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Pond Street: £50m Arena In Sheffield City Centre 'Could Be Built In Six Months'

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1 minute ago, HeHasRisen said:

I think Victoria train station in Manchester stayed open for the whole time the Arena was built over it, so suppose anything is possible.

have you seen the access/space around the interchange? Narrow roads, no real space for plant/equipment/deliveries &c. Don't remember the Manchester Arena being built, so can't comment on that.

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1 hour ago, RollingJ said:

I think I kind of see what you mean, but what about during construction - stated to be 6 months to a year, which in Council-speak means about 5 years?

Dont forget to mention they want it quickly,  "and on the cheap".

This is a clear sign someone is dreaming and fantasising again most likely high on someting thinking the impossible is possible.

I would suggest a psychological assessment by professional psychologist first before any such plans are allowed to be put on the table. Just to prove that they are capable of putting realistic ideas on table and are not acting out of emotional fantasies.

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Doesnt porter brook/sheaf run underneath there in that area? I already see it happening that the project comes into problems because porter brook need moving or strengthening at enormous cost.

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9 minutes ago, dutch said:

Doesnt porter brook/sheaf run underneath there in that area? I already see it happening that the project comes into problems because porter brook need moving or strengthening at enormous cost.

The Porter Brook runs down the side of the Q-Park by the station and joins the Sheaf under platform 5. The culverted Sheaf then briefly appears just outside Ponds Forge before going back underground and emerging via the Megatron at Lady's Bridge. So the rivers are some way away from the bus station and wouldn't pose any problem I don't think, but it looks a very tight and congested site to build anything significant in between the existing buildings above and alongside it.

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1 minute ago, HallamGirl said:

The Porter Brook runs down the side of the Q-Park by the station and joins the Sheaf under platform 5. The culverted Sheaf then briefly appears just outside Ponds Forge before going back underground and emerging via the Megatron at Lady's Bridge. So the rivers are some way away from the bus station and wouldn't pose any problem I don't think, but it looks a very tight and congested site to build anything significant in between the existing buildings above and alongside it.

It is - notice the problem at the bottom of Pond Hill - and the vast majority of the plant and equipment is actually on-site at that project.

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This councillor really needs to sort out castle gate etc first. Seem to recall he didn’t cover himself with glory on that one and that he was suspended for a long time whilst his pals carried out some form of an investigation 

coupled with the fact that so far this year scc have an overspend of some £21m and are facing the real threat of govt appointed commissioners being brought then how does he think this further white elephant is going to be funded? Oh yes by private investment and govt loans ….. the same folk who have chucked taxpayers dosh into the hands of this useless council and it’s equally useless officers

the man needs a dose of reality instead of living in a fantasy world 




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11 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Hmmm... :huh:

I think people may be jumping the gun a bit here.

According to the report


A feasibility study is due to end soon, Coun Iqbal said, and he was keen to see it given the green light.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong here, but in the REAL world a feasibility study is done to assess whether the original idea is FEASIBLE - in other words, is it capable of working successfully!


But ACCORDING TO THE STAR REPORT and even BEFORE the feasibility study is completed, SCC seem to have made their own minds up that the idea is a good one and should go ahead...
... in which case, what's the point of carrying out the feasibility study anyway (other than to tick a few boxes that the SCC 'procedure manual' says need ticking)?


To be fair to Councillor Iqbal, he's also quoted as saying


“The scoping exercise ends soon and we’ll make a decision then, but I’m keen to see it happen, it would generate additional footfall and be great for the city centre.”

So it's all a long way off yet, and is just a bit of what seems to be accepted as 'journalism' these days, intended to whip up the crowd! :roll:

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9 minutes ago, Beamish said:

Don't we already have an arena that is stood doing nothing most of the time since the Leeds one was built.

Other cities have been sensible enough to actually put their arenas in, you know, city centres. A good idea this but its a) 30 years too late and b) far too small as modern arenas go.

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