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If Its Going Well Its Running On Shell .

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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

26 billion , that could feed the World  from Somalia to Ethiopia , from the food kitchens in our City to the shop door sleepers on High Street , some thing not right in the Worlds thinking and greed system .

I don't think you actually understand why people in Somalia or Ethiopia dont have much food to eat and it's not because of money.

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

Yes but it's the poor man who is providing the Labour that's  making these people rich.

Yeah yeah and it's the rich man who is providing those 'poor men' employment opportunities and income.


Income which said poor man could one day choose to invest in a business or some shareholdings or even take some risk and start their own. Said poor man could use such income to build up their own nest egg, gain opportunities or advance themselves.  


Nobody's owed anything. Not everyone born with a million-pound goes on to be successful  equally not everyone born with nothing stays that way. Many work hard and create something for themselves.


It's business not some workers cooperative. There's no default right equal share 'just because'.  Employer hires and employees are contractually paid for their services at an agreed rate. If the employees don't like it they can seek to negotiate more if they can sufficiently justify their value. They can choose to leave and find alternative employment. They can take some steps to find ways of advancing themselves to reach a higher grade or position.


It's life.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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