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Putin Threatens The West

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Guest makapaka
1 hour ago, L00b said:

I recall some posters taking issue about me calling Russia a ‘terrorist’ state, not so long ago...


…apparently, there’s no such misgivings in the British judiciary:


"The judge’s ruling was founded on the basis that Russia’s actions in Ukraine could amount to terrorism as defined by UK law and that the activists were stopping an illegal activity – namely the funding of terrorism."



People can call it what they want - it seems that if people are in support of something it’s heroic war and if they’re not it’s acts of terrorism.


it all equates to dead bodies.

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Panorama tonight is about Mariupol with interviews from people who live there. Should be interesting.


I watched all of it last night and if anyone who watched it was not moved by it they must have a heart of stone,

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$66 Billion In, It’s Clear The Realists Were Right About Ukraine


"Why were the realist Republicans called Putinists and fascists when they argued for the same thing the Biden administration is doing?


"A nation-building process that started in Iraq and Libya is headed to Ukraine and will eventually head home. Anyone who opposes this leftist crusade will be termed enemies of progress and fascists.



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1 hour ago, trastrick said:



$66 Billion In, It’s Clear The Realists Were Right About Ukraine


"Why were the realist Republicans called Putinists and fascists when they argued for the same thing the Biden administration is doing?


"A nation-building process that started in Iraq and Libya is headed to Ukraine and will eventually head home. Anyone who opposes this leftist crusade will be termed enemies of progress and fascists.



The Federalist, that well-known American bastion of online journalistic probity and integrity 🙄


Did you have any point or opinion to advance about that ‘article’, instead of newsdumping Trumpist foot-stomping angst in here?

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1 hour ago, L00b said:

The Federalist, that well-known American bastion of online journalistic probity and integrity 🙄


Did you have any point or opinion to advance about that ‘article’, instead of newsdumping Trumpist foot-stomping angst in here?

Yep.  :)


My point is that the subject of getting Zelensky to negotiate for a cease fire, and a agree to a diplomatic solution is gaining currrency in the Media.


Previous articles were posted here from The Guardian, CNN, New York Times, Al Jazeera et al. All "bastions of journalistic probity and integrity".


'course it takes some people longer to give up the old MSM "narratives" they've been spoon fed.


Not so the Media, and politicians. They can turn on a dime, and when they do they may leave a lot of the gullible behind.


And we know how influential the Media, don't we?  :)


The answer to the ongoing devastation and slaughter in the Ukraine is inevitably peace negotiations, no matter how many couch potato telly warrors support the Ukainians in fighting to the last man!


That time is coming, and when it does, who will mourn the stupid and needless loss of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, who were told the U.S. and Europe "have their back" ?


It'll just be another Iraq, Iran, Libya, VietNam, Afghanistan mess left behind, when the Western politicians, decide it's "time to move on"!


Forget the grandios political speeches at COP27. Europe is still hooked on Russian Oil and Gas, and winter's coming! 


The Euro crowd need petrol for their fancy BMWs, Audis, and Mercedes.


No smiley here!


It's sickening!

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29 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Yep.  :)


My point is that the subject of getting Zelensky to negotiate for a cease fire, and a agree to a diplomatic solution is gaining currrency in the Media.


Previous articles were posted here from The Guardian, CNN, New York Times, Al Jazeera et al. All "bastions of journalistic probity and integrity".


'course it takes some people longer to give up the old MSM "narratives" they've been spoon fed.


Not so the Media, and politicians. They can turn on a dime, and when they do they may leave a lot of the gullible behind.


And we know how influential the Media, don't we?  :)


The answer to the ongoing devastation and slaughter in the Ukraine is inevitably peace negotiations, no matter how many couch potato telly warrors support the Ukainians in fighting to the last man!


That time is coming, and when it does, who will mourn the stupid and needless loss of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, who were told the U.S. and Europe "have their back" ?


It'll just be another Iraq, Iran, Libya, VietNam, Afghanistan mess left behind, when the Western politicians, decide it's "time to move on"!


Forget the grandios political speeches at COP27. Europe is still hooked on Russian Oil and Gas, and winter's coming! 


The Euro crowd need petrol for their fancy BMWs, Audis, and Mercedes.


No smiley here!


It's sickening!

1st bit in bold: Zelensky set his conditions for peace talks last Monday. It appears that you missed them? Surprising, since you show such a burning interest about the topic.


2nd bit in bold: I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve corrected you about that. With links, each time. Give the lying a rest sometime. It’s not a good look.

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45 minutes ago, L00b said:

1st bit in bold: Zelensky set his conditions for peace talks last Monday. It appears that you missed them? Surprising, since you show such a burning interest about the topic.


2nd bit in bold: I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve corrected you about that. With links, each time. Give the lying a rest sometime. It’s not a good look.



Zelensky is NOT in favor of negotiating anything other than the complete withdrawal of Russia, from all Ukrainian territory, including Crimea.


That's going nowhere!


Russia says No!


(Which is why there's a war!)


And Europe is STILL buying Russian Oil and Gas!

Business Insider
The EU remained the largest importer of Russian fossil fuels in September, according to the CREA. It has imported over 100 billion euros worth of Russian fuel since the Ukraine war started. The EU is still importing about 260 million euros worth of Russian fossil fuels each day.Oct 10, 2022
Get back to your telly!  :)
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2 hours ago, trastrick said:



Zelensky is NOT in favor of negotiating anything other than the complete withdrawal of Russia, from all Ukrainian territory, including Crimea.


That's going nowhere!


Russia says No!


(Which is why there's a war!)


And Europe is STILL buying Russian Oil and Gas!

Business Insider
The EU remained the largest importer of Russian fossil fuels in September, according to the CREA. It has imported over 100 billion euros worth of Russian fuel since the Ukraine war started. The EU is still importing about 260 million euros worth of Russian fossil fuels each day.Oct 10, 2022

Ah, now we’re slowly getting somewhere.


So Zelensky, with the democratic approval of the Ukrainian population, requires Russia to restore Ukraine to its original, pre-agression borders, with reparations on top to make good  the damage which Russia’s unilateral, terrorist actions caused…


…but in your book, that’s clearly unreasonable, and Zelensky should wind his neck instead, ‘because Russia says no’.

Have I got that right? 😏


Of course Europe is still buying oil - until end December. Again, that’s been made amply clear in earlier replies and links. But hey, keep up the lies and misrepresentations, comrade T

2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Get back to your telly!  :)

There’s a worse entity than a “couch potato telly warrior supporting the Ukainians in fighting to the last man!: a couch potato keyboard quisling supporting Putin’s murderous imperialism.


Get back to your FSB handler! 🙃

Edit - on reflection…maybe you better not. It looks unhealthy.



"The FSB gave a clear signal - they will clean up everyone": how and why Stremousov was eliminated in the Kherson region


The odious traitor of Ukraine, the right-hand man of the Gauleiter of the temporarily occupied territory of the Kherson region, Kyrylo Stremousov, according to "official" information, died in a road accident. However, the circumstances of the accident were so strange that they almost immediately raised many questions. Now we can say with great probability: Stremousov was killed, and by his own.

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16 hours ago, L00b said:

So Zelensky, with the democratic approval of the Ukrainian population, requires Russia to restore Ukraine to its original, pre-agression borders, with reparations on top to make good  the damage which Russia’s unilateral, terrorist actions caused…

Zelensky can "require" the Russians to leave the occupied territory all he wants!  :)


A non starter.


The West already gave Crimea to the Totalitarian Putin, way back in 2014, with nary a peep!  :)


Now he's come for more, of course! That's what Totalitarians do!


16 hours ago, L00b said:

Of course Europe is still buying oil - until end December. Again, that’s been made amply clear in earlier replies and links. But hey, keep up the lies and misrepresentations, comrade T

Of course?  :)


Europe is helping finance Putin's war on Ukraine!


"The EU remained the largest importer of Russian fossil fuels in September, according to the CREA. It has imported over 100 billion euros worth of Russian fuel since the Ukraine war started. The EU is still importing about 260 million euros worth of Russian fossil fuels each day. - October 10, 2022"


That's trading with the enemy by any rational defintion.


Who's the "quisling", again?  :)


As for Europe ending Russian Oil and Gas imports "in December".  As long as some NATO countries are divided on that subject, it's, as usual, all talk, and no action!  :)


"BRUSSELS, Oct 20 (Reuters) - Hungary will not agree to an EU price cap on imported gas because it would end Russian deliveries, a senior aide to Prime Minister Viktor Orban said, adding that if the EU decides on a cap it would have to exempt Hungary, as it did for oil."


The West will NOT risk a Nuclear WW3,  to save the brave Ukranians. That was made clear by the U.S. in 2014, and again in 2022. (They wouldn't even risk a conventional war against the Mad Mullah's in Afghanistan, they just upped  and ran away,  and left the poor Afghanis under the thumb of Totalitarion religious fanatics).


The only choice now is an endless war of attrition, death and destruction, fought only by the Ukraine, or a compromise for peace to end it.


You have made your position clear.


I believe saner heads will prevail and the World will come to a different conclusion!



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Russia is constantly shelling Ukrainian cities, killing and maiming innocent civilians.

What I can't understand is,


When we were in conflict with the IRA, they used to blow up Pubs etc. on our mainland.

Why doesn't Ukraine use the same tactics.

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