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Sabotage To The Nord Stream Pipelines?

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Ive found that people on the left will only listen to media that enforces their narrative.....its a bit narrow minded


What will you learn if you only get one side of the argument especially if they think that anyone who doesn't share their cult like beliefs should be totally discredited 


I read the news from the Daily Mail, Guardian, BBC, SKY, TalkTV, CNN


I'll watch Podcasts from Tucker, Rogan, Spiked, Owen Jones, Novaro Media, Ash Sukar and many more


I dont always agree with what they say but im interested in hearing them say it

Edited by Jack Grey
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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

Ive found that people on the left will only listen to media that enforces their narrative.....its a bit narrow minded


What will you learn if you only get one side of the argument especially if they think that anyone who doesn't share their cult like beliefs should be totally discredited 


I read the news from the Daily Mail, Guardian, BBC, SKY, TalkTV, CNN


I'll watch Podcasts from Tucker, Rogan, Spiked, Owen Jones, Novaro Media, Ash Sukar and many more


I dont always agree with what they say but im interested in hearing them say it

Try GB News between 6and 8 pm to hear different points of view.

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12 hours ago, Longcol said:

The same Tucker Carlson who states "I lie"?




“I guess I would ask myself, like, I mean I lie if I’m really cornered or something. I lie. I really try not to. I try never to lie on TV. I just don’t – I don’t like lying. I certainly do it, you know, out of weakness or whatever."

And you believe him?  :)


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So if you have a forever redundant gas pipeline but still have a contract to supply gas how do you avoid legal proceedings. You send a maintenance bot down the pipe carrying explosives, blow the pipe and blame external forces for the sabotage. You have now gone from refusing to supply gas to being unable to supply gas and avoid your contractual obligations. Anyone?

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23 hours ago, rogets said:

They also say that if you whitewash your Windows they will stay intact 


Even if your house has been totally obliterated, your windows won't break 

I heard that too. Apparently, even if you are located directly below the blast, and you house is instantly vaporised; any white-washed windows will remain unmoved and completely intact.


I'm thinking of white-washing myself in fact.

Edited by Waldo
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