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Putin Threatens The West

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3 minutes ago, L00b said:

Relative to when?

You said it had enlarged this year due to fear of Russia aggression.


Putin is a horrible man and needs taking out but NATO has creeped slowly towards the East.


I know it was only a verbal agreement not to, rather than a pact but there no no denying it has.

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12 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

You said it had enlarged this year due to fear of Russia aggression.


Putin is a horrible man and needs taking out but NATO has creeped slowly towards the East.


I know it was only a verbal agreement not to, rather than a pact but there no no denying it has.

You say that, like Russia never engaged in territorial aggression before invading Ukraine in February 2022-




and like Russia never participated in military exercises with NATO-





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3 hours ago, L00b said:

Russia had no need to defend its borders before it decided to invade Ukraine in February 2022.



Do you make it up as you go along?  :)



August, 2021


Al Jazeera


Ukraine’s president pledges to ‘return’ Russia-annexed Crimea

Volodymyr Zelenskyy urges the international forum to back Kyiv in its bid to overturn the 2014 seizure of Black Sea peninsula.


At a summit attended by "Top officials from 46 countries and blocs took part in the summit, including from the United States, the European Union and Turkey", Zelensky vowed to do everything possible to remove Russia from the Crimea. All 30 member states of the NATO transatlantic security alliance were represented.


"“I will personally do everything possible to return Crimea so that it becomes part of Europe together with Ukraine,” Zelenskyy said.


“Ukraine will never be alone in that Crimea is Ukraine", EU Council President Charles Michel said.


"The United Kingdom, which like most other nations did not recognise the annexation".


"Participants of the summit signed a joint declaration, which, Zelenskyy said in his closing remarks, “clearly stipulates the non-recognition of Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea and contains commitments to consider imposing additional political and diplomatic sanctions on Russia in the case of further aggression”.


“Occupation of Crimea casts doubts on the effectiveness of the entire international security system,” he said.


“Without restoring the trust in it, not a single state can be sure that it wouldn’t become the next victim of occupation.”


It's a stretch to assume that Russia would attempt to invade the NATO member States! 


But the West's Drums of War were certainly beating at that time.  :)




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25 minutes ago, Kidorry said:

Don`t forget at the time you are copying and pasting about Russia had already invaded Ukraine by taking over Crimea.

Of course not!  :)

It was the West's demonstrated weakness in their failure to draw "red lines" and stick to them in places like Crimea, Syria, and later Afghanistan, that allowed the Russian Bear his unopposed stranglehold on the Ukraine in the first place.


The consequences of those failures are having to be addressed today. Albeit belatedly.


As for cutting and pasting, sometimes you have to remind the armchair telly war mongers on SF, of what's happening according to credible sources.


Al Jazeera is certainly one.


Nobody is disputing their facts, as laid out above.




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1 hour ago, trastrick said:



Do you make it up as you go along?  :)


I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve set you right about Crimea, and all your other false equivalences in this thread.

It’s tedious to address your unrequited manlove for Vlad time and time and time again.

Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea didn’t make the Crimean edge with Ukraine a “Russian border”: the annexation would have needed to be recognised internationally, to make it so.

The fact is, for all of Vlad’s whining and moaning and pleading and begging about it ever since, it wasn’t recognised then, and still isn’t recognised now.


So you keep telling yourself it’s a Russian border, and the nasty West always had it for Vlad (or is it the feeble West didn’t dare say “booh!” to Vlad…heh, make up your mind sometime, you seem very confused), and ‘Lol’ all you want. But maybe keep it to Telegram, eh? 👍🏻

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And you keep telling yourself you’ve “set me straight“.  :)


With the majority of the World, many with Nuclear Weapons, rejecting out of hand your Western colonial “values”, spear headed yet again by German European Leadership, be prepared for opposition.


And when the Leader of the Free World, Commander in Chief of the U.S. Military tells the World, “For God’s sake, this man (Putin) has to go!”, don’t be surprised if he gets a little pushback from the Worlds Totalitarians.  :)


Peace can only be achieved by strength, and the gonads to use it, at the appropriate time! It’s the only thing Totalitarians respect, not pearl clutching insults hurled from the Ambassadorial ballrooms of the Western World! 


Until then enjoy your “business as usual” endless wars, and send a few bob to the poor souls in Ukraine you have put on the front line to fight your mortal enemy for you!





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1 hour ago, trastrick said:



Peace can only be achieved by strength, and the gonads to use it, at the appropriate time! It’s the only thing Totalitarians respect, not pearl clutching insults hurled from the Ambassadorial ballrooms of the Western World! 



Which is exactly what Ukrainians are doing, and all those who support them, since February last year.

So what is your problem, exactly? That Ukrainians and their supporters have too much strength and gonads now? Not enough? Too late? What?


You show little logic and consistency, when in one sentence you advocate strength to resist autocrats, and in the next you berate Ukrainians and their supporters for exercising that strength against Russian autocrats, in each and every post.


If you’re going to continue regurgitating s***-for-brains lines straight out of Kremlin central, at least be consistent and save us the faux outrage and platitudes about a Russian ‘bear’, by now proven to be little more than a unicycling panda with some attitude.

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4 hours ago, trastrick said:

Of course not!  :)

It was the West's demonstrated weakness in their failure to draw "red lines" and stick to them in places like Crimea, Syria, and later Afghanistan, that allowed the Russian Bear his unopposed stranglehold on the Ukraine in the first place.


The consequences of those failures are having to be addressed today. Albeit belatedly.


As for cutting and pasting, sometimes you have to remind the armchair telly war mongers on SF, of what's happening according to credible sources.


Al Jazeera is certainly one.


Nobody is disputing their facts, as laid out above.




Only in your opinion seeing as you have never been there or said anything about the Crimea when Russia did invade it. And tell me how they could draw a line around a country that already had a vast amount personal and military equipment there to start with. Without your usual copy and paste rubbish.

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12 hours ago, L00b said:

Which is exactly what Ukrainians are doing, and all those who support them, since February last year.

So what is your problem, exactly? That Ukrainians and their supporters have too much strength and gonads now? Not enough? Too late? What?


You show little logic and consistency, when in one sentence you advocate strength to resist autocrats, and in the next you berate Ukrainians and their supporters for exercising that strength against Russian autocrats, in each and every post.


If you’re going to continue regurgitating s***-for-brains lines straight out of Kremlin central, at least be consistent and save us the faux outrage and platitudes about a Russian ‘bear’, by now proven to be little more than a unicycling panda with some attitude.

Me berate Ukrainians?


Now where did you get that from?  :)


It's the poor who have to fight the endless wars that their weak/corrupt/incompetent leaders get them into. (I think that Madman Hitler was the only leader who died in combat in living memory)


I "berate" those who mouth "support" to the fighters from the comfort of their armchair tellys,, knowing that if the war gets a little messy, they can just change channels to corrie street!



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