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Putin Threatens The West

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10 hours ago, Kidorry said:

Only in your opinion seeing as you have never been there or said anything about the Crimea when Russia did invade it. And tell me how they could draw a line around a country that already had a vast amount personal and military equipment there to start with. Without your usual copy and paste rubbish.

I said a lot about Russia's unopposed  Crimea Annexation under Obama, at the time it happened, but I  was doing it on other major blog platforms like NYT and WashPost, before they started deleting my comments. :)


I only noticed SF's dedicated topics to World Affairs from the Ex-Pat Forum a couple years ago!


Maybe I'll look up a couple for you?  :)


As for never being there, you are correct, but I did spend a lot of time in most, if not all, of the Eastern European former U.S.S.R. Satellite States, not long after the Wall came down! I learned a lot from them.


(I refused to go into Russia even though at one point I had some time on my hands and their was a train I could have taken which would have got me to Belarus in an hour or so)





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48 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Me berate Ukrainians?


Now where did you get that from?  :)


It's the poor who have to fight the endless wars that their weak/corrupt/incompetent leaders get them into. (I think that Madman Hitler was the only leader who died in combat in living memory)


I "berate" those who mouth "support" to the fighters from the comfort of their armchair tellys,, knowing that if the war gets a little messy, they can just change channels to corrie street!

So you support Ukrainians.

But you berate their supporters.


Well, the supporters whose support falls short of going there and fighting.


Out of interest…are you actually on the Ukrainian FEBA now?


I thought you were based in the tropics, about as far as it’s possible to get from a war in Europe?

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1 hour ago, L00b said:

So you support Ukrainians.

But you berate their supporters.


Well, the supporters whose support falls short of going there and fighting.


Out of interest…are you actually on the Ukrainian FEBA now?


I thought you were based in the tropics, about as far as it’s possible to get from a war in Europe?

Your reading comprehension is failing you, as usual!  :)


I "sympathize" with the Ukrainian people, who have been dragged into a geopolitical war between the two major Nuclear Military powers on Russia's doorstep.


Cannon fodder for Western elites, who cheer them on from the sidelines, but will not themselves engage in the fight to help them, or even stop sending $billions of dollars to Putin to finance his war, lest they should run short of the Fossil Fuels the NATO countries (Paris Accord Signees, all) who have somehow stupidly become addicted to, and dependent on.


Yes, I am based in "the tropics" far away from the current dysfunctional socialist West. with it's internal uncivil and divisive wars amongst it's own populations, yet insisting on seeking to impose their "values" on the rest of a non compliant World.


Colonialism is Dead! For better or worse!


The West needs some pragmatic leadership which recognizes it is a minority among it's long term enemies, Totalitarians, Communists, and militant religious  Islamists, and a strategy to deal with the ever increasing threat to it's freedom.

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1 minute ago, trastrick said:

Your reading comprehension is failing you, as usual!  :)


I "sympathize" with the Ukrainian people, who have been dragged into a geopolitical war between the two major Nuclear Military powers on Russia's doorstep.


Cannon fodder for Western elites, who cheer them on from the sidelines, but will not themselves engage in the fight to help them, or even stop sending $billions of dollars to Putin to finance his war, lest they should run short of the Fossil Fuels the NATO countries (Paris Accord Signees, all) who have somehow stupidly become addicted to, and dependent on.


Yes, I am based in "the tropics" far away from the current dysfunctional socialist West. with it's internal uncivil and divisive wars amongst it's own populations, yet insisting on seeking to impose their "values" on the rest of a non compliant World.


Colonialism is Dead!

My reading comprehension is perfectly fine. You doth protest too much, as usual 🙂 

You sympathise with Ukrainians, and denigrate their supporters. That’s it. Now own it.

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15 minutes ago, L00b said:

My reading comprehension is perfectly fine. You doth protest too much, as usual 🙂 

You sympathise with Ukrainians, and denigrate their supporters. That’s it. Now own it.

"Supporters" who won't join the fight, and won't even give the Ukraine the weapons they need for a decisive victory, and "supporters" that are paying $100,000,000,000,00 so far, and counting, in Fossil Fuel purchases to finance Putin's War on Ukraine!


I think you've nailed it!  :)


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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

I said a lot about Russia's unopposed  Crimea Annexation under Obama, at the time it happened, but I  was doing it on other major blog platforms like NYT and WashPost, before they started deleting my comments. :)


I only noticed SF's dedicated topics to World Affairs from the Ex-Pat Forum a couple years ago!


Maybe I'll look up a couple for you?  :)


As for never being there, you are correct, but I did spend a lot of time in most, if not all, of the Eastern European former U.S.S.R. Satellite States, not long after the Wall came down! I learned a lot from them.


(I refused to go into Russia even though at one point I had some time on my hands and their was a train I could have taken which would have got me to Belarus in an hour or so)





You must be some kind of diplomat to be able to  go into Russia at that time by just getting on a train. Every time I went I had the performance, expense and wait of applying for a visa.

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1 hour ago, Kidorry said:

You must be some kind of diplomat to be able to  go into Russia at that time by just getting on a train. Every time I went I had the performance, expense and wait of applying for a visa.

We were Teachers in 2000 who were told we could take the (cultural) trip at anytime and our Polish hosts would take care of the details, like they did with trips to the Check Repub, Slovakia and Slovenia but it never came to that!


I remember going over the border to the Check Republic from Poland and soldiers came aboard the bus and collected all our passports.


A few minutes later they cam back on board, pointed at me and ordered me off the bus. The bus left without me. But it was a glitch, as it turned out.


They were wild and woolly days back then, as the borders were still patrolled, and they made up the rules as they went along. 


Used to get shaken down for "special license fees" to drive my car on their "highways". If I didn't have the money to pay the fees they would ask how much I had on me! 


We got around on common sense in those days, but today it would be a major diplomatic incident, no doubt!  :)



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You did not answer my question, if you were a teacher or not you still had to have a visa to enter Russia and that took time and money. They did not just give them to you willy nilly and for free.

4 hours ago, trastrick said:

We were Teachers in 2000 who were told we could take the (cultural) trip at anytime and our Polish hosts would take care of the details, like they did with trips to the Check Repub, Slovakia and Slovenia but it never came to that!


I remember going over the border to the Check Republic from Poland and soldiers came aboard the bus and collected all our passports.


A few minutes later they cam back on board, pointed at me and ordered me off the bus. The bus left without me. But it was a glitch, as it turned out.


They were wild and woolly days back then, as the borders were still patrolled, and they made up the rules as they went along. 


Used to get shaken down for "special license fees" to drive my car on their "highways". If I didn't have the money to pay the fees they would ask how much I had on me! 


We got around on common sense in those days, but today it would be a major diplomatic incident, no doubt!  :)



They were still doing that in Ukraine the last time I was there in 2018.

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1 hour ago, Kidorry said:

You did not answer my question, if you were a teacher or not you still had to have a visa to enter Russia and that took time and money. They did not just give them to you willy nilly and for free.

They were still doing that in Ukraine the last time I was there in 2018.

The World of Perestroika in 2000 was a little different after the Wall came down, nobody had figured out those rules you have to abide by these days.


You weren’t there at that time!


I was!  :)

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