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19 minutes ago, Magilla said:

You fail to make the distinction between President, and Ex-President.


None of your claims are true for the latter. :?

I know it shatters your fantasy of Trump going to prison


What American President has been sent to prison?

Edited by Jack Grey
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3 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

What American President has been sent to prison?

None, they are the former!


Which ex-Presidents have been investigated for crimes that took place after they left office?

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16 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

They will never put a President past or present in jail


Presidents have to be abouve the law in certain elements and many of them do things are questionable like drone strikes etc


If you out one President in prison then you would have to put them all in prison


They have immunity that the rest of us dont have.....its the only way they can operate


Also, Trump hasnt done anything to warrant going to Prison


Tony Blair on the other hand should be in The Hague

The great thing about the American Constitution is the separation of powers between the House of Representatives, The Senate, the Executive, and the Judicial.


The States too have veto power over changes to the Constitution.


A "Free Press" was also envisioned by the Founding Fathers, as a check on carpetbagging scoundrels who would use the Treasury to bribe voters with their own money, to achieve and maintain power.


A more dire provision, the Second Amendment,  was to allow the citizens to carry arms to prevent a corrupt government from arbitrarily changing the Constitution without the consent of the Instuitutions named above.


It prevents partisan politics (from both sides) from running roughshod ove the people's wishes.


Not perfect, but arguably better than the alternatives.

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1 minute ago, Magilla said:

None, they are the former!


Which ex-Presidents have been investigated for crimes that took place after they left office?

That wasnt really the subject matter


You guys were saying that Trump is gonna go to prison


I then posted a reason why i believe that wont happen 

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1 minute ago, Jack Grey said:

That wasnt really the subject matter


You guys were saying that Trump is gonna go to prison

No, they're saying he could, because any immunity he had only applies while he's in office.


1 minute ago, Jack Grey said:

I then posted a reason why i believe that wont happen 

Sure, but that's because no ex-president has ever been investigated and charged with a crime, after they left office.


It's not because it can't happen. :?

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Just now, Magilla said:

No, they're saying he could, because any immunity he had only applies while he's in office.


Sure, but that's because no ex-president has ever been investigated and charged with a crime, after they left office.


It's not because it can't happen. :?

But Trump hasnt as far as i know committed any crimes


And like i said they do not want to start a precedent because they will try and put every EX-president in prison


Also, if they didnt send Bush to prison over the WMD lies or Clinton for his lies then they wont send Trump to prison either

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17 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

That wasnt really the subject matter


You guys were saying that Trump is gonna go to prison


I then posted a reason why i believe that wont happen 

They are just modern day lynch mobs.


They ignore the basic tenet in a democracy that a citizen is innocent until PROVEN guilty in a Court of Law, where he/she has an opportunity to present a defense.


You first must:


 Have evidence of a crime.


Make a Criminal Charge against the defendent.


Proceed with a Trial


Get a Guilty Verdict


Then after all legal Appeals have been heard,


Accept the final outcome, Guilty, or not Guilty.


The Trump hating scoundrels, like Nancy Pelosi infamously said, "We won't wait for the Courts!"


We'll see if there are penaties, legal or political for such perversions of Justice. 




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5 minutes ago, trastrick said:

They are just a modern day lynch mobs.


They ignore the basic tenet in a democracy that a citizen is innocent until PROVEN guilty in a Court of Law, where he/she has an opportunity to present a defense.


You first must:


 Have evidence of a crime.


Make a Criminal Charge against the defendent.


Proceed with a Trial


Get a Guilty Verdict


Then after all legal Appeals have been heard,


Accept the final outcome, Guilty, or not Guilty.


The Trump hating scoundrels, like Nancy Pelosi infamously said, "We won't wait for the Courts!"


We'll see if their are penaties, legal or political for such perversions of Justice. 




The democrats have lied and lied and lied again about Trump


The people on the left have either short memories or they just close their eyes and hope it will go away


But to their credit it worked.....they threw so much s**t at Trump knowing that none of it would stick


But at the end of his term there was just a huge pile of S**t on the floor and people didnt want to smell it anymore


So they voted for a man who doesnt know what day it is....its actually quite uncomfortable to watch


Irony is that the left claim to be anti-establishment but they hated a guy who wasnt a politician and elected the establishment 

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So they voted for a man who doesnt know what day it is....its actually quite uncomfortable to watch

Always funny watching you guys highlighting how crap Biden is at stuff Trump is physically and cognitively incapable of even attempting! :hihi:


Talk about short memories! :P


Keep up the good work...


...in the Trump thread! :thumbsup:

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20 minutes ago, trastrick said:

They are just modern day lynch mobs.

Pointing out your errors, mistakes, complete inability to understand basic science, or legal concepts...


...isn't a lynching! :?


20 minutes ago, trastrick said:


They ignore the basic tenet in a democracy that a citizen is innocent until PROVEN guilty in a Court of Law, where he/she has an opportunity to present a defense.


You first must:


 Have evidence of a crime.


Make a Criminal Charge against the defendent.


Proceed with a Trial


Get a Guilty Verdict


Then after all legal Appeals have been heard,


Accept the final outcome, Guilty, or not Guilty.


The Trump hating scoundrels, like Nancy Pelosi infamously said, "We won't wait for the Courts!"


We'll see if there are penaties, legal or political for such perversions of Justice.

A comprehensive list of everything you've repeatedly ignored in your posts, when it's anyone who's not Trump :?

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