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Should Nurse's Strike?

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2 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Im ok thanks. I would rather discuss how mugs clapped for this profession (because people told them to) and now people will potentially be happy to throw them to the wolves because they are off on strike....

They were not mugs who clapped for them, they were people showing appreciation and respect. 

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13 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Maybe you'd like to try addressing the important issues we are discussing, instead of trying to draw the focus onto the minutest, most pettyfogging details... 

The way that the media put a certain group of workers on a pedestal compared to the rest of society is fundamental to the discussion. Why are X more deserving than Y


The clapping thing was bizarre, makes you wonder if there was a foreign power manipulating the country

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2 minutes ago, fools said:

The way that the media put a certain group of workers on a pedestal compared to the rest of society is fundamental to the discussion. Why are X more deserving than Y


The clapping thing was bizarre, makes you wonder if there was a foreign power manipulating the country

It was really funny when they tried to bring the clap back in Jan 2021 but everyone on Twitter told the woman who invented it to F off. Funny what a 3rd lockdown when the weather is a bit ropey can do to people, eh? 🤣


No chance on earth people would have done it to start with were it minus 15 outside.

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Should nurses strike?...depends how much nurses view themselves as "professionals".

"Professionals" don't tend to strike.


Nurses should be very careful about striking...as it is very easy to lose public support through actions...even for professions seen as saintly.


Look at GPs...they have really damaged the image of their profession amongst the public (including myself), by hiding in their surgeries during COVID and refusing to see patients.

I used to live next door to a nice, fairly newly qualified GP and she only worked 3 days a week, despite being trained up at great cost to the taxpayer,

GPs had much more respect in the public's eyes, when they actually visited your house (as I remember from the old days), saw you out of hours and treated the job as a vocation...not just £60,000 a year for 3 days a week. Now a lot of that respect has gone and will never return.


I massively respect hospital doctors, consultants, other AHPs and support staff and the vast majority of nurses working in hospital settings, for how they carried on during COVID and during my families various stays in hospital...but nurses still need to be very careful how they play their cards.

People remember that some nurses neglected basic patient care and patient vitals monitoring at Mid Staffs and other Trusts, leading to patient's drinking water from flower vases and in some cases dying from preventable conditions.


They need to remember that although they have a degree and get nursing support for basic tasks...they are still responsible for monitoring their patients.

It is so easy to tarnish the image of your profession for ever...


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12 minutes ago, fools said:

The way that the media put a certain group of workers on a pedestal compared to the rest of society is fundamental to the discussion. Why are X more deserving than Y


The clapping thing was bizarre, makes you wonder if there was a foreign power manipulating the country

True, but as I've said before, it really showed us who the workers were that we couldn't do without, and they are not the fat cats at the top of the food chain.


As for the clapping it was Bizarre, and it wasn't even Boris's idea. They did the clapping in several countries (that were ahead of us) along with ideas that were common to all. Even Australia did it.  Which tends to make me think the whole pandemic was stage managed from a central source. But that's for the Coronavirus thread.

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49 minutes ago, Anna B said:


Next you'll be telling me the media has no influence...

So basically you are agreeing that it was media led!:huh:


But to answer the original post then no they shouldn't strike.


28 minutes ago, fools said:


The clapping thing was bizarre, makes you wonder if there was a foreign power manipulating the country

According to some on here it was Russia!

Edited by Dromedary
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Well, the essentials of life: food, water, sanitation, and housing come first imo - many of the people involved in those industries get minimum wage, not 30k+


If you can't manage on 30k, it's your own responsibility.


Didn't notice it happening elsewhere on such a scale, when main broadcast channels here stop their programmes to clap and film people banging pots, we've entered cuckoo land.

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12 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

According to some on here it was Russia!

Switched over to BBC last night, to see if a film was worth watching, took less than 2 seconds before the words climate change entered the dialogue. Whoever is pushing the buttons, it appears to be working

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25 minutes ago, fools said:

Switched over to BBC last night, to see if a film was worth watching, took less than 2 seconds before the words climate change entered the dialogue. Whoever is pushing the buttons, it appears to be working

Now for the $64.000 question: who’s pushing these buttons?


Our Russian friends?


Big oil?
Disaster capitalists à la Crispin Odey and the ERG lot?

Fundie neoliberal Christians à la Koch?

the military-industrial complex?


the Lizard people?

Bill Gatesand Zuckerberg!
all of them? 

some of them?
none of them?


Irrespective, it’s long past time the little people started trying to do something about their plight, instead of waiting endlessly on the snake oil merchants with numbered accounts masquerading as Ministers.

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Saw this a few weeks ago:




Says his take home pay is £1,300PM and he can't put food on the table, and yet the minimum average salary for a paramedic in S.Yorks is £36,000 with a take-home pay after tax and NI of £27,853 so his math seems to be lacking somewhere!



7 minutes ago, L00b said:

Now for the $64.000 question: who’s pushing these buttons?


Our Russian friends?


Didn't think it would be that quick but not unexpected.!!!! :hihi:


Shame he uses the kiddie button as he would have seen what I put then. 

Edited by Dromedary
did a slinny
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