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Obesity Not Hunger

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28 minutes ago, El Cid said:

I believe the science says it's easier to get fat with junk food because it doesn't send the same signals to the brain for a person to stop eating.

I like to think that I have more will power than most, so I don't get too fat, just a little.

Exactly - willpower.


I can eat an entire joint of pork on a Sunday as i keep picking at it every time i walk in the kitchen. It's nothing really to do with 'signals', it's people not having self control. I've eaten my bodyweight in Haribo at work today...


Processed food has a lot of salt which can cause water retention, but that's not weight as your body will eventually right itself. Like with alcohol and certain foods - they may cause bloating, but your body will sort itself out.


The problem is down to people not being aware of calorie intake and what a good choice is. People choose salads when they're dieting and will put calorie-laden dressings on it, but they won't count the dressing as it's only a dressing. So they say "I've only had a salad, so i can have that piece of cake" - by doing that they've probably had more calories than the fast food meal they would have preferred.


I sometimes have a croissant with fruit juice for breakfast - that's possibly the same, if not more, calories than a sausage or bacon sarnie. Neither are particularly bad, it all depends on what else you have during the day. My partner is on a fitness plan and she can have 1800cals per day, which is pretty good considering most diets are much lower. She sometimes struggles to hit that, but the key is that she's moving more - exercising most days and having more protein which is keeping her fuller for longer, so she's less prone to snacking.


The premise of losing and maintaining weight is a simple one, people just don't want to put in the effort.

13 minutes ago, Norbert said:

Most of us ate crap as kids, sweets, monster munch, pop, Frosties, angel delight. We also went out and played all day. Today with the vile scaremongering kids don't get to burn off the calories. Let the kids out!

It bugs me when video games become a scapegoat - i've had computers and consoles as a kid, but i still went out and played. My parents were just conscious of how much screen time me and my brother had and would give us strict times for how long we could play for.

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6 hours ago, Anna B said:

I doubt many people could find such a bargain these days. As for charity shops they are not allowed to sell second hand electrical items.

last time I was in barnardos British Heart Foundation and Sue ryder a couple of months ago, they all had used electricals on the shelves.


bit late to check shops but online Barnardos have a few used electricals listed on ebay

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3 hours ago, steve68 said:

last time I was in barnardos British Heart Foundation and Sue ryder a couple of months ago, they all had used electricals on the shelves.


bit late to check shops but online Barnardos have a few used electricals listed on ebay

Got there ahead of me.  I was about to say something similar.  BHF particularly has several large stores dedicated to nothing but furniture and electrical. Six branches in South Yorkshire for starters.


Some posters don't let facts get in the way of pushing their point.  

Edited by ECCOnoob
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8 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

BHF particularly has several large stores dedicated to nothing but furniture and electrical. Six branches in South Yorkshire for starters.

Around £10 billion is donated to charity each year! Then you probably have donated goods on top of that, we now also have baby banks.

It's great that people get free food from food banks and other goods are recycled via charity shops.


But do we really have poverty that is not caused by poor life choices?


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12 hours ago, hackey lad said:

How dare you challenge  Anna B .  She is always right 

I know it's almost unbelievable, 😱  I've even double checked this morning, despite the downpours, I've gone out and there are allsorts of kitchen electricals in the charity shops in Hillsborough even white goods.

Which is good as I can donate my old workshop kettle n toaster

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3 hours ago, steve68 said:

I know it's almost unbelievable, 😱  I've even double checked this morning, despite the downpours, I've gone out and there are allsorts of kitchen electricals in the charity shops in Hillsborough even white goods.

Which is good as I can donate my old workshop kettle n toaster

I think it was reported on an urgent news story that a lady needed a toaster as she was using the grill. Maybe you could get in touch with them....... 

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On 19/10/2022 at 00:03, Anna B said:

Nobody's saying it can't be done, of course it can, but why it might not be done. 

Can I suggest you try it yourself for 7 days. 


Start with a week's menu. Breakfast, dinner, and tea  x 7 for a family of 4, on a limited budget, and fitted in round a working week. after you come home from work.


Don't forget to include the time spent shopping for fresh ingredients every day, and the time spent prepping,  clearing up and pot washing afterwards. (If you want to make it a bit more complicated just for fun, you might like to include a few family fads and foibles thrown in like one vegan and one meat eater....) And don't forget to fit in the washing, and the ironing and housework in your spare time...  Oh, and helping with homework and the bedtime story...


Then do it, and see how long you last.

give me the budget you are thinking of and i'll do you a full week.

Edited by sheffbag
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8 hours ago, sheffbag said:

give me the budget you are thinking of and i'll do you a full week.

Go on then I'll bite. 


Feed a family of four Breakfast, packed lunch. and evening meal plus beverages for 25 quid. Start from scratch, nothing in store cupboard. 

I'd like you to actually cook it too as a practical experiment.

It might help give some people a few ideas on how to manage better.

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