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What's Hapend To Our Oil And Gas And Wind Farms .

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I'm guessing that things like wind turbines being told to stop producing too much energy aren't helping with higher bills.
No point in putting up more turbines if the infrastructure isn't there to distribute the generated power... bit of an embarrassing oversight in my opinion.


https://www.cityam.com/wind-farms-paid-to-halve-electricity-output-to-prevent-energy-grid-being-overwhelmed/#:~:text=Wind farms paid to halve electricity output to prevent energy grid being overwhelmed,-Nicholas Earl&text=Wind farms have been paid,published in The Sunday Telegraph.

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27 minutes ago, Leo Tomlinson said:

We are paying amounts un heard of just 12 months ago for our energy . So as the title what has happened to our  North sea oil and gas , why do the thousands of wind farms scattered  around not help with the electricity bills . Is it just the power companies ripping us off .

The UK currently gets its oil and gas from Russia but this is only a fraction (8%) of the fuel products imported to the UK. The vast majority comes from imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG), which is transported to the UK by sea from countries such as Qatar and the US. Other reliable suppliers include the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium.


About half of the UK’s gas comes from the North Sea, and a third is sourced from Norway. The UK hopes to have phased out its imports of Russian oil by the end of 2022.


The UK is a significant producer of both crude oil and petroleum products. The UK became a net importer of primary oils in 2005, but net imports fell to a 17-year low in 2020, and the UK became a net exporter (0.5 million tonnes) for the first time since 2004. Primary oils are one of the primary energy sources which include fossil fuels (petroleum, natural gas, and coal), nuclear energy, and renewable sources of energy. Meanwhile, electricity is a secondary energy source that is generated (produced) from primary energy sources.



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1 hour ago, West 77 said:

We're in transitional period between using oil and gas to being self sufficient with renewables and nuclear.  The pandemic and the Russian invasion are the main factors why energy prices are so high worldwide.  The USA has fared better because they are more or less self sufficient with their energy needs thanks to fracking which is why the dollar is so strong at the moment.

I would say we have been transitioning away from nuclear for the last 30 or so years, very bad forward planning by UK governments. Now we will have to pop over to France 13a plug and adapter in hand asking for some spare juice.

 USA people will have to pay market prices just like the rest of us, perhaps a saving on transport costs. I presume because their economy is fairing better some of which may be from fossil fuel production and export or not having to import, an Americans hour work buys more gas.



UK suppliers sell to the global market at global market prices, theirs no export restriction as far as I am aware,  £10 / unit last week now its £20  it's up to the purchaser, take it or leave it, free global supply and demand consumer driven  capitalism, affected by anything going, wars, viruses, politics and exchange rates. It's pay it or go without, I am sure the LNG tankers bringing gas in from abroad would be quite able to  take our gas elsewhere. Only thing you can do is make sure you get plenty of tax back.

Need more gas supply, less demand, less wars, less viruses and definitely less crap national administrations buggering up peoples lives,  whether invading neighbouring countries or ruining our economy.

With natural gas I suppose another way of looking at it is that we were lucky to have lots of handy cheap, clean, easy to manage fuel for all those years, took it for granted and became very dependant on it.



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29 minutes ago, Leo Tomlinson said:

Why not use  more smokeless fuel ,

Such as?


29 minutes ago, Leo Tomlinson said:

Which leads to why are we importing coal from Russia .


In July 2022 the UK had no imports of oil or gas at all from Russia but £51 million in coal was imported.


Unless you want to live in the dark this winter then it is necessary.

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