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Should Nurse's Strike?

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1 minute ago, Delbow said:

I suspect you live somewhere a lot more affluent than me, where the general level of health is a lot better and the pressure on health services therefore less. The health inequalities in Sheffield are very stark - but I can't afford to up sticks to S10 or wherever, and nor can most

Only the better of say nhs staff are lying ,  No Time At All For Them , they might go private.  I have had stents. ,Triple by pass, went in for two. Mini strokes,  and pace maker, .  I think they are worth every penny they can get ,


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2 minutes ago, Delbow said:

I suspect you live somewhere a lot more affluent than me, where the general level of health is a lot better and the pressure on health services therefore less. The health inequalities in Sheffield are very stark - but I can't afford to up sticks to S10 or wherever, and nor can most

Then your suspicions are wrong! I'm a pensioner living on a council estate near Arborthorn, where there is a lot of single parents, migrants and many on benefits who use food banks. 


I suspect you are mid 30s and vote Labour. 



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50 minutes ago, Delbow said:

Interesting how those in charge are so keen to introduce the market into the NHS but seem to assume that market forces won't apply to the workforce who could earn the same or more in easier jobs elsewhere. In a theoretical sense, I'd be happy for them to crash healthcare and then watch them try to work out how to get healthy people with the right skills into the jobs they want filling to make 'their' money for them, but obviously it would be awful for everyone else as well.


There’s nothing theoretical about it, that’s already happening across most private sectors in the UK that are cheap labour-intensive.


NEXT’s CEO was crying in his beer about it only today.

Public healthcare is crashing in the UK for mostly the same reasons.

But well. Room, elephant and all that.


Edited by L00b
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2 minutes ago, Slinny said:

Only the better of say nhs staff are lying , ....

I don't think people are saying the Nurses are lying at all. It's just the usual media trickery coming into play, a bit like LBC, where they chose a few that may be having problems and then project that as all nurses. 


After a while you get to see how it all gets hyped up out of all proportion for effect and how the gullible believe it.

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5 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

Then your suspicions are wrong! I'm a pensioner living on a council estate near Arborthorn, where there is a lot of single parents, migrants and many on benefits who use food banks. 


I suspect you are mid 30s and vote Labour. 



Would love to be mid-30s again! Not really a Labour fan. I live in Pitsmoor, though given the choice of staying put and struggling to get a GP appointment or moving to Arbourthorne, I'd stay put.

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9 minutes ago, Delbow said:

Would love to be mid-30s again! Not really a Labour fan. I live in Pitsmoor, though given the choice of staying put and struggling to get a GP appointment or moving to Arbourthorne, I'd stay put.

Good! We have enough problem with people around here.

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50 minutes ago, L00b said:

There’s nothing theoretical about it, that’s already happening across most private sectors in the UK that are cheap labour-intensive.


NEXT’s CEO was crying in his beer about it only today.


I guess this exposes the fruitlessness of the "can't other people pay tax instead" mindset that plagues this country. Not that it will make them change their ways, mind.

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