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Robot Armageddon

Guest sibon

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On 29/09/2022 at 09:51, sibon said:



How big is your robot fear factor?

My big fear is Mobile phones are taking woman/mankind over....

I went to my daughter's yesterday for Sunday dinner, and I felt all alone, 5 0ut of 6 spent most of the time on their phones, I couldn't get a word in edgewise.

If I did manage to start a conversation, their phones would ring, and off they would go walkabout in the garden, leaving me all alone.

It seems to me that everything single thing we do is photographed and videoed by passers-by, and then posted on the internet or sold to the newspaper's.

Now that everyone has a Mobile/Camera in their pocket they think there a Paparazzo.

At the queens funeral spectator's were holding their phone's aloft to get a shot of the coffin ?


And why do they spend 20 minutes or so holding it the wrong way round to take endless shots of one's own nose ?

I'm not joking, a few months ago I stopped my car in a lay-by to relieve myself, and a passing lorry driver filmed me having a pee.

No doubt this riveting scene is already on You Tube, unless , of course, the chap wanted it for some kind of bizarre private collection...

I feel fairly sure that if I were to catch fire, no one would try to beat out the flames or find an extinguisher, they'd simply record the event on their phone's.

Am I being silly!!

Well, you have those people- who think it's a good idea to climb over security fences at zoo's.

Maybe they think the Leopard or the Tiger looks cute, but of course, as soon as they're actually in there, they quickly realize that it wasn't such a good idea after all. Usually as the creature is eating their leg.

What would you do if you saw someone being eaten in a Zoo?

Throw things at the animal? Try to find a rope so what's left of the person can climb out?

Yes, I'd do something like that too, but most people, if the internet is anything to go by, would whip out their phone's and make a grisly little film.


If a herd of Tigers runs amok in a remote Indian village, it's not news,

If a gang of wide-eyed rebels slaughters the inhabitants of a faraway African Village, it's not news..

But if it's a bit windy in America, it is news, because in America everything that happens is filmed.


This phenomenon has even spread to the natural world. I mean it, When an animal does something normal, its not news, But when it's caught on someones Mobile doing something normal, it becomes news, then it appears on the front page of the "Daily Mail" 

EG. an Owl catching a mouse, or an Eagle catching a fish...

Figures show recently that more people in India have access to a Mobile Phone than a Lavatory, it's the same story in Africa.

It seems to me that the all world is being filmed.

The only upside to all this is, I can spend all morning watching pictures of Amanda going shopping, or an Eagle eating a fish...





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Good idea.


Those little flying robots are already in use. Remember those fast changing  light displays at the Queen's Jubilee?

And you can bet they are, or soon will be used, in warfare. 

The  professor at the end of the film is right. We need to be very wary and keep control of these things, (but then we've all seen 'the terminator.')

Edited by Anna B
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