't fly, either.


And how come a "demoralized" Russia, "running out of weapons" and "on the run" from Zelenski's rag tag army is such a threat?


Nukes have been dropped before on "imperialistic agressors". Apparently that didn't end up too bad?


Now, I'm being satirical here, but if anybody should be running scared, it's the Russians  :)


What should "crystal clear" to anyone with a remote iota of common sense, that once the Bear is in your House, you must kill him, or feed him until he goes away.


How he got there, should also be given some thought, because there are now some other Bears prowling around out in your yard.



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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Now, feel free to credit Obama for all that, and Blame Trump for all Biden's incompetency.

Utterly irrelevant, and entirely off topic, but have already been through this list comprehensively.


By far the vast majority of "achievements" either performed worse or were just an extension of what existed already, caused more problems than they actually solved, or didn't happen at all!



They, the Leftist Establishment Swamp

Back to that safe space, the swamp that ballooned beyond all recognition, under Trump! :?



and their fellow travellers in the MSM DID mangae to kick him out of office.

Trump lost because of Trump, as predicted the second there was something serious to deal with... fell at the first hurdle.

Edited by Magilla
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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Arguably the West has more nuclear weapon destruction capabilty than Russia, so that doesn't fly, either.


And how come a "demoralized" Russia, "running out of weapons" and "on the run" from Zelenski's rag tag army is such a threat?


Nukes have been dropped before on "imperialistic agressors". Apparently that didn't end up too bad?


Now, I'm being satirical here, but if anybody should be running scared, it's the Russians  :)


What should "crystal clear" to anyone with a remote iota of common sense, that once the Bear is in your House, you must kill him, or feed him until he goes away.


How he got there, should also be given some thought, because there are now some other Bears prowling around out in your yard.

You’re not being “satirical”, you’re being disingenuous: whether the West has more nuclear weapons capabilities than Russia is completely irrelevant, because by the time the West would use them, everyone would be dead, dying, or wishing they soon would be.


Putin, in a terminal military spin out and with his existential back to the wall, detonates a tactical nuke, or a dirty bomb, in eastern Ukraine.

Then what?


Do you imagine for a second that the West would nuke Russia outright with a decapitation strike?

No. Either the West goes into Ukraine militarily, or it does nothing.


Either way, Putin then threatens to do it again. Or even, does it again outright,


Then what?


That’s the blackmail. The solution, for now, is to continually defuse and forestall his false flags, like the West just did now - and did before, e.g. with those fabled ‘biowarfare labs’. 

What’s you alternative? I mean, short of handing Ukraine to Vlad, since that is still not what the Ukrainian people want.

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