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Should Sheffield Take Refugees

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Guest makapaka
On 08/11/2022 at 20:40, HeHasRisen said:

Belgium have had ID cards for 103 years.

How many arrests a year are there in Belgium for people not carrying their ID?


They have had them 103 years so surely enough years there for you to find some stats on the subject.

So what - I don’t want to have to carry one.

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1 minute ago, makapaka said:

So what - I don’t want to have to carry one.

Fair enough, The person who I was initially quoting had no stats as to how many people had been arrested in Belgium for not producing it whilst asked, so I assume he was merely scaremongering, as people like to do around these parts.

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note today NEXT clothes company say they are desperate for staff,so much they have offered to pay the goverment money to be able to import foreign labour as it appears we dont have any,the farmers and other companys are also wanting to pay the goverment to import labour as theres so many jobs and no one to fill them.

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On 09/11/2022 at 14:02, scottcross said:

Yankees need ID cards to get into pubs ,I was asked several yrs ago in Portland for ID before i could enter a pub ,I was 60 at the time,told the student on the door that us Brits dont carry ID ,Manged to get in ,wish i hadnt as the beer was {-----]


On 09/11/2022 at 14:06, HeHasRisen said:

Well that isnt strictly true either, I have been into many licensed establishments without having to show one, it may vary by state though (Portland Maine or Portland Oregon?) Granted they do ask for them at the bar (and in shops) a lot more. 

Almost everywhere I went in USA we needed ID for alcohol. I was 30 and my brother 34. 

Not in small towns and villages so much, but even at Boston RedSox we went to a game, and the guy in front of my in the queue looked about 80 or 90, and he had his ID ready! Though that does create a bit of a laugh. 


We did go to a small (ish ) town, but were told it was a university town, and we literally couldn't get a drink anywhere (as we both left our passports at the motel, and it was miles away). 

We got lucky, a fight broke out at this night club and the doorman went to assist, and we ran inside! :hihi:



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