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Keith Bennett May Have Been Found

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19 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

They still havent found anything 🤨

Yes, sadly does not appear to be panning out...



Instead of doing the rounds of media outlets, maybe that bloke should return to the moor and be a lot more accurate about the facts and location of his find.

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The examination of the site has finished.  Nothing has been found.




Det Ch Insp Cheryl Hughes said forensic archaeologists and forensic anthropologists had "completed a methodical archaeological excavation and examination of the area previously dug and refilled by the member of the public".

"No bones, fabric or items of interest were recovered from the soil," she said.

She said the experts were now continuing a "controlled excavation of the area immediately surrounding the original site to provide a higher level of assurance of the presence or absence of any items of interest".

"Further soil samples have been taken for analysis, but at this time, there is no visible evidence to suggest the presence of human remains," she said.

The force said samples obtained by the member of the public had been sent by GMP to accredited experts for analysis.


In the Mail article the archaeologist who supervised the site 'remotely' said that she saw 'the left side of an upper jaw' that looked to be from a someone aged 11 or 12, organic matter that might be adipose tissue, and clothing, while the geologist said that soil analysis revealed high levels of calcium and phosphorous indicative of the presence of bones, as well as chemicals indicative of clothing. 


As for the author himself, he claimed to have smelled decay and found 'material', and that everything was put back into the excavated site:



Yesterday Mr Edwards described the moment he made the discovery: 'The smell hit me about 2ft down. Like a sewer, like ammonia.

'It was on my clothes I stank of it. The soil reeked. I worked as a gravedigger when I was 19 that hits you, that smell of death. It is distinctive…

'I was overjoyed. Then we found blue and white stripped material. Then I stopped. I put everything back as I found it.'

Mr Edwards believes it 'can only be Keith' – although DNA tests will have to be carried out before this can be confirmed.



A freshly excavated site can't be missed, especially as you presumably have this amateur team providing directions to lead the police right to it.  So what's going on here, apart from publicity for another book?
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Keith Bennett's brother, Alan, expressed his frustration and annoyance at the author, Russell Edwards.  This was the author's response:



This has prompted Mr Edwards to hit back and he told ITV News that his reputation was being "destroyed".


He said he had spent years of his life searching for Keith's remains and refuted claims he was using the search for publicity. In a direct message to Alan Bennett, he told the broadcaster: "I've literally dedicated seven years of my life to find justice for Keith, closure for your family and defeating Brady in his ambition to create the perfect murder and this is the thanks I get

"Why not go and meet me, let me show you what I've got and explain the stories instead of just trying to destroy me and my reputation, which is what has happened on social media since."



Mr Edwards said he would release the photograph of the jaw at some point, but would not return to the Moors to search for Keith's remains, saying: "I'm done... I'm looking at a further project now."


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27 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Why not just give the jawbone to police for testing?  This bloke sounds like a con artist 

It's bizarre.  You have a statement from the bloke himself saying that he returned the finds to the site they had excavated, plus evidence from the team's archaeologist and geologist apparently confirming the existence of physical and chemical evidence.  An exact location together with details of what they discovered.  And... nothing, once the police get there.


Given the grand claims of a Jack the Ripper 'unmasking' that subsequently turned out to be nonsense, I'd suspect that this was more of the same, but even more distasteful.  But the apparently confirmatory statements from team members who presumably have a professional reputation to maintain makes this odd to say the least.

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5 minutes ago, Hecate said:

It's bizarre.  You have a statement from the bloke himself saying that he returned the finds to the site they had excavated, plus evidence from the team's archaeologist and geologist apparently confirming the existence of physical and chemical evidence.  An exact location together with details of what they discovered.  And... nothing, once the police get there.

Yep, on the BBC an archaeologist confirmed she had seen the child's skull (Albeit a photo allegedly from the site)

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On 02/10/2022 at 10:13, West 77 said:

Given the passage of time it's best to stop searching for him.

Yes I agree.  He could be under the M62 motorway for all we know which was being constructed about the time these horrific murders were being committed.

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