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Putin Threatens The West

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12 minutes ago, Kidorry said:

They are already on their border.

Not the good one's!


The state of the art stealth ones, that mean business! 


12 minutes ago, Kidorry said:

And when you talk about Napoleon and Hitler it was the weather that beat them not the army.



Can you dig up an old weather forecast for those times?


Where is says "Bitter cold over German positions, Warm and sunny over the Russian positions"


An old football coach was asked if the weather was a factor in his team's loss.


"As far as I could tell, it was snowing on both sides of the field!" he said.  :)


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27 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Not the good one's!


The state of the art stealth ones, that mean business! 




Can you dig up an old weather forecast for those times?


Where is says "Bitter cold over German positions, Warm and sunny over the Russian positions"


An old football coach was asked if the weather was a factor in his team's loss.


"As far as I could tell, it was snowing on both sides of the field!" he said.  :)


You do come out with some rubbish

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9 minutes ago, butlers said:

AP reporting Germany 

will allow export of Leopard tanks to Ukraine

It's a quote from German Foreign Minister, Poland has said it can sent 100 tanks immediately.

There's pan European stocks of near 2500

Sounds like the title of the thread now needs changing to....


"The West threatens Putin"

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The moral elitist West believes that they have some divine "God given" right to forcibly insert its Judo-Christian values on, and determine the future of "inferior" Sovereign States, in some vaguely defined "Liberal New World Order".


After their utterly failed, fiascos in Viet Nam, Cuba, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Haiti, Somalia, Haiti, et al, they have not learned any lessons.


In this new world, where military might is now shared by amoral "non believers", the policies of "Regime Change", that the U.S. and NATO are pursuing, lead to nothing but war!


In the end, co-existence with the rest of the world, is the only way to secure a lasting peace. Free Trade, cultural exchanges and an emphasis on some common goals, like food and energy security, terrorism, control of nuclear proliferation, and mutually respected diplomatic relations.


It kept the relative peace for 75 years, and the 4 years of Trump's leadership. It can do so again.


The alternative is unthinkable.


But some will never learn. Human Nature! :)





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Putin believes  has some divine "God given" right to forcibly conquer, and determine the future of "inferior" Sovereign States, in some vaguely defined "Russian  New World Order".

Would anyone stand by whilst neighbours attempt to to take what is not theirs?

I hoped those days were past .

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1 hour ago, Thorpist said:

Putin believes  has some divine "God given" right to forcibly conquer, and determine the future of "inferior" Sovereign States, in some vaguely defined "Russian  New World Order".

Would anyone stand by whilst neighbours attempt to to take what is not theirs?

I hoped those days were past .

What assorted Totalitarians, Communists, and Religious Mad Mullah's across the world may "believe" is a fact of life.


The point is, how to deal with them.


War or co-existence?


The West has made a clear and firm commitment to militarily defend allies like NATO countries and Israel.


No such official commitment was ever made to the Ukraine, or Taiwan for that matter,


The West stood by while Russia swallowed up Ukrainian Crimea in 2014. Totalitarians around the world, they do take note of such things!.  :)


Now the West is reduced to providing "limited range" arms to those brave souls who are out manned and out gunned and suffering death and the destruction of their country, while they watch it all unfold on the telly!


There IS a solution which I have consistently mentioned here. It has many historical precedents, but currently the will to enforce such solutions is missing, as is the will to take this fight to the Russians,. There's an equal  lack of will to stop financing Putin's war on the Ukraine, by buying his Fossil Fuels.


So we have a war with "no end in sight" according to the "experts".


Just more unnecessary death and destruction,  and more economic crises and spiraling National Debts in the West.  And once again the threat of WW3 looming.


Look up the definition of insanity!



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There is no solution to war , Mankind has fought among each other from its first day on Earth, If some one walks across your garden the reaction is get off my property or else , 

We all protect what we think is ours , Animals and birds do the same ,

The war to end all wars did not stop this , The next one will take half the World out into dark ages , perhaps  South America  and Africa will  escape  and become the dominant continent 

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There IS a solution which I have consistently mentioned here.

Sadly your solution is the one that has already failed.



It has many historical precedents, but currently the will to enforce such solutions is missing, as is the will to take this fight to the Russians.

...because that solution has already failed.



There's an equal  lack of will to stop financing Putin's war on the Ukraine, by buying his Fossil Fuels.

Demonstrably nonsense.



So we have a war with "no end in sight" according to the "experts".


Just more unnecessary death and destruction,  and more economic crises and spiraling National Debts in the West.  And once again the threat of WW3 looming.


Look up the definition of insanity!

Insanity is doing the same again, and expecting a different result.


On 22/01/2023 at 09:21, Kidorry said:

Agree with that.

Indeed, no doubt The_Daddy will be along shortly to explain the discrepancies...


...what with his self confessed love of questions... obvs :hihi:

Edited by Magilla
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