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Keith Bennett May Have Been Found

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I hope it is his remains that’s been found.  It is to late for his mum who wanted to give him a Christian Burial but hopefully his relatives will be able to do that and lay him to rest next to his mother.  I’m sure Keith has a brother who said he will never stop looking for him.



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Will be interesting to see what the police have to say once they've concluded their enquiries, but based on the author's propensity to make grand claims I'm not holding my breath.



But now an author who famously unmasked Jack the Ripper


"I've got the only piece of forensic evidence in the whole history of the case. I've spent 14 years working, and we have finally solved the mystery of who Jack the Ripper was. Only non-believers that want to perpetuate the myth will doubt. This is it now – we have unmasked him," Edwards told The Mail on Sunday, which serialised his book.


No, he didn't.

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