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Do You Believe In Ghosts ?

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On 30/10/2022 at 13:14, spilldig said:

Years ago we took a picture.  When we had them developed there was a transparent figure dressed in  medieval clothes on the photo and the negative which was definitely not there when we  took the picture. 

Have you still got the photo?

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17 hours ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Was this photo taken at Carbrook Hall pub by any chance? I was was there once with friends circa 2002 and we took some photographs in there and when they were developed one of them had what appeared to be a figure in armer in it. It was weird though because the figure looked small, as if it was in the far distance but it in front of things that were quite close to us - if that makes sense?

No. It was outside the chapel at Lincoln cathedral and it has been published in a book which was something like Man Myth and Magic which my son has got at the moment.  We did have a monochrome copy of the picture but they kept the original colour one. It was about normal size by the way. The Carbrook Hall one sounds interesting. 

17 hours ago, carosio said:

Have you still got the photo?

I will try and find out the name of the publication.  It would be in the late 70s.

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I have a very good friend who was brought up in Children’s Homes in the early 70s....


He told me a story of when he was 7 years old and this is what he said....


He was sleeping in bed in a dorm of 4 boys and his bed was right next to the wall and he always slept with his back against the wall...


One night he was woken by a prod in his back so he looked across the room without looking behind him and noticed that the other 3 boys where in bed asleep he said he was gripped by fear realising it’s something else other worldly....


So he lifted up the covers and tried his best to run to the door to go to the person who was staying over looking after the children...


Whilst he was running and he quoted...


“It was like running in slow motion something was pulling him back”...


When he finally got to the door of the dorm he open it and he could run normally and he banged the door down of the lady staying over and all she said to him was....


“You sleep in here tonight”...


He found that strange because he never told her what happened to him....


He has stated that many strange unexplained things have happened to him whole throughout his life and he would fight against it and now he has said he accepts it and doesn’t fight against it  anymore sometimes when he feels sad and he states....


“That he can feel something or someone stroking both his arms which comforts him”...


Now that he is older and wiser he believes it’s his ancestors looking out for him that have passed over and showing him comfort....


Back around 2011-12 he tracked down the lady who looked after him in the Children’s Home and he would go to her house for lunch on Sundays and she once said...


“I still remember that night vividly”....



Once a old lady told him and she quoted...


“Its the living that hurt you not the dead fear nothing !!!...







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  • 2 weeks later...

Look!  A ghost coming out of the mist!  It's really worth clicking through to Twitter to watch the video in full size as it's very spooky,



A Brocken Spectre is actually an optical illusion (very convincing in some cases) that appears in certain weather and lighting conditions.  It's really easy to be fooled by perception into thinking  you've seen something ghostly.

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17 hours ago, crookesey said:

This is one that will remain unprovable, very much like religious belief, but nevertheless very interesting.

Plenty of reasonable, logical explanations for spooky phenomena, but true believers don't want to listen to it because logic and reason and science is dull and difficult and spooky explanations are far more entertaining. 


I agree; spookiness is much more fun.  My bookshelves are stuffed with ghosts, folklore and mythology, and I could write a thesis on The X-Files and Supernatural,  but that doesn't make the paranormal a real thing outside Chris Carter's and Eric Kripke's imaginations.

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58 minutes ago, Anna B said:

'Ghosts' is a bit specific.

I've experienced phenomena such as a certain feeling of fear accompanied by a drop in temperature/ cold spot, but 'saw' nothing. Does that count? 

We all feel similar when the Community Charge account drops through the letterbox. :gag:

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  • 10 months later...

At the back end of the 70s my grandfather and I had a bizarre experience at the Cairns Home For The Blind in Crosspool. I have been open minded and leaning to 'yes' ever since.


Also, there was a nice little stall at the Peace Gardens yesterday selling these hand-painted Mexican skulls. With the Day Of The Dead and Halloween fast approaching I got one for a granddaughter (big 'Coco' fan). They're quite cute really.



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The problem with this and other fringe subjects that people feel are exciting or interesting is that they require a lower threshold of evidence or reason to be convinced, because often people almost want them to be true.

For example, somebody might believe in ghosts because a friend told them of an experience they had, but they wouldn't believe someone who claimed a stranger had given them a million pounds as a gift, even though the latter is more likely to be true than the former.

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