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Alex Jones Ordered To Pay $965 Million

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11 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

There's nowt wrong with PJW. 

You just don't like his views so to you he's the enemy. 


This is funny. PJW has hung on Alex Jones's coat tails for years, he's basically a pound shop Jones, bought into Jones's brain pills scam and everything. And you're slating Jones (because he's been totally exposed and there's no way of defending him now) while still supporting PJW. Guess you haven't seen the report of PJW's blatant anti-Semitic rant recently.


It's entertaining watching all the SF members who will happily reproduce any old baseless far right conspiracy bôllocks suddenly pretending they never had any time for Alex Jones.

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Alex Jones made a major mistake with Sandy Hook and hurt a lot of people. It goes without saying that that needs retribution.

But even so, the penalty seems excessive.


In fact the sum seems so extortionate it makes me wonder what Alex Jones knows that has to be hushed up permanently. Or is that just me....




Edited by Anna B
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25 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Alex Jones made a major mistake with Sandy Hook and hurt a lot of people. It goes without saying that that needs retribution.

But even so, the penalty seems excessive.


In fact the sum seems so extortionate it makes me wonder what Alex Jones knows that has to be hushed up permanently. Or is that just me....




Yep! 🙂

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33 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Alex Jones made a major mistake with Sandy Hook and hurt a lot of people. It goes without saying that that needs retribution.

But even so, the penalty seems excessive.


In fact the sum seems so extortionate it makes me wonder what Alex Jones knows that has to be hushed up permanently. Or is that just me....

Jones didn't make a 'mistake' with Sandy Hook. He did it very deliberately and knowingly. He's done similar things with other tragedies too.


Don't believe his claims of bankruptcy, he's been hiding assets since this started. An economist testified in the Texas case against Jones that he and his company were worth as much as $270m. The fine doesn't look so big in comparison to that.


The fine isn't to hush him up permanently but to discourage him, and others, from deliberately lying about tragedies and knowingly making the victims lives hell purely for financial gain.

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13 minutes ago, Delbow said:

Yep. He's made a lot of money from scamming and lying, it's an easy grift for right wingers because there's such a market for culture war and conspiracy nonsense.

Best to ignore "conspiracy theories", unless they become mainstream.


Like I do.


"Russian Collusion" Traitor, MAGA means Fascism, and the current laugher:


LA Times

Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy. You have been Warned!


Aug 20, 2021 — Larry Elder smiled the smug smile of a Black conservative who could very well be liberal California's next governor.



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