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Trapped Nerve

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18 minutes ago, pattricia said:

Good to have blood tests done as they can tell you  a lot from them. Have they put you on any medication like blood thinners etc; ?

All blood test results normal, I will go back if things don't improve.

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I have a similar thing where sometimes my right hand goes numb and gets a bit cold as well. First off I went to the doctors who sent me for physio. After about 12 months of that, which did no good I packed that in . In the end I had an ECG and a blood test, which were all good.  This was about 8 years ago and I still have the problem.  I can still use my hand as normal but it can be a nuisance holding things because I can't feel the pressure so sometimes I can drop something if I dont grip it properly,  or the other way, crush something because I grip it too hard.

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8 minutes ago, pattricia said:

Good to have blood tests done as they can tell you  a lot from them. Have they put you on any medication like blood thinners etc; ?

I'm currently on my keep fit regime in preparation for Christmas...

Last week I was doing my daily routine of stomach crunches when my neck suddenly "Snapped"

Probably because I've spent the last year picking things up and putting them down again, also just sitting in a chair watching television.

Any way this caused me to have a very stiff neck, so I went to my medication cabinet, which I've not visited for about 25 years to have a rummage.

I found an outdated packet of painkiller pills called Voltarol..

A packet of pills that, I kid you not, comes with an instruction manual.


Now, as we know, any man who consults an instruction manual must consider himself a failure..

Instruction manuals are for the weak and indecisive.

They are for people who happily accept that someone, somewhere, knows better than they do.

However, I couldn't work out why a packet of non-prescription pills should require instructions.

So I had a read, And it was amazing.

First of all, you are told how to take the pills, you swallow them with a glass of water?

I'm hardly going to shove em up my backside am I.

Anyway, this Voltarol, and specifically the section on "common" side effects.

These include Diarrhoea, Nauses, Vomiting, Headaches, Dizziness, Vertigo, a Rash and a change in liver function.


Now call me a Party Pooper if you like, but on balance, I think I'd rather have a sore neck, than doing a bit of gardening with Diarrhoea running down my legs, Vomit exploding over my wheelbarrow, and a Liver that thinks it's a piece of Lego.

It gets worse, less common side effects include, Chest pains, Yellowing of the eyes, Collapse, Swelling of the Tongue, and a propensity to vomit blood..

In other words, if you take one of these pills to make your neck feel a bit better, there's a 1 in 1,000 chance you'll become a Werewolf.

Sadly, though, it could even be worse,

There's a 1 in 1.000 chance you could suffer Blistering eyes, Bleeding, Blurred Vision and Confusion.

In other words you become a Zombie!!!


So far, I've singled out Voltarol, but a trawl through the World of medicine reveals that nearly all Households Pills "n" Portions can have dramatic side effects. Nurofen, for example, can increase the risk of becoming deathly white and having a heart attack.

Imodium can make your intestine paralytic, while a Pill I was once prescribed for a Slipped Disc could, it seems, cause my gums to disintegrate and my teeth fall out.

Boots, meanwhile, will happily sell you a Hay Fever relieve tablet that could cause your face to swell up, while it seems Sudafed is basically a Magic Mushroom. It can cause you to have Nightmares, and run about the garden imagining your being chased by Jesus.

Many years ago, a new drug was introduced to combat Leukaemia, six healthy men were given this drug to see if there were any unpleasant side effects.

After a short while, they began to run  amok round the surgery, tearing their shirts off, and complaining they were about to explode, heads swelled up to three times there normal size, toes and fingers began to drop off, and there complete immune system collapsed, they didn't include an instruction manual saying there's a chance you might turn into the Elephant man and explode.

They didn't include an instruction manual, they just took it of the market.


All drugs have to be tested, wether on animals or humans, if it all goes horribly wrong, they bin them,

We know this, we know the drugs are safe, Why then, do we have these stupid leaflets saying we might suffer from sudden death?

Anyway my neck, got better after a few days............




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9 minutes ago, Padders said:

I'm currently on my keep fit regime in preparation for Christmas...

Last week I was doing my daily routine of stomach crunches when my neck suddenly "Snapped"

Probably because I've spent the last year picking things up and putting them down again, also just sitting in a chair watching television.

Any way this caused me to have a very stiff neck, so I went to my medication cabinet, which I've not visited for about 25 years to have a rummage.

I found an outdated packet of painkiller pills called Voltarol..

A packet of pills that, I kid you not, comes with an instruction manual.


Now, as we know, any man who consults an instruction manual must consider himself a failure..

Instruction manuals are for the weak and indecisive.

They are for people who happily accept that someone, somewhere, knows better than they do.

However, I couldn't work out why a packet of non-prescription pills should require instructions.

So I had a read, And it was amazing.

First of all, you are told how to take the pills, you swallow them with a glass of water?

I'm hardly going to shove em up my backside am I.

Anyway, this Voltarol, and specifically the section on "common" side effects.

These include Diarrhoea, Nauses, Vomiting, Headaches, Dizziness, Vertigo, a Rash and a change in liver function.


Now call me a Party Pooper if you like, but on balance, I think I'd rather have a sore neck, than doing a bit of gardening with Diarrhoea running down my legs, Vomit exploding over my wheelbarrow, and a Liver that thinks it's a piece of Lego.

It gets worse, less common side effects include, Chest pains, Yellowing of the eyes, Collapse, Swelling of the Tongue, and a propensity to vomit blood..

In other words, if you take one of these pills to make your neck feel a bit better, there's a 1 in 1,000 chance you'll become a Werewolf.

Sadly, though, it could even be worse,

There's a 1 in 1.000 chance you could suffer Blistering eyes, Bleeding, Blurred Vision and Confusion.

In other words you become a Zombie!!!


So far, I've singled out Voltarol, but a trawl through the World of medicine reveals that nearly all Households Pills "n" Portions can have dramatic side effects. Nurofen, for example, can increase the risk of becoming deathly white and having a heart attack.

Imodium can make your intestine paralytic, while a Pill I was once prescribed for a Slipped Disc could, it seems, cause my gums to disintegrate and my teeth fall out.

Boots, meanwhile, will happily sell you a Hay Fever relieve tablet that could cause your face to swell up, while it seems Sudafed is basically a Magic Mushroom. It can cause you to have Nightmares, and run about the garden imagining your being chased by Jesus.

Many years ago, a new drug was introduced to combat Leukaemia, six healthy men were given this drug to see if there were any unpleasant side effects.

After a short while, they began to run  amok round the surgery, tearing their shirts off, and complaining they were about to explode, heads swelled up to three times there normal size, toes and fingers began to drop off, and there complete immune system collapsed, they didn't include an instruction manual saying there's a chance you might turn into the Elephant man and explode.

They didn't include an instruction manual, they just took it of the market.


All drugs have to be tested, wether on animals or humans, if it all goes horribly wrong, they bin them,

We know this, we know the drugs are safe, Why then, do we have these stupid leaflets saying we might suffer from sudden death?

Anyway my neck, got better after a few days............




Oh dear, Mr Padders! :(

I think that post should come with it's own health warning...

... it can be very painful to have a fit of giggles if you're suffering from a stiff neck! :hihi:

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2 hours ago, Padders said:

I'm currently on my keep fit regime in preparation for Christmas...

Last week I was doing my daily routine of stomach crunches when my neck suddenly "Snapped"

Probably because I've spent the last year picking things up and putting them down again, also just sitting in a chair watching television.

Any way this caused me to have a very stiff neck, so I went to my medication cabinet, which I've not visited for about 25 years to have a rummage.

I found an outdated packet of painkiller pills called Voltarol..

A packet of pills that, I kid you not, comes with an instruction manual.


Now, as we know, any man who consults an instruction manual must consider himself a failure..

Instruction manuals are for the weak and indecisive.

They are for people who happily accept that someone, somewhere, knows better than they do.

However, I couldn't work out why a packet of non-prescription pills should require instructions.

So I had a read, And it was amazing.

First of all, you are told how to take the pills, you swallow them with a glass of water?

I'm hardly going to shove em up my backside am I.

Anyway, this Voltarol, and specifically the section on "common" side effects.

These include Diarrhoea, Nauses, Vomiting, Headaches, Dizziness, Vertigo, a Rash and a change in liver function.


Now call me a Party Pooper if you like, but on balance, I think I'd rather have a sore neck, than doing a bit of gardening with Diarrhoea running down my legs, Vomit exploding over my wheelbarrow, and a Liver that thinks it's a piece of Lego.

It gets worse, less common side effects include, Chest pains, Yellowing of the eyes, Collapse, Swelling of the Tongue, and a propensity to vomit blood..

In other words, if you take one of these pills to make your neck feel a bit better, there's a 1 in 1,000 chance you'll become a Werewolf.

Sadly, though, it could even be worse,

There's a 1 in 1.000 chance you could suffer Blistering eyes, Bleeding, Blurred Vision and Confusion.

In other words you become a Zombie!!!


So far, I've singled out Voltarol, but a trawl through the World of medicine reveals that nearly all Households Pills "n" Portions can have dramatic side effects. Nurofen, for example, can increase the risk of becoming deathly white and having a heart attack.

Imodium can make your intestine paralytic, while a Pill I was once prescribed for a Slipped Disc could, it seems, cause my gums to disintegrate and my teeth fall out.

Boots, meanwhile, will happily sell you a Hay Fever relieve tablet that could cause your face to swell up, while it seems Sudafed is basically a Magic Mushroom. It can cause you to have Nightmares, and run about the garden imagining your being chased by Jesus.

Many years ago, a new drug was introduced to combat Leukaemia, six healthy men were given this drug to see if there were any unpleasant side effects.

After a short while, they began to run  amok round the surgery, tearing their shirts off, and complaining they were about to explode, heads swelled up to three times there normal size, toes and fingers began to drop off, and there complete immune system collapsed, they didn't include an instruction manual saying there's a chance you might turn into the Elephant man and explode.

They didn't include an instruction manual, they just took it of the market.


All drugs have to be tested, wether on animals or humans, if it all goes horribly wrong, they bin them,

We know this, we know the drugs are safe, Why then, do we have these stupid leaflets saying we might suffer from sudden death?

Anyway my neck, got better after a few days............




Did you find any blue pills while you were rummaging?

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1 hour ago, hackey lad said:

Did you find any blue pills while you were rummaging?

Oh, you mean the Big Daddy,  (not that one)

Viagra, they will cause your Penis to stiffen.  This will enable you to have penetrative sex, - But with whom?

Thats the question,

Because, according to the instruction manual, it will need to be someone who's turned on by a man who may be bleeding from the eyes and nose..

Would a woman be interested?

Well, beware, because potential side effects of Viagra include sudden death.

So there you are, you start out with a bit of Rumpy-Pumpy and she finishes up covered in sick and blood, with a dead man on top of her.

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In other words, if you take one of these pills to make your neck feel a bit better, there's a 1 in 1,000 chance you'll become a Werewolf.

Sadly, though, it could even be worse,

There's a 1 in 1.000 chance you could suffer Blistering eyes, Bleeding, Blurred Vision and Confusion.

In other words you become a Zombie!!!

Edited by cressida
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