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Sabotage To The Nord Stream Pipelines?

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10 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Has he , really?

No, not really.

A cursory google search reveals that his parents naturalised as Israeli citizens with the help of the president, and are guests in Israel of Igor Kolomoisky, living in his house that's worth "£8m" - because they became something of a target in late February.

They take security very seriously in Israel.

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6 minutes ago, Phanerothyme said:

No, not really.

A cursory google search reveals that his parents naturalised as Israeli citizens with the help of the president, and are guests in Israel of Igor Kolomoisky, living in his house that's worth "£8m" - because they became something of a target in late February.

They take security very seriously in Israel.

Thank you 

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4 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Thank you 

Yeah - it's not exactly the exoneration it appears to be.  Kolomoisky has form. Ukrainian politics aren't a million miles from Russian politics, unsurprisingly, and they're just as murky. 

But Putin made Ukraine choose a sphere of influence on Feb 24, and banked on Ukraine choosing Russia. 

I think Ukraine has made its decision pretty clear.

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Money laundering remains a significant problem in Ukraine.  Public corruption is the primary source of laundered funds.  Ineffective state institutions allow criminal proceeds to go undetected.  Launderers use shell companies and foreign bank accounts to avoid detection and integrate laundered money into legal businesses. 


Legislation in 2021 reinstates anticorruption procedures previously overturned by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (CCU) and strengthens the independence of the National Anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU).  The NABU investigates and the Specialized AntiCorruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO) prosecutes money laundering and its predicate offenses as a mechanism for pursuing high-level corruption.  Pressure from vested interests exerting influence through members of Parliament and the judiciary, including the CCU, pose a significant threat to Ukraine’s institutional anticorruption architecture. 


Rating                                                                           (100-Good / 0-Bad)

Transparency International Corruption Index                          32

World Governance Indicator – Control of Corruption             24


A combination of rampant corruption, market volatility and political instability in Ukraine represents major business risks for foreign investors. Bribery and facilitation payments are widespread among Ukrainian public officials, severely complicating business registration and trade procedures for international companies. Public procurement also suffers from pervasive corruption, burdensome regulations and favoritism, severely impeding fair competition. Corruption, extortion, bribery of foreign public officials, abuse of office and facilitation payments are criminalized under the Criminal Code, and official corruption - including conflicts of interest, asset disclosure and gifts and hospitality - is also covered under Ukraine's legislative framework. Ukraine’s anti-corruption laws encompass corrupt misconduct in both the private and the public sectors. The Law On Prevention of Corruption introduces measures for monitoring the effective implementation of anti-corruption provisions. However, a weak judicial system limits the enforcement of Ukraine's anti-corruption laws. For further information - GAN Integrity Business Anti-Corruption Portal

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I hope our Navy is keeping an eye on the North Sea oil rigs and pipelines from Norway to the UK.  First chance Russia gets I think they will try to sabotage them.

President Trump wasn't wrong when he was first elected telling EU leaders they were to reliant on Russian gas and oil.

Edited by hauxwell
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