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Tuc's Leader Says Says 'Workers Are Being Pushed To Breaking Point'

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1 hour ago, sibon said:

You see, the usual way to quote someone is to

use speech marks. You’ve opened yours, but failed to close them. Then you’ve made up a bit that you wish that Mr Reynolds had said. But he didn’t say it. It came entirely out of your head.

That’s why you are misquoting and misleading. 
You do it a lot.

It is a very dishonest way to conduct a debate.

It's not dishonest at all, you are just trying to divert attention from an unarguable case.

Only someone with a reading age of about 10 would fail to pick up on what was the original quote and what was added by me. Though what I said may as well have been said by him because it's absolutely true.


The Times 17 Oct 22 (p8) :


Jonathan Reynolds, the shadow business secretary, told the BBC "I don't know which bits of the budget still apply and I don't know what we will hear next week . What I will say is, any cuts the Conservative Party brings forward are entirely of its own making. Entirely because of its own incompetence [and nothing whatsoever to do with shutting down much of the economy for months on end, which we in the labour party enthusiastically supported].

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1 minute ago, Chekhov said:

It's not dishonest at all, you are just trying to divert attention from an unarguable case.

Only someone with a reading age of about 10 would fail to pick up on what was the original quote and what was added by me. Though what I said may as well have been said by him because it's absolutely true.


The Times 17 Oct 22 (p8) :


Jonathan Reynolds, the shadow business secretary, told the BBC "I don't know which bits of the budget still apply and I don't know what we will hear next week . What I will say is, any cuts the Conservative Party brings forward are entirely of its own making. Entirely because of its own incompetence [and nothing whatsoever to do with shutting down much of the economy for months on end, which we in the labour party enthusiastically supported].

Aye. Alright.


You just keep making stuff up lad.


I’m off to talk to the honest people.

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32 minutes ago, Tyke02 said:

Did you read what I wrote? You were attributing the initial drop to lockdowns.  


Most if not all of the FTSE drop occurred before the UK lockdown was announced.  I expect the market was reacting to the idea that whatever else happened disruption due to the pandemic was bound to cause issues, even in advance of knowing about lockdowns. 


Sweden did not lock down and still had a similar drop in the OMXS30 at the same time as the UK.  What caused that?


You haven't demonstrated causation, and even correlation looks a little weak.

They could see what was coming after the spineless Italians started locking down on the 11th March. I remember it well, it was like some kind of nightmare :


I can remember, back on the 11th March 2020, seeing Italy shutting down the north of the country. I was literally shouting at the TV "you cannot do that, have you any idea how much trouble that will cause !"

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47 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

They could see what was coming after the spineless Italians started locking down on the 11th March. I remember it well, it was like some kind of nightmare :


I can remember, back on the 11th March 2020, seeing Italy shutting down the north of the country. I was literally shouting at the TV "you cannot do that, have you any idea how much trouble that will cause !"

According to wikipedia the crash started on 20 February, 19 days before you say the Italians locked down. By 28 February the FTSE was half way down from the high to the low. 


You are trying to find facts that match your narrative, and failing.

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1 minute ago, Tyke02 said:

According to wikipedia the crash started on 20 February, 19 days before you say the Italians locked down. By 28 February the FTSE was half way down from the high to the low. 


You are trying to find facts that match your narrative, and failing.

Sorry, can we be clear, you are saying the huge economic problems we are in are either not really much to do with Covid, or, if they are, they'd have happened anyway even had much of the world not forcibly shut done most of their economies ?

Seriously ?

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Of interest is that it was not just share traders who could see what was coming. Most "vulnerable people" were already doing what the government later forced everyone (incl the "not vulnerable at all") to do. 


...over the weekend 14/15 March 2020 we'd arranged to travel down to Gloucester and see two Aunts of mine, both mid 80s. One was in a care home and one still living in her own house. The one living in her own house said her daughters had advised he not to meet up with anyone under the circumstances and the care home had already stopped people going in. In the event we went all that way and only saw my cousin because his wife has health problems and didn't want to go to a pub for a meal.

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29 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Sorry, can we be clear, you are saying the huge economic problems we are in are either not really much to do with Covid, or, if they are, they'd have happened anyway even had much of the world not forcibly shut done most of their economies ?

Seriously ?

Wasn't it clear from what I wrote?  I was saying that given there was a pandemic, it was clear there was going to be economic damage. For example the UK's old pandemic planning advice (that assumed no lockdowns) suggested that key service providers like utilities should expect they might have 50% of staff off at any one time due to illness or caring for dependants - the reduction in reliability in key services alone would create an economic hit. The markets fell in Sweden despite the lack of lockdown.


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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

Of interest is that it was not just share traders who could see what was coming. Most "vulnerable people" were already doing what the government later forced everyone (incl the "not vulnerable at all") to do. 


...over the weekend 14/15 March 2020 we'd arranged to travel down to Gloucester and see two Aunts of mine, both mid 80s. One was in a care home and one still living in her own house. The one living in her own house said her daughters had advised he not to meet up with anyone under the circumstances and the care home had already stopped people going in. In the event we went all that way and only saw my cousin because his wife has health problems and didn't want to go to a pub for a meal.

Yes I understand that it's difficult for "vulnerable people" to say no to people who want to visit without regard to their own best interests unless others intervene.  This is one of the reasons why some sort of voluntary ad hoc "focused protection" as advocated in GBD wouldn't work. 


By the way the markets started to fall about three weeks before that.

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That inflation graph is wrong anyway, inflation at about 10%.
We always buy Colmans Tartare sauce and it always cost £1.
Earlier this year it went up to £1.25, which was bad enough, but just now in Asda (Chaucer Rd) it was £1.50.


19 hours ago, Tyke02 said:

Yes I understand that it's difficult for "vulnerable people" to say no to people who want to visit without regard to their own best interests unless others intervene.  This is one of the reasons why some sort of voluntary ad hoc "focused protection" as advocated in GBD wouldn't work. 

My experience proves the opposite of what you are (purposefully) incorrectly concluding.

"Vulnerable" people were shielding themselves without any edicts from the government. There was no need to shag the economy (and society, obviously) by forcing people who were at no risk from the virus to stay at home, and, in fact, pay them huge amounts of money to do so.

And if shielding doesn't work why are thousands still doing it ?


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