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Putin Threatens The West

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4 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Here here 👏

Sadly though, I think the killing will continue for a good while yet with armchair generals and useful idiots cheering from the safety of their sofas.



27 minutes ago, Padders said:

Thank you Daddy, a very good explanation,

As I say, too complicated for me to understand completely.

All I know is it's time the killing stopped, but will it?

Yes the killing will stop once the gullible public see the contradictions of the failing MSM "narrative" that the Ukraine is "winning".


Then the paradigm will change to focus on just what it is that Ukraine is actually winning, and the price they are paying for their phantom "victory", not to mention the price the entire World is paying for this latest futille attempt at "regime change" in Russia!


Ukraine will join Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Lybia, VietNam, Afghanistan, et al, as a footnote to the hubris of the Western Colonial obsession with remaking the World in their own image!


The best Ukraine can hope for is partition, whereby the  Ukraine population opt  for their own re-alignment, Russian speaking with Russia, and Western looking folk with adjusted borders, militarily neutral. (No NATO missiles on the Russian border!)


Then, like with COVID mandates in the past, the usual suspects will finally embrace peace, while trying to justiify, rationalize, and excuse the horrendess price in death and destruction, they clapped like seals and cheerleadered for, in order to satisfy their never ending lust for the fake moral supremacy of political power.


They will even feel vindicated, squarely blaming Russia, like they blame Trump for all the rank incompetence of the Biden Administration.


Then this thread will die a natural death, and on to the next Greatest Threat to Humankind!


But judging from the current disinterest in the COP27 fiasco scam, this one's already dead in the water, too!


Edited by trastrick
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3 minutes ago, trastrick said:


Yes the killing will stop once the gullible public see the contradictions of the failing MSM "narrative" that the Ukraine is "winning".


Then the paradigm will change to focus on just what it is that Ukraine is actually winning, and the price they are paying for their phantom "victory", not to mention the price the entire World is paying for this latest futille attempt at "regime change" in Russia!


Ukraine will join Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Lybia, VietNam, Afghanistan, et al, as a footnote to the hubris of the Western Colonial obsession with remaking the World in their own image!


The best Ukraine can hope for is partition, whereby the  Ukraine population opt  for their own re-alignment, Russian speaking with Russia, and Western looking folk with adjusted borders, militarily neutral. (No NATO missiles on the Russian border!)


Then, like with COVID mandates in the past, the usual suspects will finally embrace peace, while trying to justiify, rationalize, and excuse the horrendess price in death and destruction, they clapped cheerleadered for in order to satisfy their never ending lust for the fakee moral supremacy of political power.


They will even feel vindicated, squarely blaming Russia, like they blame Trump for all the rank incompetence of the Biden Administration.


Then this thread will die a natural death, and on to the next Greatest Threat to Humankind!


But judging from the current disinterest in the COP27 fiasco scam, this one's already dead in the water, too!


My bold.

I agree completely👍

Will it be allowed to happen though ?

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18 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold.

I agree completely👍

Will it be allowed to happen though ?



The rumblings have already started.


The crack in the U.S. Left's  wall of power, while not as big as some would have hoped, is significant.


This "War is Peace", "Defeat is Victory", "Economic Chaos is Prosperity", "The New Normal", stuff has a short life span.


And folks will learn the hard way that War with the Eastern Majority is not an option.


Co-existence, as in the 50 years of Cold War, and the brief 4 years of Trump, is the only real option the West has, failing all out war against its Totalitarian Enemies, which the complacent West has neither the will power, nor the stomach for!

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3 hours ago, L00b said:

Ukraine shoulders vicarious liability for the Polish victims, if that missile is eventually proven to be theirs (it is not, as yet).

But in terms of fault, indeed it is Russia’s: Ukraine wouldn’t have to fire anti-air defences every day for protecting its population, if Russia wasn’t firing tens of cruise missiles, rockets and drones targeting civilians and infrastructure every day.

Stupid crooked logic....


All the time the UK and others supply the missiles that are directed at Russia then we are also at fault as well as its our missiles that are causing the damage!


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37 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

Stupid crooked logic....


All the time the UK and others supply the missiles that are directed at Russia then we are also at fault as well as its our missiles that are causing the damage!


Is Russia destroying Ukrainian power stations and other civilian infrastructure with cruise missiles and rockets, because Ukraine is aiming missiles (from whoever) at Russia?

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41 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

Stupid crooked logic....


All the time the UK and others supply the missiles that are directed at Russia then we are also at fault as well as its our missiles that are causing the damage!


Seems fair to me.

Also, are we going to take some responsibility for the ongoing nightmare that is Yemen? 

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13 hours ago, Anna B said:

Wasn't there a resolution that was satisfactory to both parties early on in the conflict?


It was turned down by NATO l believe.


Which rather proves the point that this is yet another proxy war of ideologies which is never going to be solved, and will continue around the world forever.

What these countries need, are a good sound stable government with good opposition, to keep them in check. Like the UK. 


oh wait...



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So Nobel Peace Prize for Rishi!


Biden is out too, I should imagine!


Will someone rise to the occasion?


Here's who could do it in a New York Minute! Zelensky.


"I will no longer subject my Ukrainan people to the endless slaughter and devastation of my country. We will make the best peace we can with our Russian neighbor".


This would involve giving up the Russian allied Donetzk regions, and seeking negotiated access to their former Black Sea ports, under a United Nations brokered agreeemeent, and a pledge  to remain militarly neutral in the ongoing NATO vs Russia geopolitical struggle.


Imagine the celebtrating "When the lights come on again in Picadilly" (Kiev)



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