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Calls For Hillsborough Disaster To Be Taught In Schools

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are those down south trying to ensure us up north get a even worse name , inc sheffield  ,i was nearby on that day and it was not all wednesdays fault as the new version states, why not mention more about the death camps of ww2 and try to ensure that wars dont happen.

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17 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Whilst acknowledging the seriousness of what happened at Hillsborough, there are terrible disasters happening all the time. and each one can teach people an important lesson so I don't see the point.

Looks like kids should learn much more about politics and especially about choosing their politicians wisely so that we finish up with someone who can run the country properly and,

when things do go wrong, can learn the lessons without wasting half a lifetime (and a lot of money) getting to the truth and then ensuring that no one pays for it anyway.

I recall many disasters happening since World war 2 and have yet to see a swift and proper response to any of them.


Maybe because it's not so simple as waving some magic wand to make everything better.


Sometimes disasters are caused by reasons previously unknown as for example the king's cross fire and the discovery of the trench effect which was a contributor to it spreading so rapidly.


Sometimes disasters are caused by basic human behaviour, idiocy, malicious acts, lack of responsibility.  You can have all the best standards and rules and precautions in the world but it won't change that.


Sometime disasters are caused by changes in time. Standards and regulations in force at the time something was built may evolve. By example something like Grenfell. The tower and it's subsequent cladding was all within the regulations. The builders and contractors were perfectly entitled to use it. Unfortunate truth is that it can take a disaster for problems to be discovered and changes to be made.


Sometimes a disaster is far more than just a single issue. When things happen, the public anger and hysteria demands for a head to roll - but very often it cannot be the case. It could be institutional failure, it could be multiple parties to blame. That is evident in the present topic of the Hillsborough Disaster. Yes we all know the disgraceful action the police did in trying to save face but no amount of campaigning, playing victim or political posturing is going to convince me that some of the Liverpool fans are not equally to blame. Plenty of them have blood on their hands for their own behaviour on that fateful day. It's far bigger than just some single entity.


Teaching disasters, the lessons learnt from such disasters and human behaviour is fine. But I do have concerns as to what exactly this MP's motive is. What sort of lesson we are trying to teach because if the answer is going to be some sort of anti authority stance painting the Liverpool fans as these innocent sweet victims then that is a distorted version for political agenda.


If there is any sort of real teaching to our future generation it's simply this....   Life happens. Our great leaders don't have a time machine or crystal ball. Sometimes things occur and when they do we just have to react and deal with it. Sometimes there isn't a single point of blame where we can all direct anger at. Sometimes blameless things happen. It is not simply so black and white and it's how we pick up the pieces and stop it from happening in the future that matters.

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2 hours ago, pattricia said:

The main point is “ Did we learn any lessons from The Hillsborough Disaster ? “

I'd say football ground safety has definitely improved, you used be treat like cattle and the grounds were crumbling monstrosities, I don't see the point in teaching kids something when the lessons learned from it have largely been acted upon.

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The same Ian Byrne who posted a few vile things of his own





Cllr Byrne took aim at businesswoman Michelle Mone with a comment of 'hit this c*** where it hurts.'


Other posts from Cllr Byrne calling Tory MP Esther McVey a 'b******' and Prince William a 'horse faced t***.'

And I wonder if he has anything to say about Liverpool fans pelting rival teams coaches with stones when they come into Liverpool.

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1 hour ago, top4718 said:

I'd say football ground safety has definitely improved, you used be treat like cattle and the grounds were crumbling monstrosities, I don't see the point in teaching kids something when the lessons learned from it have largely been acted upon.

Didn’t they alter the stands and make it seating only ? I’m sure the school children of today would be more interested  in the safety aspect of football grounds and not the tradegy itself.

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25 minutes ago, pattricia said:

Didn’t they alter the stands and make it seating only ? I’m sure the school children of today would be more interested  in the safety aspect of football grounds and not the tradegy itself.

Yes the Taylor Report led to all grounds being all seater stadiums and perimeter fencing was removed.

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