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Should Nurse's Strike?

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Yes I imagine 12 hour shifts are not uncommon, but if the Pandemic taught us anything it was who the workers were that we could not manage without.  And the one's that do the most necessary work. It's about time they were properly regarded and rewarded.


I don't remember clapping for one person earning 120,000 plus (though an exception might be a few consultants in that bracket.)  It's the much defiled workers who keep this country running, not the overpaid, overentitled CEO's. We seemed to mange pretty well without them.


The gap between the best paid and the lowest paid is now ridiculous.

Edited by Anna B
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30 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Forward planning should have identified how many nurses were necessary in future years.

Students who wish to study for a degree where there is a skill shortage should not pay fees but would be required to work in that profession for a determined number of years. If they leave before the prescribed period they repay the course fees.

Obviously only suitable applicants would be accepted to avoid the project being abused.

Forward planning has, from a very long time ago, and continually since. 

The problem is that there hasn’t been any  policy to address and deliver on these requirements in over a decade or longer, to the extent that one has to wonder whether that absence of political management was (and still very much is) the actual policy.


And your fee waiver is far too commonsensical and long term’d, for modern day politics.

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43 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

This Goverment are the NHS worst eneny,  apart from Hunt stabbing them in the back, during the Pandemic Johnson the lying Bas---- told them they were the heroes of the Nation which they actually were and still are then he stabbed them in the back aswell. :roll:

Correct. This post is just what I would have liked to say.

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32 minutes ago, L00b said:

Forward planning has, from a very long time ago, and continually since. 

The problem is that there hasn’t been any  policy to address and deliver on these requirements in over a decade or longer, to the extent that one has to wonder whether that absence of political management was (and still very much is) the actual policy.


And your fee waiver is far too commonsensical and long term’d, for modern day politics.

Yes, it has very much been policy. It's what the Conservatives call 'Rolling back the State.'

In other words allowing the free market to take over and decide need, as well as profit and loss. This is the government that knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.


It's also why huge chunks of the NHS have been hived off and privatised to make them subject to market forces. It's been a disaster as any 'profit' goes to shareholders, not back into the NHS as it used to. So in effect the NHS has been starved of resources, and had no choice but to hire them in (usually at much inflated prices) from privatised companies. 


Understaff the nurses, and hospitals then have to hire 'freelance' nurses from agencies at great cost. (Not that much extra goes into the pocket of the freelance nurse, most of it goes to the agency /shareholders.)

The same is true of many care workers. Care homes, which now average £1,000 a week per person yet employ minimum staff on minimum wage, are a good example of this.

Don't think that doesn't affect you too. It doesn't just apply to the family who have to foot the bill, but to taxpayers who have to foot the bill of those who are not fully funded.... 


Just one of the reasons the NHS, and particularly social care,  is in such a mess.

Remember Boris saying the NHS wasn't to be privatised? Another of his bare faced lies. It's a scandal.

Edited by Anna B
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38 minutes ago, Anna B said:



I don't remember clapping for one person earning 120,000 plus 

No, you only clapped along with the rest of the sheep because the BBC scheduled in a special programme and told everyone to do it.


If they had told everyone to hop on one leg whilst doing it, people would still have done it. Baaaaaaaa!

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3 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

No, you only clapped along with the rest of the sheep because the BBC scheduled in a special programme and told everyone to do it.


If they had told everyone to hop on one leg whilst doing it, people would still have done it. Baaaaaaaa!

What makes you think I did it?  There are better ways of showing appreciation.

Next you'll be telling me the media has no influence...

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Just now, HeHasRisen said:

No, you only clapped along with the rest of the sheep because the BBC scheduled in a special programme and told everyone to do it.


If they had told everyone to hop on one leg whilst doing it, people would still have done it. Baaaaaaaa!

Crawl back under your  rock.  :rant:

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8 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

You literally just posted that you did 

Afternoon, sweetie pie 🥰🥰😘😘

Maybe you'd like to try addressing the important issues we are discussing, instead of trying to draw the focus onto the minutest, most pettyfogging details... 

Edited by Anna B
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Just now, Anna B said:

Maybe you'd like to try addressing the important issues we are discussing, instead of trying to draw the focus on the minutest, most pettyfogging details... 

Im ok thanks. I would rather discuss how mugs clapped for this profession (because people told them to) and now people will potentially be happy to throw them to the wolves because they are off on strike....

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