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Putin Threatens The West

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2 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

So Russia invaded another country, you agree but you still blame others . You can still read posts and instead of quoting them fully, you can say what you agree with and what not . 

You I'm a mood tonight or sommert?

Tell me, how many countries has the UK invaded?

What about America? How many countries have they invaded?

You get this animated about every one of those?

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27 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Who's everyone else?




I'm laying blame at the door of the responsible. 

Did Russia invade?


Did I think they would?


Do I support the move?


The fact is we've been deliberately poking the bear for years now. Well, we've got what we want. A war but the good bit I'm it's not our troops doing the fighting and dying,  Yet. It's Ukrainians for now but make no mistake it's OUR war. The Ukrainians are just doing the dirty work. 

For Clarity. I support neither putin or the war but facts are facts....

Grow up!

 I've got several cracks across the screen and it sometimes makes it difficult to use. You should have noticed I've been quoting differently recently and if you haven't then go take a look. Well that's why


Phone seems to be working fine now . Stop it with the excuses and the fake outrage . Rest of it is whataboutism 

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8 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

There are many who would say he was not easy to like but he was easy to respect.

He showed himself to be an extremely brave man when he was young and acted with distinction.

He was also  very astute and warned the government through the thirties about Germany's intentions but no one would listen.

As a result, we entered a war for which we were totally unprepared, against an aggressor who was very well prepared and very nearly lost.

Had Churchill not taken over, I'm sure we would have lost in the first year despite being a powerful country at the time.

We don't just need power but leaders who know how to use it and our present lot scare me more than they would scare an enemy.

These days, we have leaders who have never seen a battlefield and have probably, never done a hard days work in their lives.

The right man at the right time, this doesn’t happen often enough. He put service in front of family and has admitted to not being the best father in the world, he couldn’t care less what his detractors thought of him, such as the likes of Hitler and Mussolini, I particularly liked his description of Clement Attlee following his victory in the first post war GE, “A Very Modest Man, With Much To Be Modest About.”


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Bloke at the pub on Saturday, is 65 years old and says he fought in both world wars 


Says if there is a nuclear strike, as long as you keep yourself fit and eat healthy then the effects of a nuclear bomb won't affect you 


If the bomb lands on you then yes you are dead as you would be crushed, but the chances of the bomb landing on you in slim. 


So to sum up, there is nothing to be worried about 

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11 minutes ago, rogets said:

Bloke at the pub on Saturday, is 65 years old and says he fought in both world wars 


Says if there is a nuclear strike, as long as you keep yourself fit and eat healthy then the effects of a nuclear bomb won't affect you 


If the bomb lands on you then yes you are dead as you would be crushed, but the chances of the bomb landing on you in slim. 


So to sum up, there is nothing to be worried about 

He is 65 and fought in both World wars .  Good beer in that pub .

The balloon is about to go up . Its as plain as the look on Putins face .  Just hope that the Russian people wake up and stop him .

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1 hour ago, rogets said:

Bloke at the pub on Saturday, is 65 years old and says he fought in both world wars 


Says if there is a nuclear strike, as long as you keep yourself fit and eat healthy then the effects of a nuclear bomb won't affect you 


If the bomb lands on you then yes you are dead as you would be crushed, but the chances of the bomb landing on you in slim. 


So to sum up, there is nothing to be worried about 

Any nuclear strike would be aimed at the Capital  (London)

So why not re-locate everyone in London to Scunthorpe, that way nobody gets hurt...

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After convid can we believe anything we are told by Western Governments and the MSM, Zelensky is dodgier than Arthur Daley and I'm learning over time that the opposite to what the MSM tell you is usually nearer the truth, is it true that a vote in Ukraine before the war showed many Ukrainians wanted Russian rule, then there's always the Donbas factor, if what happened there is true Zelensky is hardly the good guy in this. Who knows.

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20 minutes ago, top4718 said:

After convid can we believe anything we are told by Western Governments and the MSM, Zelensky is dodgier than Arthur Daley and I'm learning over time that the opposite to what the MSM tell you is usually nearer the truth, is it true that a vote in Ukraine before the war showed many Ukrainians wanted Russian rule, then there's always the Donbas factor, if what happened there is true Zelensky is hardly the good guy in this. Who knows.

Ukraine has been dodgy for years , It has a  party of far right wing fanatics probably pro Russian , Russia  also have their own Fascists  waiting  in the back ground . Lets hope we do no longer have these nut cases among us .

Edited by Leo Tomlinson
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11 minutes ago, Leo Tomlinson said:

Ukraine has been dodgy for years , It has a  party of far right wing fanatics probably pro Russian , Russia  also have their own Fascists  waiting  in the back ground . Lets hope we do no longer have these nut cases among us .

It's funny that just a couple of years before the invasion even uk mainstream media ran stories about how corrupt Ukraine is 

Then it became 'The current thing' and people conveniently forgot.

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