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Oxfords Plan To Tackle Road Congestion

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Here we go!


I can thoroughly recommend it...
... everyone should see the type of people who are running councils. :hihi:


If you've better things to do (but it IS a good giggle), I've made a few notes to save you 85mins that you'll never get back!


It's like being back at school.


Key terms to look out for: "it's a consultation process", "it's a trial period".


Question: What is the point of a traffic filter?
Answer: It's to filter traffic!


Good grief! How do these people get the positions they have?


Have a read of some of the comments.


Question: Why are we allowing vans and NOT EVs?
Answer: It's only a proposal, it's a congestion scheme.

Zero emission only allows zero emissions vehicles but they still take space on the road.
HGVs are allowed because we have building sites in Oxford!


Absolutely clueless! :hihi:


"If you think this is wrong, let us know".


"Nowhere is impossible to drive to... it's just that the routes will change. You'll now have to use the ring road".


I particularly like the one where someone has bought a new EV...
... and now has to look at buying a van to get around the restrictions. :hihi:


What a load of waffle!

"Climate change is real. A lot of our residents have relatives in Pakistan where they had terrible floods last month!"


"We want to make the lives of people who have responsibilities easier, so they will be exempt".


So many people whose mouths are moving but there's nothing worthwhile coming out.


People start answering a question, realise they don't know what they're talking about, so pass the question onto someone else!


Question: How have you come up with the boundaries?
Answer: Those areas that can't access the ring road are excluded. We encourage people to come back to us if they think we've got it wrong.


Question: How to update SatNavs so people don't get sent into paying zone?
Answer: We're going to have to think about that!


Question: What about getting kids to school?
Answer: "There are some fantastic electric driven cycle things for transporting kids to school. I don't know what you call them."


Question: Will driving instructors be exempt?
Answer: We will be looking to see if there is a need to extend the criteria.


OMG the councillor woman is now hugging a cat!


"I didn't stand to be a councillor to annoy people!"


They're making it up as they go along...
... in typical 'trial and error' fashion that we're all familiar with in Sheffield!


I've had enough ... they've worn me down... mission accomplished!


It goes on... and on... and on... :hihi:

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31 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:


Here we go!


I can thoroughly recommend it...
... everyone should see the type of people who are running councils. :hihi:


If you've better things to do (but it IS a good giggle), I've made a few notes to save you 85mins that you'll never get back!


It's like being back at school.


Key terms to look out for: "it's a consultation process", "it's a trial period".


Question: What is the point of a traffic filter?
Answer: It's to filter traffic!


Good grief! How do these people get the positions they have?


Have a read of some of the comments.


Question: Why are we allowing vans and NOT EVs?
Answer: It's only a proposal, it's a congestion scheme.

Zero emission only allows zero emissions vehicles but they still take space on the road.
HGVs are allowed because we have building sites in Oxford!


Absolutely clueless! :hihi:


"If you think this is wrong, let us know".


"Nowhere is impossible to drive to... it's just that the routes will change. You'll now have to use the ring road".


I particularly like the one where someone has bought a new EV...
... and now has to look at buying a van to get around the restrictions. :hihi:


What a load of waffle!

"Climate change is real. A lot of our residents have relatives in Pakistan where they had terrible floods last month!"


"We want to make the lives of people who have responsibilities easier, so they will be exempt".


So many people whose mouths are moving but there's nothing worthwhile coming out.


People start answering a question, realise they don't know what they're talking about, so pass the question onto someone else!


Question: How have you come up with the boundaries?
Answer: Those areas that can't access the ring road are excluded. We encourage people to come back to us if they think we've got it wrong.


Question: How to update SatNavs so people don't get sent into paying zone?
Answer: We're going to have to think about that!


Question: What about getting kids to school?
Answer: "There are some fantastic electric driven cycle things for transporting kids to school. I don't know what you call them."


Question: Will driving instructors be exempt?
Answer: We will be looking to see if there is a need to extend the criteria.


OMG the councillor woman is now hugging a cat!


"I didn't stand to be a councillor to annoy people!"


They're making it up as they go along...
... in typical 'trial and error' fashion that we're all familiar with in Sheffield!


I've had enough ... they've worn me down... mission accomplished!


It goes on... and on... and on... :hihi:

Thank the lord I have a crappy internet connection or I might have watched that. Thanks for taking a bullet for us Mr Bloke 🙏

You missed out one question though...


Question. Imagine you are in a brewery. How do you organize a pish up?

Answer. We will need to look into that.

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It's like watching a Ricky Gervais mash up of The Office meets Yes Minister!

My particular favourite (and one that I'm still trying to work out) is, something that is clearly stated (by one of the 'experts' in the video) as a CONGESTION scheme in Oxford, is according to the woman councillor, going to help stop flooding in Pakistan!

Anyone help with that one? :hihi:

These people use any excuse they can think of to get support for their lame ideas.

It's certainly opened my eyes as to the type of people that work in councils these days.

Like I suspect, most of the public, I naturally assumed that the people in charge of making these decisions (WHICH AFFECT EVERYONE'S LIVES!), had a modicum of training or qualifications in the areas they were dabbling in...
... and their irrational decisions were made through basic incompetence, NOT through a lack of common sense or intelligence!

It appears I was mistaken! :roll:

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2 hours ago, Mr Bloke said:


It's like watching a Ricky Gervais mash up of The Office meets Yes Minister!

My particular favourite (and one that I'm still trying to work out) is, something that is clearly stated (by one of the 'experts' in the video) as a CONGESTION scheme in Oxford, is according to the woman councillor, going to help stop flooding in Pakistan!

Anyone help with that one? :hihi:

These people use any excuse they can think of to get support for their lame ideas.

It's certainly opened my eyes as to the type of people that work in councils these days.

Like I suspect, most of the public, I naturally assumed that the people in charge of making these decisions (WHICH AFFECT EVERYONE'S LIVES!), had a modicum of training or qualifications in the areas they were dabbling in...
... and their irrational decisions were made through basic incompetence, NOT through a lack of common sense or intelligence!

It appears I was mistaken! :roll:

Just think of Julie Dore 

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