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Bali Hi Will Call You ,

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So The good and the great have now all ended up in Bali , to discuss the Worlds problems .

They have just finished the last do in  Egypt , where they said that they will sort out global warming . 

These exotic locations are reached by mostly private jet planes ,  The Limo's pile em all in from air port to luxury hotel , or health spars .

The Leaders of the said Countries are all in  evidence , China , America , France , and the UK , 

At these get togethers  there is always one notable absentee , Putin , for some reason he always sends his mouth piece  who usually walks out on any  topic that criticises Russia , 

But as usual nothing alters , The yanks and China carry on belching out pollution along with India and most of the middle east .

All these conferences could now be done on line , but a week in Bali Hi will call you .

Edited by cuttsie
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