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Putin Threatens The West

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51 minutes ago, Padders said:

Russia is constantly shelling Ukrainian cities, killing and maiming innocent civilians.

What I can't understand is,


When we were in conflict with the IRA, they used to blow up Pubs etc. on our mainland.

Why doesn't Ukraine use the same tactics.

The answer is clear.


Western supported forays into Russian territory are off the table.


The West in confining the war to Ukrainian territory, fearing what Biden calls escalation to a WW3  "Armageddon!"


No long range missiles will be sent to Ukraine, only short range defensive missiles, according to Biden.



Edited by trastrick
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8 hours ago, trastrick said:

Zelensky can "require" the Russians to leave the occupied territory all he wants!  :)


A non starter.


The West already gave Crimea to the Totalitarian Putin, way back in 2014, with nary a peep!  :)


Now he's come for more, of course! That's what Totalitarians do!


Of course?  :)


Europe is helping finance Putin's war on Ukraine!


"The EU remained the largest importer of Russian fossil fuels in September, according to the CREA. It has imported over 100 billion euros worth of Russian fuel since the Ukraine war started. The EU is still importing about 260 million euros worth of Russian fossil fuels each day. - October 10, 2022"


That's trading with the enemy by any rational defintion.


Who's the "quisling", again?  :)


As for Europe ending Russian Oil and Gas imports "in December".  As long as some NATO countries are divided on that subject, it's, as usual, all talk, and no action!  :)


"BRUSSELS, Oct 20 (Reuters) - Hungary will not agree to an EU price cap on imported gas because it would end Russian deliveries, a senior aide to Prime Minister Viktor Orban said, adding that if the EU decides on a cap it would have to exempt Hungary, as it did for oil."


The West will NOT risk a Nuclear WW3,  to save the brave Ukranians. That was made clear by the U.S. in 2014, and again in 2022. (They wouldn't even risk a conventional war against the Mad Mullah's in Afghanistan, they just upped  and ran away,  and left the poor Afghanis under the thumb of Totalitarion religious fanatics).


The only choice now is an endless war of attrition, death and destruction, fought only by the Ukraine, or a compromise for peace to end it.


You have made your position clear.


I believe saner heads will prevail and the World will come to a different conclusion!



If you knew anything about Crimea you would have known that Russia had a substantial amount of armour and sea power there. Plus Russian flags were flying  on most of the main buildings in the cities there. But of course you only copy and paste the bits that help your arguments.

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