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Green Energy Scam?

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Well, is it?

My supplier boasts of using only electricity from renewable sources.

Wind, solar, hydro..

I wont pretend i know much about this subject So I was confused why my electricity was going up in price at the same rate as 'dirty' energy.  I mean, green is the way forward right?

This was the reply.....


Thanks for getting in touch about our prices increasing.
There aren’t separate markets for green and non-green energy sources. Once renewable electricity enters the grid, it carries the same wholesale cost as non-green electricity. That means that when electricity produced by burning fossil fuels becomes more expensive, renewable electricity does too.

So, what's the point of bragging about how cheap green energy is in comparison to fossil fuel when in the end it cost the same?


Or am I missing something?

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1 minute ago, HeHasRisen said:

No supplier can claim they use 100%, given all electricity/gas uses the same infrastructure,a load of oul garbage.

They get round that by claiming that the energy they supply to the grid is green, what you actually get is another matter.

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