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Putin Threatens The West

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14 minutes ago, trastrick said:

As I said. The World has changed, and the Western Colonialist Mindset needs to recognize that fact.


Yes, the West used its military might to overcome Fascism and Communism, as they tried to impose their democracy on Korea, VietNam, Africa, Middle East, with varying results, mostly negative.


If they fail to use ALL the resources at their disposal to banish today's  assorted Totalitarians, Fascists, Communists, Islamists they will just have to live with them.


And no, sending  a brave few Ukrainians to do the job for you, won't hack it either! 


Today's Western "diverse" populations include elements of all these political leaning adherents, so the old "us against those foreigners, and commies" no longer applies, and there's no will to eradicate them militarily.


Let's apply today's societal standards to the World at large! You apparently manage to get on with your communists.


Let's hear it for peaceful co-existence with our differing cultures, and embrace what we have in common, and learn to live with them!

The only sentence with any relevance to the discussion at hand, drowned in your stream-of-consciousness post, is your tired old canard :

15 minutes ago, trastrick said:



And no, sending  a brave few Ukrainians to do the job for you, won't hack it either! 



We’ve just spent half a dozen posts or more establishing, yet again, that no one is “sending Ukrainians to do the job” for (the West, me, whoever): they’re in a fight for their lives to save themselves from Putin’s fascistic autocracy.

The same fight that they led in 2014, on their lonesome, to rid themselves of Putin’s stooge during the Euromaidan protests, in which countless unarmed protesters were shot to death by Yanukovich’s snipers and Russian agents provocateurs.


The same fight they’ve been leading since 2014, on their lonesome, to keep denying Putin the Donbas after he grabbed Crimea overnight out of the blue - in full contravention to his written, signed and sealed mutual defence obligations.


Giz a shout when you’re done circling the debating drain with that trope. 

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18 minutes ago, L00b said:

The only sentence with any relevance to the discussion at hand, drowned in your stream-of-consciousness post, is your tired old canard :

We’ve just spent half a dozen posts or more establishing, yet again, that no one is “sending Ukrainians to do the job” for (the West, me, whoever): they’re in a fight for their lives to save themselves from Putin’s fascistic autocracy.

The same fight that they led in 2014, on their lonesome, to rid themselves of Putin’s stooge during the Euromaidan protests, in which countless unarmed protesters were shot to death by Yanukovich’s snipers and Russian agents provocateurs.


The same fight they’ve been leading since 2014, on their lonesome, to keep denying Putin the Donbas after he grabbed Crimea overnight out of the blue - in full contravention to his written, signed and sealed mutual defence obligations.


Giz a shout when you’re done circling the debating drain with that trope. 

Oh dear!


And for a while I was taking you seriously!  :)


Have a nice day!

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After letter bombs to the Ukrainian embassy, the US embassy, the Spanish PM and others in Spain, car bombs against the Italian embassy in Greece.



No clear links to Russia yet, of course (it’s only been a couple days, investigations are ongoing). But it’s been a long time since letter and car bombs were flying around embassies and governments, and rarely ever in such widespread and coordinated fashion.


Visiting Russians would want to be careful, not to get mistaken for terrorists by hyperalert security services. Maybe stop issuing visas to them (and rescind granted ones) altogether, as well.

Edited by L00b
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11 minutes ago, L00b said:

After letter bombs to the Ukrainian embassy, the US embassy, the Spanish PM and others in Spain, car bombs against the Italian embassy in Greece.



No clear links to Russia yet, of course (it’s only been a couple days, investigations are ongoing). But it’s been a long time since letter and car bombs were flying around embassies and governments, and rarely ever in such widespread and coordinated fashion.


Visiting Russians would want to be careful, not to get mistaken for terrorists by hyperalert security services. Maybe stop issuing visas to them (and rescind granted ones) altogether, as well.

It's called WAR!


Wars are not fought under Marquis of Queensbury Rules, anymore.


So be careful how you get into them!


Or at least have a viable exit strategy!  :)


What's yours?

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

It's called WAR!


Wars are not fought under Marquis of Queensbury Rules, anymore.


So be careful how you get into them!


Or at least have a viable exit strategy!  :)


What's yours?

We’ve been over this so many times already.


Stick with the current strategy.


Keep Ukraine in plenty of armaments, supplies and assorted other help whilever Ukrainians are willing to continue fighting. They’re gradually kicking Russian a55es and taking names back to Russia’s borders with ever-increasing efficiency.


Keep isolating Putin and his population ever more and let them continue to hang themselves socially, economically and morally a little more every passing day.

How about yours?

Any change yet, or is it still “let’s appease Putin now and give him Ukraine, then hope the bear doesn’t want feeding again too soon”? 😆

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16 minutes ago, L00b said:

Any change yet, or is it still “let’s appease Putin now and give him Ukraine, then hope the bear doesn’t want feeding again too soon”? 😆

What Tucker Carlson and Trumpist Republicans Get Wrong About Ukraine:


If Ukraine becomes dependent [on Russia], we will need to do absolutely nothing to provoke a war, it’ll come to us. Putin won’t stop. The Kremlin will go farther. Passivity will be our suicide.

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Guest makapaka
1 hour ago, L00b said:

They’re gradually kicking Russian a55es and taking names back to Russia’s borders with ever-increasing efficiency.

As if. 

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1 hour ago, L00b said:

We’ve been over this so many times already.


Stick with the current strategy.


Keep Ukraine in plenty of armaments, supplies and assorted other help whilever Ukrainians are willing to continue fighting. They’re gradually kicking Russian a55es and taking names back to Russia’s borders with ever-increasing efficiency.


Keep isolating Putin and his population ever more and let them continue to hang themselves socially, economically and morally a little more every passing day.

How about yours?

Any change yet, or is it still “let’s appease Putin now and give him Ukraine, then hope the bear doesn’t want feeding again too soon”? 😆

Stick with the current strategy?


Yep, those "foreigners" fighting, and dying, the West's Great Satan, is no skin off your nose! It's just summat on't telly for you lot!


And the West adding to Putin's War Chest by buying his Fossil Fuels! $100,000,000,000.00 and counting since the War started?


Supporting the military industrial complex and their arm sales?


My solution is to make a deal with the Bear, and save what we can of the rest of the country!


Then co-existence and peace until the next set of adults take over Western Leadership, and decide on some strategy to deal with the geopolitical realities of a Nuclear Russia, Nuclear China, and maybe soon to be a Nuclear Iran!


Just like we had during the 50 years of the Cold War and the brief 4 years of Trump!  :)


Armchair war mongers are not my favorite people!




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13 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Stick with the current strategy?


Yep, those "foreigners" fighting, and dying, the West's Great Satan, is no skin off your nose! It's just summat on't telly for you lot!


And the West adding to Putin's War Chest by buying his Fossil Fuels! $100,000,000,000.00 and counting since the War started?


Supporting the military industrial complex and their arm sales?


My solution is to make a deal with the Bear, and save what we can of the rest of the country!


Then co-existence and peace until the next set of adults take over Western Leadership, and decide on some strategy to deal with the geopolitical realities of a Nuclear Russia, Nuclear China, and maybe soon to be a Nuclear Iran!


Just like we had during the 50 years of the Cold War and the brief 4 years of Trump!  :)


Armchair war mongers are not my favorite people!

You could have saved yourself the hassle of typing all that and simply confirmed that your own exit strategy is unchanged 🙄


It’s still as unviable, by the way.

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