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Putin Threatens The West

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15 minutes ago, trastrick said:



America’s strategy of failure comes to Ukraine


Brandon J Weichert's work appears regularly in The Washington Times and Real Clear Politics.


Isn't that the site you're whining is hoodwinking you, over in the Biden thread... oh, yes... it is :?


Comparing Ukraine to Iraq and Afghanistan, while overlooking that it's nothing of the sort...


...as Newt Gingrich accurately says, Biden has "carefully and cautiously waged war in Ukraine with no American troops".


You have to laugh though, by making the comparison he highlights just what a shambles Bush's and by extension Republican administrations are! :hihi:



I hope all you armchair warriors are ready to bear the burden of what may come if Joe Biden and Ursula Von Der Leyen don't make wise choices.


It wouldn't just be another "foreign" war on the other TV channel  :)

As opposed to on their doorsteps in a few years time, if you had your way. :roll:

Edited by Magilla
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This Ukraine thing has stunk like a month old mackerel since day one, when you see that Blackrock who have controlling shares in armaments manufacturers have also been given the green light for the rebuilding of the Ukraine after the "war" it all starts to make sense.

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1 minute ago, top4718 said:

This Ukraine thing has stunk like a month old mackerel since day one, when you see that Blackrock who have controlling shares in armaments manufacturers have also been given the green light for the rebuilding of the Ukraine after the "war" it all starts to make sense.

Ukraine is about laundering money. Nothing more.

As an aside. Remember when I told these clowns not to trust msm when they said Russia is losing? I do. Oh how some laughed and mocked. 

If Russia is losing then perhaps those people could answer the following. 

How come they need our tanks then if things are going so well?

How come that horrible little nazi of a leader is begging for German leopard tanks and American Abrahams if they are winning?

More importantly how come both America and Germany have thus far refused to supply them?

I'll tell you why. Russia is absolutely hammering Ukraine and its not good optics for westerners to see lots of destroyed western tanks on YouTube. That's why.

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