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What's Hapend To Our Oil And Gas And Wind Farms .

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14 minutes ago, Leo Tomlinson said:

We have our own coal .

So what are you suggesting that we start to build new pits to replace the closed ones which will take many years and many £billions to get up and running? We then will have to get people to work in them again.


8 minutes ago, Leo Tomlinson said:

No its not

It certainly is as I have just mentioned.

Edited by Dromedary
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40 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

So what are you suggesting that we start to build new pits to replace the closed ones which will take many years and many £billions to get up and running? We then will have to get people to work in them again.


It certainly is as I have just mentioned.

Not since the heavy oil crisis , The price of shipping has  gone up beyond belief , many vessels now laid up or being scrapped .

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5 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

The UK currently gets its oil and gas from Russia but this is only a fraction (8%) of the fuel products imported to the UK. The vast majority comes from imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG), which is transported to the UK by sea from countries such as Qatar and the US. Other reliable suppliers include the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium.


About half of the UK’s gas comes from the North Sea, and a third is sourced from Norway. The UK hopes to have phased out its imports of Russian oil by the end of 2022.


The UK is a significant producer of both crude oil and petroleum products. The UK became a net importer of primary oils in 2005, but net imports fell to a 17-year low in 2020, and the UK became a net exporter (0.5 million tonnes) for the first time since 2004. Primary oils are one of the primary energy sources which include fossil fuels (petroleum, natural gas, and coal), nuclear energy, and renewable sources of energy. Meanwhile, electricity is a secondary energy source that is generated (produced) from primary energy sources.



My bold. 


We in the UK apparently don't have the storage capacity to save & use all the LNG and we import so we process it & then re-sell on the international market & pipe it on to / back to countries such as Belgium, Holland & Ireland. 


Hopefully at a substantial profit? 

https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/nationalaccounts/balanceofpayments/articles/trendsinukimportsandexportsoffuels/2022-06-29#:~:text=The UK instead re-exports,at the three import terminals.


Given the current climate, isn't it more prudent to start building that storage capacity & start using the LNG in the UK? 

Edited by Baron99
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4 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

My bold. 


We in the UK apparently don't have the storage capacity to save & use all the LNG and we import so we process it & then re-sell on the international market & pipe it on to / back to countries such as Belgium, Holland & Ireland. 


Hopefully at a substantial profit? 

https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/nationalaccounts/balanceofpayments/articles/trendsinukimportsandexportsoffuels/2022-06-29#:~:text=The UK instead re-exports,at the three import terminals.

Quote from that article

"The increase in gas prices at the end of 2021 was because of increased global gas demand following the easing of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic restrictions, lower domestic renewable energy production"

So it was not the covid virus but the easing of restrictions afterwards, so all we have to do is bring back restrictions.     :huh::suspect:

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38 minutes ago, Arthur Ritus said:

Quote from that article

"The increase in gas prices at the end of 2021 was because of increased global gas demand following the easing of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic restrictions, lower domestic renewable energy production"

So it was not the covid virus but the easing of restrictions afterwards, so all we have to do is bring back restrictions.     :huh::suspect:

Yes, we seem to the import LNG, then sell it back to some of the countries who sold it to us in the first place?

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2 hours ago, Leo Tomlinson said:

Not since the heavy oil crisis , The price of shipping has  gone up beyond belief , many vessels now laid up or being scrapped .

The price of shipping may have gone up but so has the price of the commodities they are shipping so it is still cheaper to import coal. Shipping is one of the cheapest forms of transport as well that's why we are still getting LPG and other goods by ship from far flung places around the world.


I can't imagine what it would cost to start up just one mine let alone several and don't forget they would need to start from scratch as well.

Edited by Dromedary
did a slinny
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12 hours ago, Leo Tomlinson said:

We are paying amounts un heard of just 12 months ago for our energy . So as the title what has happened to our  North sea oil and gas , why do the thousands of wind farms scattered  around not help with the electricity bills . Is it just the power companies ripping us off .

It isn't "our" oil and gas - it's been bought up private equity funds who will squeeze the last drop of oil profit out of the North Sea.



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It is ours , But as usual the Government allow their backers to take over the goodies , rail , oil , gas .transport ,road building and so on . The profits end up in some off shore dodgy banks , The gangsters who have  robbed the poor people of our Country are then knighted by our Royal family , Its a cosy little carry on just like the Russian  Oligarchs who we house in London .

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